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Everything posted by DonAndersen

  1. Folks, This came my way for a "fan out". If you wish either a PDF or JPG file, Google Don Andersen - email address is on the web site or click on the sig" line. catch ya' Don
  2. ÜberFly, Never hooked it but chased it down the Bow for a good long way. And then the River Cops showed up and recovered their "dummy" they were practicing with. Have found enough forceps to equip my own operating room, a lot of full beer cans - mostly junk beer - guess people take better care of Bigrock than they do of Bud, various types of floatant, several rods - got one this summer on Beaver Lake on a 20' leader c/w a chironomid, a couple of pickerel rigs - still looking for a SUV or jet boat. Know of several lost in the N. Sask. catch ya' Don
  3. Blame my mother - good enough for her - good enough for me. Don Andersen
  4. Folks, Some years ago I attended a Sulphur Producer symposium where a presentation was done by a engineer who was chairman of a think tank [ might be a oxymoron in there somewhere] who told us the forecast for Oilsands was a production of 36,000,000 LT of sulphur/year. At that point, the world sulphur production was only 36,000,000 LT of which Alberta shipped 4,000,000 LT of which 2,500,000 was from production. Now most modified Claus process attain about 99.3% efficiency. So, if you can believe an engineer, FT Mac. will dump about 690LT/day to the atmosphere. Anybody ever see Sudbury? catch ya' Don
  5. To make the video complete, you need some quads & maybe a random camper or 2. Don
  6. Guys, Copied your comments to Marco Fontana of the ACA who is responsible for beaver removal from Stauffer. My thanks for caring enough to post. regards, Don
  7. Rusty, Need your address - gotta hot shot you a box of beer in thanx for the last 3 paragraphs. About sums up what we need to do. catch ya' Don
  8. tallieho, A black one would be great. Personal email on it's way. Don
  9. Guys, What I'm looking for is the body hair so a whole hide is needed. The tail is not required. Grey squirrel is a decent substitute for Hare's Ear and I was wondering how the black might work. regards, Don
  10. Tungsten, I like the pontoon boat for it's ability to be moved readily while following fish. Not only that, but I can anchor and fish that way. Plus, of course, the fun I have drifting rivers that would sink a regular boat. While I've thought about a pram, we now have 5 boats for a 2 person household. Running out of places to store them. regards, Don
  11. cheeler, Could do that - you bet - takes about 70 hours to make one rod @ 0.375" OD - wonder what I'd be doing the rest of my life @ 18"*2. When we did mag particles in my previous life, we always removed surface scale and paint. I didn't realize that it could be done "dirty". Don
  12. Rusty, See edited #1 post. Don Cheeler, Mag particle tests or dyes work just fine if the paint is removed. The paint may have enough "stretch" to hide the crack. Don And thank God for cane rods. My rod, pressed against the seat back, when the frame broke kept the tube from rotating completely around. I'd suspect that a Sage would've been garbage.
  13. jksnijders, Looks like a Conibear trap with the remains still in it. Is that what it is? Don
  14. Folks, This is an ugly story and one you may become part of. Over the past 2 weeks, between 3 friends, we have now had 3 pontoon frames break. My boat frame had been previously broken and re-welded. The other boats were less than 3 years old. We are not weekend warriors. We use our boats a lot. All the frames were made of aluminum. My frame lasted the longest as it suffered generation one construction and was built heavier than the frames of today. In each case, the frames were held together with the back frame system. Some boats are not equipped with them and you will be in the water. The boat is impossible to row with the frame broken. We were lucky as we were wearing fins and had others to help us but for those that don't - WELL - it's gonna get ugly. So what do you do - check out the welds on the seat crossbars to the side frames. Look underneath. That is where the frame will start to crack. Aluminum doesn't rust - look for hair line cracks with a strong light. If cracks are found, you have minutes>hours till you too join the dump in the lake/river group. Even if cracks cannot be seen, that doesn't mean that they don't exist. You may still be @ risk. The boats were of various manufacturers none of which were Outcast boats. I replaced my frame with an Outcast steel frame. What we have done is go to steel frames on the 3 boats that failed. Steel bends letting you know that disaster is coming. Aluminum just dumps you W/O warning. regards, Don
  15. Guys, The ACA has finally got a contract with a guy to work on the beaver problems on Stauffer. If you are aware of any, please send me the GPS coordinates available Via Goggle Earth and I'll past them along. Regards, Don
  16. Thanx guys, For the help. My ancient Buck Bag Bronco frame finally well apart after 12 years and several hundred of days of use. The tubes were replaced some time ago. Bill @ the Fishin Hole was a great help in getting me back on the water. Leave Thursday for a week of fishing Need my boat bad. Would've ordered another Bucks if I could have got it here in time. catch ya' Don
  17. Folks, Does anyone in Calgary sell Bucks Bag Pontoon Boats? Don
  18. Maxwell, A hunting trip in the inner city. Is that like a hunting trip when city folks come into the bush. Ya know, shoot up the signs, rip up the green spaces, throw garbage everywhere all the while maintaining level of sobriety only seen @ 2:00 AM. on Electric Ave. I"M iN!!!! Seriously, shot me a email. We'll work something out. Don
  19. Folks, Want a black squirrel hide c/w tail. Princess Island got a sack full. Cash available for a fresh one - no road kills please. Don
  20. Steelhead, And he says"I think your cutting out the middle man who can make the better deals for you all and can carry you across the banana peels on a flying carpet." And Don replies: Well, in Ironside Pond case if which I raised the funds - the total $'s raised from the Govt of Alberta SRD was matched by the total $'s raised from Calgary folks - you guess it "0". The funds came from The County @ 18% , Alberta Lotteries Recreation Fund @18%, a number of Edmonton based groups 5%, several local groups @1% and the Alberta Conservation Association @ 18% followed by in kind contributions of 40%. Guess I kinda milked the locals. And Steelhead says "I must add, you will have to share the glory with many other contributing groups and not be greedy putting the TU name all over it like it was all them that did it. Something like that doesn't scare you all off, does it? And Don replies: The contribution groups were mentioned by name on the sign @ Ironside Pond. TU was only one of the names mentioned. Unfortunately, the sign was vandalized and removed. TU's total involvement in the project were the efforts of 2 members, no TUC or TUC employees took part. And Steelhead - if you have the time, we can share TUC horror stories some day. catch ya' Don
  21. Neil, Nope - you wrong - what's with that - the attendance thing comment has to do with getting things that have nothing to do with Roundtables. Streamwatch, for example, never saw a Roundtable. Steelhead You're right baby steps it is. I've watched the fisheries both flowing and still degrade year after year in baby steps. The Quality Lake fishery policy was an attempt to get a few lakes back to what they were not that many years ago. We've already been informed that there will not be a review of the east slopes fishery for some time. So, I guess, what do you suggest we do now? And whoops - apologizes to one and all. When I said there was no Trophy Lake fisheries in the Province, Bull Trout in K Country never even came to mind. What I might have said is that there is no Trophy Lake Regulations. I guess, based on my born in Alberta bias, I see Bull trout as good grits much like Newfoundlanders see cod. catch ya' Don
  22. Guys: Stuff in no particular order: * Attendance @ a Fisheries Roundtable has Dick Sh*t to do with doing things for any fishery. Sure it helps to modify/change/add to Fisheries Management Policies. But attendance is not a prerequisite for getting your butt in gear and your hands dirty. * Jim's idea of using Cochrane Lake is great. Go for it - look it over - see whether or not it can happen * Kerbe's Pond is south of Stettler. Was stocked for years - winter and summerkilled occasionally. The people in the area took it on - did the leg work, got the funding & got it done. A great example of local people taking responsiblity for making this happen. * To date, although Organizations have been asked, documentation provided and phone calls made - no money has issued forth from Calgary to support Quality Fisheries in the Rocky>Sundre area. Curiously, if the people from Calgary stayed home, the parking lots would be nearly vacant. * In fairness however, I've had the pleasure of working with two Calgary folks @ the test fishery that happens each year on Ironside and Fiesta. I got a email the other day that basically closes the door on any more Quality Lakes in the Rocky area. So to prevent the 37 boats @ one time on Beaver seen this past May long weekend or the 17 boats on Iron side experienced 2 years ago, we had best develop some other lakes. Gotta love the Govt. Got success - for God sake don't repeat it. What remains to be done: * Overhaul if possible the non-Quality Lakes in Alberta. Hell, some of them went from 14 lbs.>14" with chuckles and grins from the Biologists involved. Thank God he retired but his legacy lives on. * Find out who owns the dock thing @ Fiesta and get it fixed. regards, Don
  23. Tee, Wish I could help. As Silver.. said - talk to collectors on Clarks Board [http://clarksclassicflyrodforum.yuku.com/]. The rod/reel may have more value based on previous ownership. But bear in mind that used long rods are generally much lower priced than rods <8' long. The reel - well - on that I really don't have a clue. Don
  24. I'm gonna crack a beer - opening day was January 1 and no I don't ice fish - ice for for whiskey - poor whiskey - not for fishing through. Don
  25. MissinTheBow, I appreciate your comments BUT there are a number examples of folks that have done yeoman work to create opportunities for all to enjoy a better fishery. In no particular order: Kent Butterfield of Stettler - Kerbes Pond Tim Dostuch of Edmonton + the FESA team - Muir Lake Bloom of Medicine Hat - Bullshead Al Caldwell and Clive of the Lethbridge area - Police Outpost Plus in the Rocky Mountain Area, I will add Warren Taylor of Gull Lake who humors my silliness, gives moral support, provides equipment at no charge, gets pissed @ the speed of change and lastly is always "on call" to service the best interests of the fishery. The regional biologists and technicians of the SRD in the above areas + The ACA folks that place/remove the aeration equipment in some areas And lastly, I'd really like to add some Calgary folks to the above list but..... still looking!! catch ya' Don
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