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Posts posted by Gil

  1. I broke my tip in Sept last year and brought it to a local flyshop for replacement. It's a Streamdance GLX HLS 4pce 5wt. I received my replacement rod 6 months later. $75. I spoke to the rep at the Fly Fishing exposition and he explained that there may have been an inventory shortage. They have some warranty options which you can check but it took 6 months to get my replacement rod. Not a big deal as I wasn't fishing. I would have hated to have broken it in June. I hope you get better service than me....can't get worse!! I too have a Mazda B4000....must be the truck!!

    That's pretty rough. One reason I like TFO is for $35 you have your rod in a couple of days. My other rods are Sage. Haven't had to deal with thier warrenty yet.

  2. Well with the river all swollen up, the first thing he did is jump in the fastest water so I found it really hard. Maybe something is wrong with my technique but I was giving it all I thought the tippet could handle at the time.

    Sometime no matter what you do you are going to be out of luck....

  3. Well here I am 10:30 PM last night swinging some dry flies to no avail, so after a while I try switching to a streamer. I have a 8lb tapered leader and a 6lb tippet. So I figure, hey, its dark and windy I think the 6lb will do for streamers. You can see where this is going...


    I put the Bow river bugger on, first cast I see a massive tail flop behind my streamer and I am ecstatic! Seems like he missed it so I cast again and sure enough I get a really hard hit. The first thing the fish does is flop out of the water scaring the *hit out of me with its sheer size, and then starts making a hard run downstream. My largest brown to date was 22" and this was much bigger.


    The minute I saw that fish jump out I knew I had a dilemma:


    1. Right away, I knew the fish was too much for my tippet. So do I tire the fish out and bring it in and cross my fingers it recovers.


    2. Or If I don't want to tire the fish out and pull harder, then my tippet snaps and that leaves the fish with a big wooly bugger in its mouth.


    So after 10 minutes I am well into my backing and I know I have no chance at all of bringing this thing in. Call me a noob (which I am) but I was pulling as hard as I thought my tippet could handle. The fish was pulling much harder however. So I decide to try give it a lot of slack in the hopes that it will free itself from the fly, cause in all seriousness this fish wasn't coming in for A WHILE and at that point a large tired fish like that is as good as dead.


    So I kept trying to create a lot of slack line in hopes that he will go free. Not working. OK so at that point I think, well I'll try get it in and release it quick, cause that woolly bugger seemed to be stuck in there. Well after another 10 mins he gets in close, and as I am trying to land, he makes a last hard pull and I hear the noise no fisherman ever wants to hear. ZING.


    At this point I got so sad. I could care less that I didn't land the fish but that thing was tired, and had a big fly in its mouth. Its probably at the bottom of the river belly up now, and that just makes me want to cry for the fight that thing gave me.


    Never again do I venture into my streamer box without a 12+lb line on there. What a brutal night, and I still feel like *hit.


    What would you guys do if you were caught off guard by a big fish using light tackle?

    You can bring in some pretty big fish on 6 lb tippet. One trick is to make him turn sideways into the current as fast as you can by putting your rod on its side, so that your have tension torwards shore. Is hard for a fish to fight if he's sideways in the current. Note: this only works if you turn him quickly. Once you get a lot of line out you can't turn him. Also if you are in fast water run down stream into softer water.

  4. Although I tend to do alot of shuffling around, on average I typically carry:


    Winter: I carry 3 nymphs patterns all small 16 - 20 ...

    Summer I carry ~6 nymph patterns in couple of different sizes (mostly 14s), ~ 8 dry fly patterns of various sizes, ~ 4 streamer patterns.

    I like to come up with my own patterns so I'm usually playing with a few experimental patterns, whatever the time of the year. If I find a pattern that working great I usually drop my bottom performer when I go through my carrying boxes...



    I only carry a limited number of any one fly with me, however I keep about 2 years worth of inventory of my favorite flies at home...


    This is just for the Bow. I have alot of specialty stuff I use once in a while lake fishing etc.

  5. A couple friends and myself would like to drift the bow. We are new to this and know it is late in the season. Is the 22X boat launch still open? Who is a good contact for a shuttle? Any information you can pass would be appreciated, thanks.

    The shuttle I use Louise Shotton shuts down at the end of Oct. Not sure about 22 X. Never float past the first week of Nov. You may want to wait until May....

  6. The last time I was asked for my fishing license was about 1990 when I got that ticket for...ahhh...nevermind...at least the regulations are a little more clear now...


    But seriously, I think that was the last time...nearly 20 years ago...

    Surprised I've been asked for my licence three times in the past two years. Possible I spend too much time on the water...

  7. thanks guys for adding this other chart , and yes Yak, u are correct in the sink rate..I've been using just glass beads till last night when I switched to tungsten, same size making the same fly..czech nymphs and what a difference..............Wolfie

    Tungsten will certainly get to the bottom faster than brass however I've switched back to brass a while back. I think the action the fly is better with the shot scouring the bottom vs your fly. I could be wrong, but figure I'm catching more with brass. Cheaper too.

  8. ive fished them lots on teh bow.. still do each year... ive fished em behind spawning browns like u do salmong and done ok at best.. most of teh time spotty! they can be ok below ina bucket were alot of browns are spawning but i have never really had tons of success.. compared too in teh late fall fishing midges and small mayflies...... i figured fish would key in on em like they do out in salmon country but i believe that our fishdont see enough of them too really care too much.. the odd fish moves up and eats them tho..... i like yarn ones and im nto a fan of pegging if you want too give em a go!

    Thanks Max Doesn't sound too exciting. I don't think I'll bother tying any....

  9. Hey i'm headin to ghost river and/or res tomorrow. Never been there. Any suggestions would very much be appreciated (what to use, maybe where to go, etc). Any one know how it's been fishin there lately? Am i wasting my time?


    thank you!

    I've never been however I've been told it very poor due to erratic flow.

  10. For me mornings are significantly better than midday. I always try to get on the river as early as possible. I rarely fish evenings...

    I've been doing a fair number of floats (three times in the past 8 days) and the river is fishing well in my opinion. I haven't fished in city limits for a couple of weeks.

  11. Gil,


    The simple truth is that is your opion and poaching and litering is not the samething. I do not agree with litering, but can you honestly sit there and say that yopu have NEVER litered yourself, on purpose or by accident?


    I also can only go on the information that was provided and last time I check you werwe innoncient until proven guilty in this country and with the information that was provided there is nothing there that says they were poaching.


    By the way I took a $150 fine the other day for literiting by acciedent, I did not see my napkin fall out of my bag but the cop that fined me did.

    I've haven't littered knowningly since I was in grade 5. Littering without knowing doesn't count. Poaching and littering abuse the enviroment and fall into the "A-hole" category. When I see all the crap in the river it buggs the hell out of me. And why bother defending the A-holes anyway. If you act like an idiot expect feedback...

  12. Not that I do not disagree with what happened to them but how do you know they were poachers? In the artical you posted I see nothing that states that they were poaching, all I can tell is that they were fishing without a licence.


    I find it kind of insulting just because someone fished without a lience or was fishing from a inflatable raft that they are now less then everyone else or where poaching, how the hell do you know if they were poaching? Is it because you are far more superior then them?

    I doubt they were fined for littering for putting thier rods in the water. Littering is close to poaching in my book..

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