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Posts posted by Tako

  1. Well I spent over 20 years in Edmonton and the lakes are better there, mostly because there is more of them and that's where I started to flyfish. Now I have spent over 20 years in Calgary and the mountains are better here, mostly because they are closer. As for the rivers there is just as much junk on both of them, it's just that the NSR is silty so you can't see the "floaties" but it does have some good evening hatches for Goldeye and you can catch sturgeon in the city. The Bow is a trout river and as it has been labelled "blue ribbon". Which I personally wish had never happened, because now we get all them dam tourists from BC. I am glad that I live in Calgary though, mostly because it's more of a white-collar town. In Edmonton I was involved in too many fisticuffs for my liking, more of the blue-collar thought. I still like going out to some of the pothole lakes around Edmonton after ice-out, it's pretty sweet. Then once the mosquitoe migration occurs I'm in the foothills west of Calgary casting to rising trout. So tomato-tomatoe, potato-potatoe whatever. I say all the fly fishers from both cities should target the central Alberta area and really tick off the Red Deer and Rocky Mtn House guys. :P


    And the Elk, Wigwam, St Mary's and Dragon Lake get all the tourists from Alberta. So suck it up :P


    I like this forum :lol:

  2. I love the area of Calgary I'm living in now, at the far west end of the city. I can see myself living here for a long time, and I doubt I'll be moving back to Edmonton any time soon :P


    Edmonton is THE WORST city in the world to attempt to drive in. END of discussion. I don't understand how anyone in their right ming could live there.

  3. OK Grampa......I am curious about the negative reception to this product...It seems to be a true advancement in technology....I am positive that there are places in the world where people still strike flints to make fire, but I prefer a FLAMETHROWER....Get with the times ..or not...


    There's been no real change in flyline technology in the last 15 years. So everyone is stuck in their ways, and they know what they like. I heard Orvis is coming out with a similar line (could be pure heresay), and I'm willing to bet than inside two years, we'll all be swinging "Sharkskin" for prices less than $75

  4. What was the colour of you're license plate? Could it be targeted inforcement with dual benefits of potential for greater returns and word of mouth advertisement? Obviously, more officers and less people on the water should lead to increased CO encounters, I just wonder if the blue platers are seeing an increase as well.

    I was checked on the Liv last spring.


    I would say that's stretching it a bit. Checking a vehicle with out of province plates would make sense, to make sure that everyone knows the rules, after all, they probably aren't too familiar with the area. I don't think anyone would say that's unfair.


    On the second part, I think enforcement has been stable around here anyway. I normally get 'checked' fishing for salmon around here (DFO fish cops). I use quotes because it's more like this

    "Hey ****, hows it going? Want to see my licence?"

    "Nah Kris don't worry I know you got it"

    "Hand out any fines today?"

    "Yah, a couple guys snagging up in the canyon"

    "Well that's typical"

    "Yeah, it's too bad, the rules aren't hard to follow"

    "Sure aren't. Good seeing you again **** taker easy"

    "Good luck!"


    If I get checked in the summer stream or lake fishing(usually once or twice a summer when I fish easy access spots) it's a CO and they're fairly aggressive (which I like to see), as there's quite a bit of bull trout poaching in the areas I usually fish. Whenever my brain hits the offroad button, I don't see ANYONE, let alone a CO.

  5. yeah it totally works .. so next time you get stuck on the Deerfoot, Crowchild, Macloud, Mcnight, Barlow, Glenmore or can't get service ANYWHERE or get a appointment for ANYTHING .. think of the wonderful Blue Ribbon Bow


    Nahhh I'd rather think about the Wildhay, the Berland, the Smokies, the Pembina, the Blackstone, the Rams, the Coalbranch or the McLeod. You can keep your stinky river :P


    Jokes :P


    I haven't fished the Bow yet, so I'm not qualified to comment

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