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Been looking at this taper/rod and there appears to be some discrepencies. Some list it as a 5/6, a straight 5wt or a straight 6wt. Which is it? Also I've found referances to a 204L and 204H. I relize that Panye made several tapers under the same model number and this appears to be one of those cases. Can anyone clear this up. I've went to all the usual sources without much luck. (rod building forum, classic cane etc)

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Wished I could help. Have only seen one Payne and that was years ago. I'd suspect that the rod may cast both a 5 or 6.


Do you have the taper numbers? I could look @ them and hazard a guess & a guess it would be.


One thing I've learned about rods - there is no accounting for how another person might cast. I've built rods that I use a 5 on, others go to a 4 - some a 6 - even had one fellow who contended that he liked a 7 on it. In a nut shell, the rod is rated for how I like it - your mileage may vary.







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I've only seen it indicated as a 6 wt. on RodDNA and Hexrod.


I wouldn't sweat it too much as Payne built rods for silk lines, which perform quite differently than PVC lines. Any designation is a bit arbitrary, and, as Don said, is based on the personal tastes of whom ever labeled it.


Don, here is the taper off Rod DNA.



0 0.058

5 0.085

10 0.104

15 0.124

20 0.133

25 0.145

30 0.155

35 0.177

40 0.196

45 0.213

50 0.227

55 0.239

60 0.251

65 0.258

70 0.277

75 0.289

80 0.307

85 0.322

90 0.353

95 0.353

100 0.353


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Looks like it should be a 6 wt. or a strong 5. Compared the numbers against a 8'0" 6 wt. that I've built many of and it compares somewhat closely.


I use the 8' rod for Crowsnest fishing in the spring.


But like I said, your mileage may vary.




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