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Posts posted by Tako

  1. Now I am the last person you should ever accuse of racism, but WONG isn't a Canadian name. And from what I've seen on the BC coast. That type of last name is responsible for the complete destruction of crab, shellfish and cod populations anywhere near an accessible coastline.


    Personal opinion. Don't play the racist card with me, OK?

  2. Man if I had never been to a kickass concert before, this was it. T.T. rocked this town last night. I lost count, but he played over 35 songs and absolutely blew the roof off. He also played a 20minute acoustic set which was UNREAL. I'm tellin ya, if you get the chance to see him, DO IT. Here's 2 pics that I actually got to turn out half ass (Good with fish pics, not so good with concerts)


    Rockin out on "Put some drive in your country"



    Awesome acoustic version of "Where corn don't grow"


  3. Should be a great day...just be damn careful of that ice, esp if you're anywhere downstream. I've had three or four close calls in the last week.


    Where I'm goin there ought to be ice every which way. I'm not a Bow River Warrior yo :lol: You boyz got mild conditions compared to where I be headin tomorro


    Northwest of the green arrow ;)



  4. Well it's been 'warm' for the last few days, so I'm gonna take the flyrods out for a swing tomorrow on the home stretch. Hopefully the 'warm' weather means some of my best spots will be ice free ??? Can't really predict what'll happen :lol: But it'll be an adventure, that's for damn sure :blink::unsure:




    Report to follow

  5. I'm not sure how the Larva Lace looks with oil injected into it, but the Liquid lace sure makes an incredible difference. I have a few of the liquid lace flies Randy Deifert tied up in Calgary and the difference is pretty much night and day between the two.


    What's the diff between larva and liquid lace? :blink:

  6. That Larva Lace makes up some very nice looking flies. TaKo did you fill the Larva Lace with oil or not bother. The reason I ask is that I have some Larva Lace and wonder if it would make that much of a difference if it had the oil in it or not.

    Russ C


    I don't think it matters. I haven't had any need to get fancy. The fish pound them little guys like its their last meal sooo I figure if it ain't broke don't fix it

  7. Stuff is called larva lace. It's just red plastic tubing that's fairly stretchy. None of em are epoxied. Just stretch it on and tie it off. The last three have a silver rib wound into the rib created by the larva lace, basically just to accentuate the rib.

  8. Tako, I'm going to bitch about the CW rip off for a very, very long time. Its still a very sore point here. At the expo, at last weeks sportsman show. I'm sure there are a lot of people on both sides of the boarder who wish the bitching would just go away, but it won't. Sorry.


    For whats its worth, so far I don't like the smell of the Open Spaces deal. When I learn enough to have an informed opinion, I'll be sharing it.


    Me too :ph34r:


    You go right ahead and complain. But when you want GOOD fishing, non-CW. You come talk to me ;) Heck, I bet ol Maxwell knows em too.

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