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Everything posted by dogpound

  1. The Dogpound runs through my quarter, unlike some mountain freestone streams if you are standing on the bank of the DP you are on private land, as the bank is the high water-mark. The section that runs through my land was fenced on either side of the stream many years ago to reduce streamside habitat loss due to cattle - I Still run into the odd person that thinks if they are between the fence and the stream it is public land - I have had to kick one group of guys off cause they built a camp fire to cook some grub???? My land is posted no trespassing just for the hunting crowd - 95% of the people that fish the stream are very respectful, save the guys starting fires and the ones who feel a need to leave the packaging from their spinners on the bank/approach - that really cheeses me off - they must not have been brought up right! Contact the landowner is always the best approach - I do not know any landowners in my area that would deny access to any respectful fisherman - they may not want you walking/driving across a seeded/planted field but generally there is no concerns.
  2. Female fish are pickier, have the best lies and the good ones rarely never fall to your first drift. If you catch one with a small red lightning bolt tattoed near its orifice - take my advice, play with it a bit...but throw it back.
  3. 40% fine for the boat and 20% fine for conveyance - and I purchased the boat when exchange was 1.55 (talk about the perfect storm!) Oh well - young and foolish at that time - they had me on the naughty list for 7 years (when most of you go left at customs - I was the guy going right) Despite the price - best purchase I have ever made - countless floats and good times enjoyed (still enjoying them but not quite as often - two young kids have definately curtailed my time on the water) You will be very glad you purchased one!
  4. Done it the wrong way, was very foolish and listened to a buddy of mine. Bought a low profile Hyde in Idaho Falls, fished it a couple of Days on the mighty mo - had too many beers in Shelby and mailed the import documents to my home - attempted to cross the border with our used drift boat. To make a rather long story short, I have approximately $16,000 CDN into a drift boat I bought for $5900 USD - just to avoid paying $650 GST
  5. I live on the dogpound, East of HWY 22. The F&W officers probably know exactly where that bear went, right back to the Water Valley Dump. Bears are always at that dump and the Golfcourse. I have hunted and fished in the bush for many years, I am always more careful/wary around black bears, they are too use to humans and are not that scared, makes it pretty easy to get yourself into a compromising position. Most of my encounters/sightings with grizzlies in the bush is usually their back end. Most of the Dogpound downstream from Bottrel to SR 582 is Buck-brush (willow), its thick, muffles sound and prey & predators really enjoy it for cover. I was almost trampled by a cow moose once. On a side note - a Cougar was killed on my quarter about 5 years ago, I am approximately 6 miles EAST of HWY 22. There is another that frequents the area however no sightings since early spring. Be careful and mindful of your surroundings at all times. As one poster has said, better chance of dying from West Nile Virus than bear/cougar attack. If you are fishing alone, make lots of noise.
  6. Don - Thanks for the information, I will try contacting Marco @ ACA. Guess I will keep picking away at it, its not a big deal for myself as it is fairly important to me and I do have spare time throughout the year. I shutter what some of my other neighbors will be doing - I don't necessarily blame them, re-fencing essentially 1 mile along a soggy twisted riverbank is not an easy job. For the typical Rancher/Farmer it probably ranks pretty low on their priority list. I know the big floods a few years ago destroyed my fences - I am sure I am not alone. Monger - most of the log walls on my land are still intact! I imagine those walls were tough to construct! Kudos to you and your buddy for performing this valuable service.
  7. Anyone know who looks after the stream fencing program - or if it still exists? I have been picking away at my fencing since the big floods but I seem to have a list a mile long on the to-do sheet! If someone has a contact number please let me know. We set up a solar waterer last year and plan on putting the cattle on the pasture around early/mid July, its fenced in some spots with temporary steel posts to fill the holes, but there are quite a few sections that need some TLC. Regards, Dan
  8. My favorite river in Montana is by far the bighole. The Missouri always seems to crowded for my liking. If you are going through in June the bighole is a great bet - its not dammed and its a great time of year to fish it. Loads of Caddis at that time - I caught the Mothers Day Caddis hatch there one year in first week of June (I guess cause it was late!) - 30 plus fish days dry-flying from the boat. Its usually got fabulous streamer fishing and if you are really lucky you might catch the famous salmonfly hatch that occurs every June. The water is very tea-colored so it throws a lot of people off the river in late May/June but the visibilty is still pretty good. Once you fish the Bighole you figure out that Brown trout really aren't that smart. The last time we were through we booked a couple of floats with Mark Lane at Great Waters Inn and he let us park the trailer between the cabins/lodge, water hook-up and even let us use a room for showers whenever we wanted. Lodge is situated right on the Banks of the Bighole and just south of Melrose, MT. The Beaverhead is also very close and can be a great piece of water to fish, but I find at that time of year the Bighole is the best bet. Good Luck.
  9. mkankmike I have fished the Bighole with a fella named Jed Fitzpatrick, he lives in Sula, Montana on the East Fork of the Bitteroot river. He has told me that I should definately make a point of fishing the Bitteroot and Rock Creek. I spent 2 days on the Bighole with Jed and would definately recommend him, the guy works very hard and really knows Western Montana streams. Jed is an extremely talented guide, and a Biologist...pm me if you would like his number.
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