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Bow River Clean Up Competition?

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Someone sent me a personal message wondering if anyone would be interested in a few friendly competitions for a few of the door prizes? IE most accurate cast, or furthest cast?


I will wait for feed back from you guys to see what you think, but you should bring your rod, NOT FOR FISHING DURRING THE CLEAN UP, but just incase we get creative for some of the sponsor prizes.



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Totally agree


If you are planning a bow river clean up it should be just that. A bow river clean up…I question the intent of the person who sent you the PM.. Whereas, they felt the need to make a competition of it….not sure if there mind was in the right place here..oh well, it proves the point that people will make a “long dong” competition out of anything…these are the risks when dealing with the stupid! and this was stupid!

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Just the point man, I want to let the board have a voice on any suggestions I get for the Clean Up.






The boards "opinion" should not matter....you are working hard to plan an event that will help the community...what you say goes!!!...if peeps don't support it, then they can toddle off and leave you do what needs to be done... unfortunately i will be on a plane headed to Regina the day of the clean up...or else I would volunteer my time, and not my "dong" to help out!

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Rethinking the whole idea...


What about a most garbage collected competition!?



How about categories for most golf balls, disposable diapers, strike indicators? Or maybe the most right foot shoes?


I'm hoping to make this one for a bit, staff meeting in the morning and company in the afternoon, but would still like to fill a bag if I can.



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