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Posts posted by DonAndersen

  1. OK then!!!


    Prudhoe Bay is near "blowdown" and Esso is proposing a north pipeline with a gas bubble in N. America. Doesn't make a lot of sense unless the gas is never going to get past the Oil Sands.


    And just to give some geologist a daily boost. Ever notice how deep sour gas just stops @ the 49th. It's all north of the 49th to well into the Yukon and when it goes south, the gas just stops @ the 49th. And with that, I'm off to see a a tooth fairy who I'm sure left me a quarter under my pillow.







  2. cheeler,


    Some things I'm wondering about in your post


    1] The Oil Sands are going to need a BCF/d?

    2] TU is opposing water usage by the oil industry? Since when. Still waiting for a position paper from TUC - been only 6>7 years. TUC gotta be careful not to piss off the meal ticket.

    3] High water use producing natural gas? Coal bed methane usually means water to surface to dewater formation. Shale gas needs water - for what? Fract?







  3. Here's what is known:


    1] a 60 Minutes story a couple of weeks ago show-cased a guy whose contended that there had been 2 Saudi's of natural gas energy discovered in the past 2 years.See: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2010/11/12/...in7048737.shtml

    And a hell of a quote "Wait, we have twice as much natural gas in this country, is that what you're saying, than they have oil in Saudi Arabia?" Stahl asked.

    "I'm trying to very clearly say exactly that," he replied.

    Chesapeake Energy is the largest independent gas producer in the country. McClendon is on a mission to get the U.S. off foreign oil and dirty coal.


    2] T. Boone Pickens to wandering around telling every one about how they should switch to natural gas. see: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/10/23/...in4541322.shtml


    3] And CND's Natiion Energy Board is to rule on the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline [proposed by Imperia,l Conoco Phillips among others].very soon. See: http://www.cbc.ca/canada/north/story/2010/...peline-neb.html


    So the question is:


    Who is Bull Shitting WHO? What's the need for a pipeline if the US has that much natural gas.


    catch ya'



  4. Conor,


    It's similar to the Thorax tie except the hackle is leaned @ 45 degrees off vertical. That way the hackle gives a larger footprint and the fly lands hook side down unlike both parachutes and Catskill ties which occasionally land on their sides. The bottom trimming is important. The body then stays awash in the film unlike parachutes where the body is submerged. Curiously, mayfly bodies are rarely submerged except for emergence and for some species - egg laying.



    catch ya'




  5. Folks,


    About 1984 or so I took a management course from a Dave Wilcox of Calgary. He was a HR consultant.

    He had a set of rules that he called:


    Dave Wilcox's 10 rules of Chickenshit.


    The only one I can remember is:


    One man's chickenshit is another's fertilizer.


    I would really like to get the other rules.


    Anybody know of him. He would be approximately 75 years old.


    Tried a net search thing w/o success.






  6. Guys,


    Wife has Nautilus & I've got Mustang.


    Now for the good part.


    Both are built in Canada.

    Both are available in CDN stores

    Both are DOT approved.


    The SOS suspenders and things that Cabellas sells are not DOT approved and cannot be used legally in Canada.


    And now for the Best part. DOT Approval trumps the US Coast Guard Approval. We can wear Mustang and Nautilus in the US but they can't use their stuff here.





  7. Folks,


    Here I'm a lowly cane rod builder wasting my life planing pieces of grass into something usable. Now, like most strange folks, cane builders have got their forums and I was looking over the musings.

    Well, one post caught my eye. A hand plane builder. Oh goody a new toy.

    So cruising I went to http://www.holteyplanes.com/ and started to drool.

    Just then the lowly cane builders wife came in and caught me. Got expensive tastes haven't you says she. Stupidly I replied, ya - married you.


    Don't think I'll get a plane for Xmas. Suspect that lump of coal is arriving again.


    catch ya'




  8. GaryF,


    Both standard and parachute hackling work sometimes. But if you want a hackling method that works all the time, Vincent Marinaro method is head and shoulders above the other methods.

    Marinaro, for those that don't know, is generally considered the father of use of "minute" in FF. He, along with a gentile group of FF types fished the spring creeks in Pennsylvania where you got better or you went home.

    See: http://flyanglersonline.com/features/journal/part68.php for a distilled summary of his life.


    catch ya'




  9. ericlin0122,



    I've bought and used cheapy boots for a number of years. The boots are c/w grip rubber soles and are used in mud bottom creeks and the like where felt soles are not only slippery but dangerous.

    For rock work, I use felts.

    But felt is not the only sole material. Indoor/Outdoor carpeting works just fine. Get it by the yard. Glue is Regular Lepages Contact Cement.



    catch ya'




  10. Be careful what you put in the sights!


    Brookies are not the only immigrants here. How about browns and 'bows.


    Anybody up for a redd stomp. Can't have them browns overwhelming the native bulls. Of course, the stomp will be repeated this spring in all those rainbow waters. Don't feel left out if you can't make the fall stomp.


    With that I'm slinking back to my corner and plotting catching some





  11. Guy & Jake,


    I know what it takes to work on projects of this type. Lots of stuff go on that are not apparent to the fishermen. My hats off to both of you for persevering in the face of some opposition.


    For those folks that are interested, copied below is an account of what it takes sometimes to bring off a successful project. Not all folks are real happy about stream rehab. work. I've had the same ducks vs fish thrown @ me a number of times.


    All the best,










    Posted 2 months ago



    I will not stoop to false accusations or rude innuendo in my response to Mr. Daniels letter. However, I will provide some facts to reinforce my statements defending my work on Millennium Creek in recent years.


    Daniels stated that I had admitted complete failure in my efforts to restore Millennium Creek into a natural thriving trout stream. The fact is that the restoration program on Millennium Creek has been a substantiated success. The original objectives proposed in the three phases, four year program, have all been met.


    Prior to the start date in the restoration program, the Alberta Conservation Association and SRD Fish & Wildlife conducted an electro-fishing project on Millennium Creek, to assess the pre-project populations of trout in the stream, if any. During the 2004 assessment, a total of 5 brook trout were captured between the confluence with the Bighill Creek and the Griffin Road culvert.


    In 2007, after the first two years of the restoration program, Trout Unlimited Canada completed the first electro fishing program since the project start date, on the same length of stream channel that was first assessed in 2004. The result of that 2007 electro fishing program, was a total of 40 trout captured in the creek. The catch consisted of 19 brook trout, 24 brown trout, seven mountain whitefish and one rainbow trout.


    In 2008, Trout Unlimited Canada electro fished a section of the creek from 50 metres downstream of the Griffin Road culvert to 50 metres upstream, on the north side of Griffin Road. This 100 metre section yielded a total of 23 trout captured. There were 11 brook trout, four brown trout, one rainbow trout, two mountain whitefish and one hybrid brook and bull trout.


    In 2009, Tera Environmental Ltd. completed an electro fishing of the same reach that was shocked in 2004. They captured a total of 48 trout. Their catch consisted of 32 brook trout, eight brown trout, seven rainbow trout and one hybrid brook and bull trout cross.


    Electro fishing capture represents only a percentage of the stream's trout population and the entire reach of the creek was not assessed. With this in mind, the results of these assessments do not indicate that the project was a failure.


    Mr. Daniels was adamant that I had ruined the creek for waterfowl, during my restoration program.


    In a meeting with Daniels and some of his neighbours in 2005, I assured him I would increase the open water surface acreage on the stream to make up for any loss in the creek channel, before my program was finished. This commitment was made for both Paul and his ducks.


    I later fulfilled this promise during the 2008, Phase Three program, when I created a rock v-weir at the outflow of the Millennium Creek Spring Pond, commonly referred to as the duck pond.


    This rock structure created a damming of the pond, which increased the open water area of the pond by approximately 700 square feet, more than doubling any open water area that had existed in the creek channel, prior to the project's start date.




    The enhancement results have increased the nesting area along the creek, in its entirety, by over 500 per cent. Ducks require good riparian cover for nesting, as well as dry ground. Our efforts have provided both of these requirements.


    We have also planted over 1,000 willow plants which will provide excellent nesting habitat for waterfowl such as ducks.


    Presently, mallard ducks are utilizing the creek channel's riparian habitat for successful nesting and rearing. I was down on the creek on Aug. 11, and I spotted a mallard hen with five young ducklings.


    As for the beavers, all I can say is that Millennium Creek has trout, ducks, beavers and other wildlife, just like many other healthy and productive trout streams in our area. Seems like a good balance to me. The beaver dam has already been removed.


    I can honestly say that the support of this stream restoration and fish habitat enhancement program on Millennium Creek has been overwhelming; judging from the comments that I have received from residents of the community that frequent the area.


    In closing, with the assessment work that was completed by other professionals, indicating a very positive result for the Millennium Creek Project, rest assured that this program was a complete success. "No true bird lover should be forced to eat crow."


    Guy Woods


    Cochrane, AB

    Article ID# 2718935

    Submit content


  12. Taco,


    That's why I about give up crick fishing - was too easy. Now that flat water keeps ya' thinking.


    But that begs the question: Experienced @ what - salt water, beach fishing, tough lake fishing, brookie fishing, 500/day cut fishing, spring creek fishing. Me, well if I fished the Bow for the first time 50 years ago. Don't fish there anymore and haven't for 10 years. I now have no experience with the new reality of the Bow. The Crow is similar - used to spend 30 days in it a year. Now it's "0". Does that mean I have no experience?


    Tough question - this experience thing.



  13. How much backing is recommended for a standard still-water/bow river set up? What lbs is recommended 20lbs, 30lbs? should i go with dacron or gel spun?









    Backing lengths will depend on several criteria:

    1] Fish that you intend to catch

    2] Reel capacity

    3] Line weight.


    #1 - the Bow and few stillwater lakes in Alberta mean that you can encounter fish that may exceed 5 lbs. and may take runs exceeding 50 yards. Therefore, you backing should exceed this length.

    #2 - Selection of dacron vs spun gel - if your reel will accommodate 50+ yards of dacron - use it. It is a lot less abrasive on the guides.

    #3 - 20 lb dacron is fine for virtually all fresh water fish except for migrating steelhead/salmon. However, if you intend to use a heavier line weight where you might go to the salt, go to 30 lb.


    You've been told to fill the reel - well kinda - my stopping point is 3/8" from the reel cage when the line is installed neatly. In the heat of battle, rarely does the line go neatly into place. 3/8" of an inch will give you enough room for some slack in the line.


    Personally, I've had 5 fish in the backing this past summer. One in BC and 4 in Manitoba. All were 6>8 lbs. and ran only about 10 yards into the backing. A friend fished for years on the Dean River for Steelhead with a 6 wt. line and 50 yards. Was never spooled once. In the 50+ years I've been trout fishing, I've only had to pull anchor twice due to getting close to being spooled. Neither of the fish were much over 5 lbs. I use 50 yards +/-



    catch ya'




  14. Guys/Gals,


    Thanx to Clive I finally saw the "dust up". The TV stations my wife, the news junkie, watches doesn't include BT.


    Barbs performance should get her elected 'cause:


    1] Showed restraint in the face of opposition

    2] Deflected the ugly comments about bias onto other candidates

    3] Showed loyalty of volunteer workers.

    4] Showed fiscal responsibility/ground swell of support by using all volunteers.

    5] Proved she could be feisty w/o involving the police - do recall Ralphie and the Pie.



    Or cynically, the dust-up was scripted.


    1] First comment - we don't know each other

    2] Interviewer goes on attack - Barb show restraint

    3] Interviewer accused of bias - which cuts both into other candidates and interviewers integrity all the while leaving Bard the judge of bias.


    And on and on.



    Damn, isn't local politics fun.







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