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Everything posted by fishead

  1. Very sad, I did a guided trip with Jeff on the upper bow a couple of years ago. He was a Good guy.
  2. Was fly fishing the Jumpingpound this year and saw a large Golden Eagle about 60 ft away sitting on a log. Have also seen them west of Cochrane on the forestry trunk road. They make the Bald Eagles look small. I think what you saw was for sure a Golden Eagle.
  3. fishead

    Fish Cat 10 Ir?

    You are right Junior two year ago is when I bought it.
  4. fishead

    Fish Cat 10 Ir?

    definately stable for standing up although I tend to just sit down as the seat is pretty comfy. In moving water I find that you just don't have enough time to stand and relax while in still water the stand up feature works pretty good.
  5. fishead

    Fish Cat 10 Ir?

    I have the 10IR but it has the aluminum checker plate instead of the mesh. IT works good for the motor and battery but I would agree with Tungsten that the anchor set up is less than perfect.
  6. Excellent return policies create return customers.
  7. I was at Cataract last week (mid-week) and there was only three other campsites being used. I can't imagine that it would get full on the weekend as there are no services. Gord
  8. Check AESO thats who I work for and I notice that they have a few IT positions open. Hope that might help.
  9. We were there in February and rented a condo in Kihei, we had originally rented a house but found out that the local Gov't was clamping down on private rental properties as of Jan 1 2008. To rent a house was quite a bit cheaper than renting a condo but we did'nt want to take the risk of not having a place to stay when we got there. We payed around $1200 per week as well for a fairly average condo.
  10. That could scare alot of fish away, would'nt be a pretty sight if the guy in the front had to start bailing out water.
  11. Thanks I'll check that out.
  12. I am looking to upgrade from my one person boat to an inflatable style boat seeing as my kids are big enough now and really want to go with me (I think I better seize the moment while they still think its cool to hang with dad). Anyways I was at the fish'n Hole and I noticed on the message board somebody was selling a 1999 Zodiac for $1100. I have looked on the internet and its looks like you could pick up a four person inflatable boat brand new for around $1500. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
  13. This probably will not work as a link but the fishing outfit is called START ME UP FISHING (http://adventuremaui.com/fishing.htm). We tried these guys out in Feb 08 and the fishing was great. Between six people we caught around 15 fish. The thing that makes these guys unique to the area is that they bottom fish which means you actually catch fish as opposed to just trolling around which many of the charters do. They are based out of Lahainna and if I were to fish that area again I would go with these guys again. PM me if you want more info. Gord
  14. Re: KungFool What may I ask did you not like about this fishery? May have been an off day or poor choice of flies. When I was out that day it did'nt seem like anyone was having any luck. Nice to here that you have had good luck there. Instead of writing it off I may have to give it another try.
  15. Being from northern AB I am alot more accustomed to catching fish in the belly boat than the streams, so after hearing about this Hectar Lake I took the plunge this year and paid the money. IMO it sucked, maybe at one time this was a good fishery I wish them luck as they will be hard pressed to get money out of me again. Beautiful scenery though
  16. Great pictures, that really helps rookies like me. Thannx
  17. I like the last two posts am still learning alot about fishing around Calgary and area. Moved two Cochrane from St albert three years ago where I did alot of belly boat fishing (boring compared to stream fishing) although I don't get involved with alot of the discussions I really enjoy reading the posts as they are very infomative and humorous at times. I would have to say that I have caught alot more fish beacuse of this site. Cheers Gordo
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