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Posts posted by Gil

  1. I got fed up waiting on the Bow and decided to go out on the ice with a friend of mine on Sunday. It was warm +5'C, however there were very heavy wind gusts. I thought the tent was going to come apart for awhile there. Luckily once we got everything straightened around and started fishing, the wind stopped. We caught quite a few fish, some a good size and had a great time. When we started to pack things up at the end of the day the wind started up again.



  2. Here's is the view of one entomologist...


    Three days of -30 C temperatures across most of the province have partly answered the prayers of those trying to contain the pest that has munched its way through millions of trees and threatens to wipe out millions more across Canada.


    "I think there's been enough cold to affect the population and keep it from growing," said Allan Carroll, a research scientist with the Canadian Forest Service and one of the country's top pine beetle experts. "I suspect there's going to be a fairly significant decline in the population. It's going to be noticeable."


    The beetles, now hiding under the bark as larvae, develop a kind of antifreeze in their blood that lets them withstand the winter. It takes several days of -40 C weather to completely wipe them out.



  3. What are your fly fishing resolutions for 2009?


    For me:

    - Fish a wider variety of water. I love the Bow, but I spent far too much time on it compared to some of the other great streams we have in Alberta and BC.

    - Catch anadromous fish.

    - Work on my Skagit casting to help with the previous point.

    - Work on my dry fly presentation.

    - Not buy any rods or reels.

    I'm with you on fishing the Bow so much. I love it but it has kept me from trying new water. I want to start explore water in the mountains. I love hiking so I plan to combine the two ...
  4. I was pondering this morning why I didn't go to look at fly fishing stuff instead of battling the mobs at the malls. Anyone get any good deals yesterday? Who is/was having sales?
    I picked up "The Fly Tier's Benchside Reference", by Ted Leeson and Jim Schollmeyer for 50% off at the Fishing Hole. It was still a bit expensive at $67, but it looks like there is a lot of good stuff in it. Most stuff in the store was 25% off. Flies 50% Big ticket items were generally 10%...Not sure if its still on or not...
  5. In many ways this was my best year on the Bow. A 24 inch brown and 25 inch bow were highlights for me. I managed to put 23 full day floats on the river and fished the majority of Saturdays and Sunday mornings ( before the kids woke up) all without having my wife devorce me, yet. Had many 20 plus fish days and loved every minute of it...

  6. That's how I mount the wings on a prince nymph, but I don't know if I like that look as much for the tail of a copper john or if the wire would squish them. I'll give it a shot and see how it looks.
    You do need to watch the wire, but I tie my coppers Johns this way without a problems. The thing I don't like with the side mount is the difficulting getting a good spread. You can do a dubbing ball but again I don't like the look and its a pain.
  7. i do mine one at a time. I set the first one in then wrap dwn the exes and then go fr the second. I find that if the first is done right and the second is like half a mm behind the first they usually come out perfect.


    Gil, when you tie them with that tail do they sort of look like they are mid wiggle? or almost starting a "J" shape.

    Not quite sure what you mean but I can get them in the exact position I like (perfect V) fast and easy...


    Here is what they look like....




  8. I tie them one at a time. Instead of mounting them on either side as some do, I like the effect better if you lay biot flat across the top of the hook at a 20' angle. Pin it in place tightly with your finger and wrap forward starting at the junction of the biot. Note only do you get the exact spread you want but it's very easy to do. Works for me....

  9. Since it just slightly too cold to fish, I've been tying stone flies this morning. Rather than putting on straight legs I tried knotting them then putting a bit of glue on the joints to prevent unravelling. I think it gives a more realistic leg.


    Max you were asking about the #14 SJW I've been tying. Here's what one looks like....They've been working great up until the -20' stuff started. One nice thing about them is I can tie one every couple of minutes.





  10. Reason why I like these ones is because I can see them! Also caught my biggest bow on the crow on the 1st one.




    Hook: 12-16

    Thread: Black

    Dubbing: Black Superfine

    Wing: White turkey flat + tan CDC



    Hook: 12-18


    Dubbing: Black Superfine

    Hackle: Grizzly

    Post: Green Para

    For some reason your pictures are showning. I've been tying a variety of ants lately and was interested in peoples favourites. Any chance you might repost?


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