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Posts posted by Tako

  1. There are some pretty whacked out accusations in this thread. Stupid biologists, unethical consulting companies being two of the big ones. I see lots of speculation.


    And I am one of those anglers that will specifically target whitefish on the flyrod. They fight better than most fish in the spring. A 3lb April whitefish is nothing to sneeze at around here. Most days you're lucky to land them. I don't understand the disdain.

  2. the northover ridge trip from aster to three aisle was actually my first idea. however from a few reviws i have read, they have all said it was a two to three day trip max. we are looking for about 8 hours of hiking a day for the full four days and my sister was not too keen on that trip because it was such a great deal of alpine. she is really looking for the scenic foresty and waterfall kind of trip.


    She'd rather be in the bush than the alpine?? Has she ever been in the alpine!?

  3. Tough choice. I opted for this one from the Smithers area over an arty moody nearly black and white shot of the Zymoetz. There were anglers in that one, up to their waists in water, clouds practically down to their ears, catching absolutely nothing. Fishing two handed, no Timmies. But you get the one showing one of the few sunny moments up in the northern rain forest.




    That picture screams moose hunting :D I love it

  4. Exactly.

    Tako, I get your point (ok, I'll stop it with the pun) and admire your passion. But there is absolutely no way a picture is going to result in any sort of conviction. At the end of the day, its a picture of a lure and a fish. It wouldn't stand up in any court.


    It likely won't go to court. No money for court fees over barbed hooks. But it WILL cause two things: He'll be known to the F&W officers (if he isn't already) and it might just make him start crimping, which is all I really care about, the well being of the fish.

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