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Backhoe Work In The Oldman River
jones replied to bigbowtrout's topic in News Discussion and Current Issues
trailhead--you are correct and my comment is deleted my apologies for being incorrect jones -
Backhoe Work In The Oldman River
jones replied to bigbowtrout's topic in News Discussion and Current Issues
comment has been removed jones -
Logging In Castle As Early As Next Week
jones replied to seanbritt's topic in General Chat - Fishing Related
[sarc]the lumber industry should be ashamed of itself [/sarc] we could import from a third world country perhaps. this is a great example of NIMBY. forestry is always in someones backyard. alberta could forget the tar sands and stop exporting oil. stop drilling and stop exporting gas. stop exporting wheat and cattle. lets stop exporting all of our resources in Canada. calgary probably has good food banks. perhaps people who work in the resource sector need to rethink their position. maybe there is a better way to get trees. any ideas. other than not in your backyard jones -
Logging The Castle Area This Summer
jones replied to alan2's topic in News Discussion and Current Issues
before someone gets all pissy, i am not a large fan of logging but what is the alternative when we put out every forest fire that comes along. you let fires burn or you log in a controlled manner. our forests cant life forever because its not healthy or natural. our forests are pine, spruce and fir and short lived. if they grow too long they become vulnerable to pests and fire. yet we keep putting the fires out. there are no such thing as an old growth forest here in alberta so what is it we want. the natural thing to do would be let fires burn uncontrolled and too bad to anyone with a home or recreational property in the way. is that what we want. probably not to popular there is no easy answer. logging is part of long term management of forests especially since we are hell bent on putting out fires -
Global Warming, Climate Change And The Fly Angler
jones replied to admin's topic in News Discussion and Current Issues
The present 30 year time window use by alarmists is absurd. There is nothing global about climate. One example is the record levels of sea ice in the antarctic in 2009 while the arctic ice has gone down. The arctic ice has made a solid rebound in the past 2 years but the alarmists idiots like Gore continue to tell us that it will disappear as ealry as 2008 (oops) or 2009 (oops). As for climate change, it has always changed and there is certainly nothing unusual about the less than one degree shift in the past century and a half. The earth's temperature has declined for the past decade, but mainstream media has bought into the immoral AGW concept so badly they can't change now. The idiotic AGW business has become so large now that it is all but impossible to stop. The AGW politics and eco fascists will be screaming 'bad carbon' centuries from now when glaciers have one again covered Toronto, Washington and London. As for alan2 telling us he personally can bear witness to the glaciers melting. Sure allan2. Okay, you da man. Please tell us what the glaciers were like during the medieval warm period when it was warmer than today and tell us what it was like in 1750 and 1850 and 1950. And allan2 if you bothered to study glaciers at all you may come across information about two ice sheets that covered virtually all of Canada and a lot of the northern US states. They melted in a few centuries. What caused that melt allan2? Buffalo farts? Climate change and its impact on the Himalayan glaciers – a case study on the Chorabari glacier, Garhwal Himalaya, India Ravinder Kumar Chaujar Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, Dehra Dun 248 001, India Glaciers and small ice caps in temperate environments are sensitive indicators of the change in climate. Mountain glaciers provide a valuable tool for reconstruction of Holocene climate changes. The present work, thus, deals mainly with climatic change and its impact on the Himalayan glaciers based on the dating of lichens, developed on loops of moraines formed due to various stages of advance and retreat of the glacier. Here it has been shown that the date of the largest lichen on the loop of moraine that indicates the position of maximum advance of the glacier is 258 years. It shows the period when the Chorabari glacier started receding from the point of its maximum advancement in this part of the Himalaya. Earlier work in the Dokriani Bamak (glacier) has shown that the period of retreat in the respective part of the Himalaya is around 314 years. Research on various glaciers of the northern and southern hemisphere has shown that most of them started their retreat in the mid-eighteenth century, thereby indicating the end of the Little Ice Age maximum. These results suggest that climatic changes in the world started during early to mid-eighteenth century, though this needs further work for confirmation. There is every possibility that its effect was sensed first in the zone close to the equator by the northfacing Himalayan glaciers such as the Dokriani Bamak. -
Global Warming Debate Goes Cold Like The Climate
jones replied to a topic in General Chat - Not Fishing Related (NFR)
Not followed all of this but it seems like good discussion. perhaps rickleblanc can provide one example of a local lake that has dropped 6 to 8 feet in the past few years. there is no such thing anywhere in alberta or maybe is that just a fearmongering statement like so many silly statements that are not based on fact. if lakes have dropped that might reflect changes in precipitation but does not necessarily have anything to do with changes in temperature trends whether trending up or trending down. alberta and the world regions have cycled through wet and dry periods before and will do so again with or without man. BTW rickleblanc a warmer earth is a wetter earth. the vast desserts were largest during periods of massive world glaciations such as the biggie that was upon us 10 to 20 K years ago . but as sundance has noted the earth has cooled for the past decade and even official data groups like the global warmers over at NASA agree with that. their very own data show a cooling trend. but the mainstream media won't report it because their advertizers are all about being green these days and it would not be good to start saying oh gee we were wrong it is getting colder. that will fade when it is bloody obvious it is getting colder. at soem point the meida will have to back cycle,. they can only say it is getting warmer when the evidence is pointing to the opposite for so long. world temps have flatlined or declining and the key factor here is the sun as it has been terribly quiet. so quiet that it is a major concern that we could be entering a new mini ice age as has been experience in previous times when the sun was inactive and these were hard times for the planet. not good to be living in northern europe and russia and canada during ice ages. warm is beautiful. a warmer planet is a more diverse planet and that is basic biology. some side info to consider and that is the arctic ice has trended down in the past few years but it has been low before and it is worthwhile to remember amundson's voyage. the warming folks have said the arctic is doomed and yet arctic sea ice has increased in the past two years and is now within the normal range compared to the past 30 years. antarctic sea ice last fall was the greatest that it has been since 1979 when satellite data was first available. but you only hear about the few glaciers melting in western antarctic not about the huge increases in ice in the vast majority of antarctic's huge area. -
weedy1 that was a funny story. the letter below is circulating the internet. this is a letter from a businessman to the head of GM. the bad formatting is the way it came so no apologies. looked up this knox company and it is a legitimate company so maybe this is a real letter and maybe not. it has some good points especially about lazy and spoiled labor and crappy management. > From Gregory Knox, > In response to your request to call legislators and ask for a bailout for > the United States automakers please consider the following, and please also > pass this onto Troy Clark, the president of General Motors North America for > me. > You are both infected with the same entitlement mentality that has bred > like cancerous germs in UAW halls for the last countless decades, and whose > plague is now sweeping the nation, awaiting our new "messiah" to wave his > magical wand and make all our problems go away, while at the same time > allowing our once great nation to keep "living the dream"… > The dream is over! > The dream that we can ignore the consumer for years while management > myopically focuses on its personal rewards packages at the same time that > our factories have been filled with the worlds most overpaid, arrogant, > ignorant and laziest entitlement minded "laborers" without paying the price > for these atrocities…and that still the masses will line up to buy our > products > Don't tell me I'm wrong. Don't accuse me of not knowing of what I speak. I > have called on Ford,GM ,Chrysler,TRW,Delphi,Kelsey Hayes, American Axle and > countless other automotive OEM's and Tier ones for 3 decades now throughout > the Midwest and what I've seen over the years in these union shops can only > be described as disgusting. > > Mr Clark, the president of General Motors, states: > There is widespread sentiment in this country, our government and > especially in the media that the current crisis is completely the result of > bad management. It is not… > You're right – it's not JUST management…how about the electricians who walk > around the plants like lords in feudal times, making people wait on them for > countless hours while they drag ass…so they can come in on the weekend and > make double and triple time…for a job they easily could have done within > their normal 40 hour week > How about the line workers who threaten newbies with all kinds of scare > tactics…for putting out too many parts on a shift…and for being too > productive (mustn't expose the lazy bums who have been getting overpaid for > decades for their horrific underproduction, must we?!?) Do you really not > know about this stuff?!? > How about this great sentiment abridged from Mr. Clarke's sad plea: > over the last few years …we have closed the quality and efficiency gaps > with our competitors. > What the hell has Detroit been doing for the last 40 years?!? > Did we really JUST wake up to the gaps in quality and efficiency between us > and them? > The K car vs. the Accord? > The Pinto vs. the Civic?!? > Do I need to go on? > We are living through the inevitable outcome of the actions of the United > States auto industry for decades. > Time to pay for your sins, Detroit. > I attended an economic summit last week where a brilliant economist, Alan > Beaulieu surprised the crowd when he said he would not have given the banks > a penny of "bailout money". Yes, he said, this would cause short term > problems, but despite what people like George Bush and Troy Clark would have > us believe, the sun would in fact rise the next day… and something else > would happen…where there had been greedy and sloppy banks new efficient ones > would pop up… that is how a free market system works…it does work…if we > would let it work… > > But for some reason we are now deciding that the rest of the world is right > and that capitalism doesn't work – that we need the government to step in > and "save us"…save us, hell – we're nationalizing…and unfortunately too many > of this once fine nations citizens don't even have a clue that this is > what's really happening…but they sure can tell you the stats on their > favorite sports teams…yeah – THAT'S < /SPAN>important… > Does it occur to ANYONE that the "competition" has been producing vehicles, > EXTREMELY PROFITABLY, for decades now in this country?... > How can that be??? > Let's see… > Fuel efficient… > Listening to customers… > Investing in the proper tooling and automation for the long haul… > Not being too complacent or arrogant to listen to Dr W Edwards Deming 4 > decades ago > Ever increased productivity through quality, lean and six sigma plans… > Treating vendors like strategic partners, rather than like "the enemy"… > Efficient front and back offices… > Non union environment… > Again, I could go on and on, but I really wouldn't be telling anyone > anything they really don't already know in their hearts > I have six children, so I am not unfamiliar with the concept of wanting > someone to bail you out of a mess that you have gotten yourself into – my > children do this on a weekly, if not daily basis, as I did at their age. I > do for them what my parents did for me (one of their greatest gifts, by the > way) – I make them stand on their own two feet and accept the consequences > of their actions and work them through. > Radical concept, huh… > Am I there for them in the wings? Of course – but only until such time as > they need to be fully on their own as adults > I don't want to oversimplify a complex situation, but there certainly are > unmistakable parallels here between the proper role of parenting and > government. > Detroit and the United States need to pay for their sins. > Bad news people – it's coming whether we like it or not > The newly elected Messiah really doesn't have a magic wand big enough to > "make it all go away" I laughed as I heard Obama "reeling it back in" > almost immediately after the vote count was tallied…"we might not do it in a > year…or in four…" where was that kind of talk when he was RUNNING for the > office > Stop trying to put off the inevitable … > That house in Florida really isn't worth $750,000… > People who jump across a border really don't deserve free health care > benefits… > That job driving that forklift for the big 3 really isn't worth $85,000 a > year… > We really shouldn't allow Wal-Mart to stock their shelves with products > acquired from a country that unfairly manipulates their currency and has the > most atrocious human rights infractions on the face of the globe… > That couple whose combined income is less than $50,000 really shouldn't be > living in that $485,000 home… > Let the market correct itself people – it will. Yes it will be painful, but > it's gonna be painful either way, and the bright side of my proposal is that > on the other side of it is a nation that appreciates what is has…and doesn't > live beyond its means…and gets back to basics…and redevelops the work ethic > that made it the greatest nation in the history of the world…and probably > turns back to God. > > Sorry – don't cut my head off, I'm just the messenger sharing with you the > "bad news" > > Gregory J Knox > President Knox Machinery, Inc. Franklin, Ohio 45005
surprised? suprized at what? it will take the illiterate yanks several moths to count that high. results expected in mid 2009. the electronic system will fall apart in most states..they will do recounts and recounts and there will be judicial inquires about impropieties. waht a freeking gong show its gonna be. one for the black guy one for the white guy one for the black guy one for the white guy pass the watermellon please to think when that french fry guy mccain gets in the states will be one heart attack away from rednecked sarah being president. you thought halloeen was scary. whoever gets in as president in the states will never see the end of their 4 year term. sweet sarah will be impeached for incompetance after becoming president or obamas veep will be pres after barack takes a bullet. will be an interesting few years.
glaciers increasing this is no proof of global cooling but the environmentalists use isolated examples to *prove* warming all of the time. cherry picking climate change examples is the only way they can prove warming since the earth is getting colder and has been for a few years. does increased glacier size in Alaska prove cooling. probably not but the antarctic ice is increasing too so maybe there is something to the cooling trend for the past decade. perhaps things are not quite as catastrophic as that bastard Gore told us
*If it ain't broke, don't fix it!* ha ha har har ha ha Oh gee thats too funny man ! "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!" :lol: It's broke. Needs a major attitude adjustment.
it is not cold out. you are imagining it. it is getting very hot.
Good god! 'any product, service or otherwise sold in this province can be traced back to the energy sector one way or another ..every cent..' every cent. yeah sure. that is the most arrogant narrow minded idiotic thing anyone has ever posted here and you owe a lot of people a bloody apology including others in the oil and gas industry who will want to distance themselves from you for that. 0&G is important but you are dead wrong and that is just ignorant. If you have balls you will apologize or edit that out.
yeh i was probably a bit hard and jumping to conclusions. perhaps a knee jerk reaction to the general depravity of the entertainment business and societys overinfatuation with *stars* who are generally shallow and only in it for money and attention. over on half of all magazines sold in north america are about show business and entertainment. its too bad we can't spend that much attention to the real needs of society and the environment. may Heath rest in peace.
oooh..that was the wrong thing to say considering BBM okay .. may he rest in peace and admit im being a prick about adead guy...but aint he and ms. spears helluva role models for the kids .. a druggy and a whacko drunk. i hope he is in peace now.
Ho hum.they been yakking about that down there for years. one day it will probably happen. They had ads in some alberta papers and the last i herd they were getting desperate. has to be 4 yrs old now.
hear about the newfie lesbian? she liked boys. BTW rickr that was very funny. Sort of dont make sense to dress in drag to meet chicks.
:Nice Googling Weedy1. You didnt really think anyone on this board could have written that did you? *By mimicking females, these males are able to gain access to territories or nuptial gifts* Bugs in drag. Mr. Anderson, it could also be them drinking water with birth control pill residues. Maybe someone already said that.
Insects employ an incredibly diverse array of tactics to secure access to mates. In some species this has led to alternative mating strategies that involve deception. One form of deception is intraspecific sexual mimicry which has been documented in several species across at least seven different insect orders. Female mimicry by males is believed to be a tactic employed when some males in a population are at a disadvantage in competing for essential food resources or access to receptive females. By mimicking females, these males are able to gain access to territories or nuptial gifts and ultimately to females. In two species of Staphylinid beetles investigators have documented that males who behaviorally, physically, or chemically mimic females can gain access to more vigorous or larger male's territories and in some cases are able to copulate with females attracted to these territories. In other insect species, female mimicry enables males to rob competitors of nuptial gifts that are necessary for successful copulations. This form of mimicry may also serve as a possible post-copulatory mate-guarding tactic. Intraspecific mimicry by females appears to be less common and its adaptive significance remains controversial. In the Lepidopteran family papilionidae there are several species in which numerous female morphs exist sympatrically. The male-like morphs are thought to gain a fitness advantage through decreased levels of harassment by males. A similar theory has been proposed to explain female polymorphism in the coenagrionid damselflies, but evidence in the literature is contradictory.
*without and indicator, so being able to feel that weight, and feel the fly ticking against the bottom helps tremendously and as a result you feel alot more strickes then you miss.* Disagree. This was discussed previously here. Tightline fishing is fine for close up fishing but not practical for casts beyond a few feet. what is described cant be done when casting out any distance and you have no control over the fly without a bobber unless swing fihsing on a tight line which is another techniqe
Anyone Think That Sasquatch/bigfoot Is Real?
jones replied to birchy's topic in General Chat - Fishing Related
birchy. totally real. whats not to believe? ive got some prime beachfront lots for sale in Hanna interested? -
hi people. new here. well I believe there is definitely a movie deal in the works here. the movie will be called *finding salmo*