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Posts posted by Tako

  1. Hey Taco I am comparing what is proposed for hunting here in Alberta to what the classified waters issue is in BC. The classified waters have the special license with the $20 dollar fee. The concept in open spaces as it applies to hunting is the land owner gets compensated for what the impact elk herds have on his land by being given licenses that he can sell to who ever is willing to pay...whether it is a guide or not. He will determine the cost of access and the license at least from what I have been informed of. So if you have the money you can hunt in prime areas. Of course their is still lots of hunting available on public land and good hunting at that.


    I wasnt implying that in BC the rich get the best places to hunt but that could well be the scenario here under the open spaces.


    So is it any different than buying your landowner buddy a bottle of GM or Crown at the end of the season for allowing you to hunt there ????????? Doesn't seem like it. But then again, I haven't had time to read it all yet.

    Looks like it opens up a lot of previously inaccessible hunting area. Why the complaints? If you don't want to participate, probably takes the pressure off public land???


    I'm selling my rifle because I'm piss broke and need to make it to May, when I'll have a job ;)

  2. Our local fish and game club, as I am sure all are, are fighting this proposal as they should be. This concept is not far off what is happening in BC with the classified waters only in a hunting perspective. The rich get the choice bulls....poor pick up what is left. Some of the biggest ranches affected would be the ones down close to Waterton National Park and from what I am hearing is the ranchers down there are not all that happy about it as well because the plan is allow for larger elk herds in the area. Ranchers don't like the elk competing with their cows for range.


    Hadn't realized this policy would apply to fishing as well.


    I think you're confused as to how resident hunting and guide outfitting works in BC. Your statement (bold) is wrong.


    Conservation concerns are 1st priority

    First Nations get 2nd priority

    Residents get 3rd priority

    Guides get 4th priority


    There's been some confusion and some number jugging in allocation this year as to the positions of those last two. But if you're not a lazy azz (and you can afford to get to your destinations), you can kill a trophy of every big game species every year in BC.


    Yes, there is a large guiding sector. Yes, they have been allocated too many resident tags. No, there is not any correlation between this new AB system and BC's system. Not by a long shot.


    Oh, and stop complaining about classified waters. There's a few million water bodies not under the CW system. Go fish those, or get Morton to create a CW system in AB. I'll pay it.

  3. Wow! What a bunch of syrupy romantics!


    If you're complaining about spending money on flowers and chocolate on a particular day - you don't get it. Valentines is just an opportunity to show a special someone (male or female) that you care. Society assumes that women want flowers & chocolate but I think all that women want is a token that their guy appreciates them (the more personalized - the better).


    As for guys, like I said, it's easy to know what you want.


    I'm all about polygamy. My flyrods, my guns and my icefishing rods. They don't fight with each other, they don't talk back, they're low maintenance and largely cost-free. Lube job and a workout now n then and all is well. What more do you need?


    Tako.....gotter down pat

  4. Pretend you're standing on the Bow flinging a single hander.


    Now, some guy comes in upstream of you, does this really cool loop....flip.....swing....double hand thing, and launches 80feet of line into the best water of the hole.


    Cool factor = 10/10


    Is it more effective? Probably depends on the angler.

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