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razz last won the day on March 5 2017

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About razz

  • Birthday 02/10/1983

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  1. At the end of each season I clean my boat with a cutting compound, then polish and wax. I also repair the chines with a marine compound. This is all done while my boat is off the trailer and put on a stand in my garage/shop. Throughout the winter I’ll have a lot of extra time so if anyone is interested in having the same process done to their boat send me a message and maybe we can arrange something. Cheers
  2. Thinking about renting out my drift boat as it's been doing nothing but collecting dust the last few years. 17' Hyde XL pro series low profile. PM for rates and logistics. Thanks.
  3. The daily test fishery indices represent the number of steelhead estimated to have passed that point on the tidal reaches of the lower Skeena in the preceding 24 hr period. The daily index number on the DFO test fishery web site should be multiplied by 245 to arrive at an estimate of the actual number of fish the index number represents for that date. That expansion factor (i.e. 245 has a lot of study behind it and it is a bit too complicated to be trying to describe on a blog or bulletin board.) For comparison purposes the expansion factor for sockeye is 895 so the daily index needs to be multiplied by that number to determine how many sockeye swam past.
  4. For anyone considering heading to the Skeena this fall: http://steelheadvoices.com/?p=391#more-391
  5. It's great to see the genuine interest and constructive discussion this article has generated. I just wanted to say that my comment towards taking fish photos wasn't meant to imply not to take one, rather to be mindful of the impacts of air exposure while doing so. My guess is that most people who took the time to read this article already have adequate fish handling techniques but I think it's even more important to pass the message on, either directly or paraphrased in your own words. Personally I often feel shameful for not doing more for these fish that we all revere so much so if I can use the best possible methods to minimize whatever stress I've created and that in turn translates to a less harmed fish well at least I'm doing something.
  6. Not sure if this one has made the rounds on here or not, regardless, it's an excellent read. Although the focus is steelhead the science is also applicable to trout. Pretty interesting stuff on air exposure and the resulting decrease in fry production. Something to consider when taking that "here's me with another one" shot. Check it out and spread the word: http://online.fliphtml5.com/xjqqa/fmsu/#p=1
  7. I spend a lot of time bushwaking through the foothills and as a result the shins of my wading pants take a beating throughout the course of a season. I've been thinking about putting a strip of protective material on the outside of the shin area to try and prolong the life of my waders. Anyone ever try something like this or have suggestions/ideas on materials or methods? Thanks guys, Razz
  8. Thanks for the ideas guys, I appreciate it!
  9. Just curious if anyone knows where one could find the magnets used for the typical net releasers? Not looking for a net releaser itself, just the magnet so I could possibly make my own. Google let me down on this one so I'm reaching out to the pros here. Thanks in advance.
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