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Everything posted by dude1125

  1. Part of the reason I never make it through a whole TV fishing program is they way they handle fish. The "classic" fish handling techinque is sliding the fingers underneath the gill plate to hold it up in the air...... ugh
  2. Anything by John Gierach and Fishing With My Old Guy by Paul Quarrington.
  3. Thanks for giving me the inspiration to make a tying bench. I tried to use stock sizes to minimize the amount of cutting but ended up with something bigger than I wanted. I changed my mind on what to build a few times during the process. I’m hoping it keeps me organized a bit better. BEFORE: AFTER:
  4. Here's one of my favorite volvos
  5. All good fish tales start with "it was my last cast......." I'm guilty of that sin
  6. I got a chuckle out of this it's sort of fishing related
  7. Since we are talking about Timmies, I hate the drive through line that ends up on the main road more than the cups. It's a pain in the ass when you are driving and very dangerous when you are cycling. I have had a couple close calls on the bike and that made me change my bike route around Timmies in the morning.
  8. air cooled volkswagens and animation. I wish the animation was more than a hobby. If it was I couldn't afford to pay a mortgage or buy volkswagen parts. here's my first animation
  9. It's a toss up between two fish. The first fish was rainbow caught on the bow in early oct. I was taking my wife's nephew down the river for the first time so I wanted him to catch fish as well as me to show him how it was done. I was nymphing with a chromie. I'm still learning how to nymph fish and don't have a lot of confidence in my abilities. It seemed to be the right thing to do that day because everyone nymphing was catching lots of fish. I don't remember the strike indicator going down to tell me that there is a fish on. It was just a slight reflex action from me to see what’s at the other end. The line start to pull away upstream and I thought it must be bigger than 12 inches. The fish then jumped straight clear out of the water and in unison we both went holy fff....... I thought there is no way I’m landing this one but a few minutes later the biggest fish I even caught on the bow was in the net. I think the second fish was the best fish of the year because it was on a trip to the Duck Lake area. We were camping and having very little luck at Duck Lake. I brought some tying stuff along and during a break in the afternoon we drank some beers and tied some flies. I tried a couple ugly over the top olive leaches. Next day we were at Kip lake and the wind was howling (a light breeze to the locals) and the viz at the lake was at most 18 inches. We rigged up and I tried not to get blown into the middle of the lake. I can’t remember how long it was before I had a fish on. Its first run was amazing. It went off screaming to the middle of the lake and took me well into my backing for the first time ever. I landed with the help of Todd and he couldn’t believe I caught it on the gaudy leach I tied the day before. It was the only fish we caught that day and still can’t get over how lucky I was that day.
  10. Thanks for the pics they were worth the wait. It looks like a great trip to do.
  11. Has anyone tried these scissors? It looks like they may be worth a try http://maineflycastings.com/2009/09/14/sixth-finger-scissor/
  12. If you are under 16 and fishing alone you should have to pay.
  13. I'll watch that show!!!! What are the guides names...... Nick and Relic and they hang out a fishing shop owned by Molly? Seriously I'm surprised they haven't done a fishing show in that fake reality or doc style. I guess fishing shows are cheaper to produce than reality shows
  14. I don't get WFN with my cable package. I do go to youtube and different website for the educational stuff. The fly tying stuff is great to watch right at the flying tying bench. I guess a want a TV show that is purely entertainment. I would be in to watching a series that was take off of one the John Gierach books.
  15. Wow nice fish....was it caught in Alberta?
  16. I don't watch a lot of TV but wish there was a good fishing show on the tube. The last show that I really liked was "Fishing with John" . Are there any fans of that show here? I guess it's hard to do a fishing show and not have it turn into an Infomercial.
  17. Yes I'm crazy so it won't be a big surprise when I say I'm going fishing. I'll be back at midnight is my usual answer. I've tried a couple times to give a real time that I would be back and I end up being 3 hours late everytime. I should be fine if a wear a toque and bring some hand warmers.
  18. Does anyone have any thoughts on how the weekend weather will affect fishing on the Bow? It's been 5 weeks since I've been out and I need a fix despite being sick. My wife will think I'm crazy for even thinking about it.
  19. My wife lets me fish as much as I want because she's shopping when I'm fishing.
  20. Sounds like an awesome day. I'm jealous
  21. nice trout porn... I need to get out
  22. nice trout porn... I need to get out
  23. I've tried My Marvins a couple of times at 4th & 22nd it was well below average. I seem to recall it was at another location and was alright
  24. I forgot Jimmy's A&A Deli on 20th Ave NW. They make the best Shwarma and it always fun to hang out in the line up waiting to order.
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