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Everything posted by Christofficer

  1. Buy a few of those big mouse dries and skate them along the surface. Oh, at nighttime.
  2. you say you fish the elbow? there is plenty of small fish in the elbow. Bigger ones below the glenmore reservoir and smaller as you go upstream. try riffles during the evening with small streamers, the small fish are fun to catch when you find them in groups. Leech patterns work great too, just don't go TOO big.
  3. Has anyone heard of this before? I first heard of it a while ago, but didn't think it was going to go as far as implementation..... I read up about it, watched some youtube videos on it, and decided it's absolutely insane. http://www.stopspp.ca/stopspp/index.php There is a protest here in calgary if you'd like to go on august 19th. I just really hope this doesn't happen, I don't want all those quacks from the states moving to canada. Not to mention their government will be allowed to do whatever they want to us. http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=4170974897 there is the facebook page with the protest date. Read up on it first. This isn't no conspiracy crap either, this is really happening and it's supposed to be fully in place by 2010, but they're already on their way. Anyways, I'm probably going to the protest. If the protests which are going on all around canada have any effect at all in the first place, it will be worth it X10. Let me know what you think about the issue....
  4. I don't know where you've been reading this, because floatant is best used when it's a consistent texture. Hence why loon makes a floatant that stays the same texture through any extreme temperature. And besides, did you even read the rest of my post? I said I like to have my dry riding low. That runny crap ends up sinking the fly even more.
  5. Whether they feel pain or not, you shouldn't feel guilty fishing. The entire basis that we're taught on is to do good things, and to not do bad things. If you feel guilty, that means something inside you tells you what you're doing is wrong. It's entirely up to you to decide whether or not to proceed doing it or not, but when I feel guilty about something I know it is wrong and I don't do it. What RabbiEE is probably meaning is he feels guilty BECAUSE he THINKS he might mishandle a fish, or he thinks he is hurting the fish by hooking it. I don't think he feels guilty that he takes part in the act of being a fisherman, but that he might be causing harm to a live creature. But that's just what I'm assuming. And you know what happens when you assume.... Personally I don't feel bad at all about fishing. I have full confidence in myself when playing and handling the fish. I do however feel bad about keeping a fish, even if it's in a place where you're supposed to keep them. Still don't feel guilty, just hoping I don't cause any pain to them.
  6. Something like a clouser I'm assuming..... but yeah, right below the damn dam is where you'll catch lots of species.....I heard even goldeye before, but I don't think that they go that far up. If you go deep and slow with a clouser use a wire leader, chances are you'll be catching more pike than walleye. If you can stay for a late evening hatch, you won't be sorry.
  7. Toolman has it bang on. Let it ride low. I only put floatant on the very top with a small amount, and don't use floatant that gets runny when it's been heating up in your vest all day. I still don't use a beadhead with a hopper/dropper setup though, because I find it's easier to cast the lighter rig. Using a fly as an indicator is the best setup imo, and I use it all the time, even in fast water. You don't need all that weight people use just to get the dropper down.
  8. Nothing ever beats that pattern. Looks like you use mono rib.......I do too. I'm not sure if that's the way everyone ties them.... What kind of dubbing is that, if you don't mind sharing? Do you use thinskin or scudback for the shellback?
  9. I haven't seen any dead fish yet, but I haven't been out a whole lot lately. I have the same concern though, extreme heat like what we've been having sucks and not only for the fish.
  10. Yep, people can be A-holes and morons. Hello and welcome to reality.
  11. I don't wear a vest anymore. I just carry my new fishpond bag instead that weighs next to nothing.
  12. I went out for a bit today, and it almost seems this baby casts even better with the broken tip. But I don't want to knick up my line so I'm gonna put off fishing till it gets fixed. Thank you for the info btw flyslinger.
  13. hahahahaha, now cross dressers can finally get in the float tube in style.
  14. I do regret not getting the tfo because of the warranty. Defenitely considering one next time.
  15. YES!!! I have finally done it. Around mid to early june I happened to break the tip off my rod. It broke when I was on my way to the river. It happened to be sitting in the passenger seat of my car, not in it's case, too lazy to disassemble my rig from the previous evening. I went into the stupid little "convenient" holder thing in the middle of the seats, the armrest, to grab a smoke. My rod happened to slide right into position where the armrest inevitably closed on the damn thing....... the snapping sound was very quiet, yet the sound was so scary it still echoes true through my mind. I was sitting in view of the river too, just waiting out a rainstorm which passed by minutes later. So, what have I finally done you might be asking yourself.......and it's this. I have gotten past the point of laziness, and instead of getting it repaired ( or even thinking about it), I have decided to use my rod just the way it is. Why? well, laziness. I don't want to pack up the damn rod and send it to britain for it to get repaired, **** that. I do have a question though. How much do rod repairs cost, and where can I get it done RIGHT. I don't care if it's a little more expensive, just don't want it breaking again midway through cast. Or, are replacement tips available for purchase? My rod isn't very expensive brand, so I'm not sure if I can even buy a replacement tip or not. Greys G series
  16. Nice pics! how in the heck do you take pictures that close without it being blurry? or are you just an expert photographer.
  17. For some reason This made me laugh way harder than it should have.
  18. Don't mean to bump an old thread, but I want to share my opinion. I personally don't use bug spray, Just because I don't want that *hit on my line or in my mouth, and I sure as hell don't want it on my smokes. I don't want it in the river either. If I was to use it I'd defenitely give my hands a good scrubbin' afterwards, like what you should do when you touch most chemicals out there. I got bit about 4 times this year so far, but it doesn't bother me at all. As for west nile, it's like most other types of viruses......weak immune system or very old people or perhaps kids will be the most affected, so I'm not worried about it too much. Besides, you'll be immune to it after you get it the first time anyways. It's kinda ironic how I won't put on bugspray because the chemicals yet I'll have around 8 cigarettes per day maybe more.
  19. I don't like mustad hooks either. A few weeks ago I was crimping the barb on a 18 and half the damn barb flew off and nailed me in the eyelid. Also, A few hooks in the pack were missing eyelets.
  20. Oh and one more question - I need to know what I'll need for this trip in terms of surviving. I hear this site is very primitive and I've never been camping without toilets or running water somewhere closeby. I need tons of suggestions for this, I don't want to be out of something when I'm out there.
  21. Yeah I expected it would still be fairly high. Sounds like it'll be a blast. Is this creek overpopulated with brookies? like would it be a good idea to keep a few?
  22. Wow, gorgeous pictures. Does a trip like this cost alot of money?
  23. Wrong fly sizes maybe. I never have trouble catching fish on the city stretch except between pumphouse and the weir. My buddy who is a novice caught his first fish near the stony trail bridge for the first time right before the water got all blown out, about 3 weeks ago. Good size for a first fish, 19 inch brown. Whitefish are everywhere as well on the stretch, especially fall, you can catch em nearly every cast.I made a note last time I was out as well, big leeches. BIG leeches lurk the upper stretches.
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