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Posts posted by Tako

  1. everything i've heard from people that have done it, and park ranger type people, have said its a easy, easy hike, its just really stinkin long


    Ah common. Takes what, 7 hours for a guy in good shape to do 25km? I know I walked 47km in 11.5 once, but it was mostly flat.

  2. Long story short, I asked the same question last year and got a photo-essay reply. The hike kicked azz, if you like hiking your sack off for the sheer joy of it. The guy who responded to me never caught any fish, as (I am told) the trail comes in to the EAST side of the lake, and during the summer months the fish are not present in any great numbers in the east end. I was told by the guy who should know that only EARLY EARLY (late May, early June) in the season are the fish present in good numbers in the east end of the lake accessible by trail.


    I'd say go for it. The hike is something worth doing by itself. I'll do it someday.


    But I'd be wary if the bridge is out. Early June is probably not the best time to be attempting to ford the river :ph34r:

  3. Any chance you can get some kinda category up there that only college/university students can bid on. I would love to be able to make a donation and support the cause but most of the prices are WAY outta my price range. :(, anyways im glad to see all the support, this board really is full of some genuinely good hearted people.


    Same boat. Would love a box of flies, but out of price range big time. Gov't says student loans are supposed to get paid back :o


    I was considering donating a box of flies for the auction, but am uncertain at this point if I have time to do it :lol:

  4. 30-odd KM is the official distance. But it's essentially backed up to the Whitemud rapids halfway to Vanderhoof, and above the Whitemud it freezes bank to bank every year anyway. So basically it's frozen to Vanderhoof and beyond, with a little baby channel open from my place to the Fraser. But the Fraser is frozen bank to bank just south of town. Right now its stopped flooding, but man alive it could be UGLY come spring. I'm a couple hundred feet over the river, so if it gets to my doorstep the whole town's underwater :lol:

  5. I was doing some research on the many suggestions and found this review on the Sage 2500 series reels. This guy's a genius!!


    Overall Rating: 3 out of 5


    sage reel, October 30, 2007

    By cowboybryan from central california



    "i never tried the reel so cant speek much about it other than i thought it looked like it was built cheap!! i sent it back without trying it."



    Glad Cabela's printed it


    :lol: How could you not print that. Priceless.

  6. Sage 376 ZXL gets my vote.

    You got that kind of money, you buy Sage or Winston. But I'm a Sage guy. For that type of fishing, a 3wt is perfect, and the reason I personally wouldn't go for the Z axis is because it's a nine footer. And a nine foot three weight just seems awkward to me. I like my 7'6" 3wt. I could be tempted by the 8'6" but the nine footer just seems monstrous for a 3wt.


    Reel? I know less about reels. But I hear and see good things about the Loop Evotecs....or be simple and get the Okuma SLV. I freakin love mine.

  7. what is with you guys?

    calc 2 is significantly more difficult. how is integration easier that differential calc?


    Basically, once you have a decent handle on differentials, integration is easy. But I failed Calc 1 the first time :lol: So don't listen to me.


    I'll say it again, anyone who likes being in school over work does not like their job

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