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Everything posted by diggler1

  1. Mohair thread? Never even seen it. I use mohair dubbing for mine. What is this thread you speak of???
  2. i'd fish em!!! I tie one similar to your tie...only a little flash in the tail and a gold bead head...i know gold sounds and looks a little strange but.......try it. Brents sugestion is a good one also.
  3. Its ok Jeff im sure between the two of us we will be able to keep the pics comin in...Hahaha. But yeah work........mabey if you guys to the west would quit pushin all the wet stuff our way! Jeff and i are pretty much on food stamps so we can aford fuel to fish
  4. Nice work Bree.... Hopefully next time i will be able to join you out there. ggp is right, actualy you probobly aready out fish most of us already!!! Your oldman for sure anyway
  5. Yeah that was the fattest fish ive ever caught. Just a pig. Not all eggs either, just plain old fat. After i landed her, i just starred thinking what the f...... is that?! Was pretty funny, looked like she swallowed tenis balls almost.
  6. Yeah man for sure. To bad we didnt get alot of time to fish together, next time i guess, if you ever come down be sure to drop us a line.
  7. They should go to jail!!!
  8. Yeah, we sure got into some nice ones. I am now in Calgary for a week doing some training so im sure jeff will have it fished out by the time i get home . Anyway i think i might try and go snag a fish or two out of the bow.........later.
  9. Not sure on the bbl per day, but it is the bakken oil formaition, they get paid a premiem on that oil. West texan intermediate 100$ then bakken is 120$...just an example. They do recover some of the h2o back but not all. 50% mabey.
  10. There is 66 tanks in that pic. 500 bbl a peice, or about 80 m/3
  11. Ya, in alberta some of us work in the patch and thats all we know, but i can say things have improved on the envriomental end of things. But in the U.S just south in the border, Not so much. Pretty much a pit like this on every well i seen. They have a liner...but you know what happens after, fill it with dirt and it goes away. The amount of fresh water ive puped in the ground down there will make you sick....About 4500 m/3 or 4,500,000 litres. Per job, This lease has two wells, 4 jobs per well. Thats 36000 m/3 of fresh water. Thats 36 million 1L bottles. I love my job and is interesting, but it consumes a huge amount of resources.
  12. and another
  13. If you stay right in elkwater you are about the same distance from reesor as you are b.h. And B.H. would be much more rewarding. If you stay at reesor or spruce...we as you can fugure you would already be there. Spruce has brookies in it. Beautiful little lake, but hard to catch fish and verry limited shore fishing. Reesor is a little easier to fish, you can access the whole one side of the lake, be prepared to catch stocker size rainbows and some suckers. Never fished Elkwater lake so i have no opinion on that.
  14. Well......I guess i wont see ya out there tomorow Beadhead. Oh well. I wonder if they are re considering Al Gore's Nobel Prize???????? Im gonna let my dodge cummins run all night and hopefuly we can fish it tommorow!
  15. Fished bullshead this evening. Cold and nasty as to be expected. There for about 2 1/2 hours landed 5. Fish are pretending to spawn now, full of eggs, and quite slugish. All were in the 14-16" range. Weather kind of limited me to certain areas of the lake......oh yeah, frost bite in april just aint right!!!!!!!!!!
  16. I have a 6wt clearwater, tip flex. not bad but only 4 years old and been broken once, 17" bullshead rainbow. Not to sure, must have been faulty from the factory. It was replaced though with no problems or questions. Only thing is that it took like 2 1/2 months to get it. Also have a sage Fli in a 4 wt. I personaly wpould look at one of these rods. A liitle bit more money but in my opinion worth it.
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