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Damsel Dinner Time


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From mid August ... posted on another board way back then. Inspired by Wes's great thread. Clive


Walked across the road after dinner today ... I saw one damsel and as I focused with the macro realized it was eating another insect. (Type unknown. Thought was a small mayfly, but no tail. Prob a small diptera of sorts.)


The damsel moved twice while I was shooting so there are three venues here. (Good thing it did not fly away vs just move and I could track it.)

1) When I first saw the damsel with the insect.

2) Closeup ... while most of the insect's abdomen was whole. Its head is not being eaten but hidden behind the damsel thorax.

3) Abdomen half gone. Yum!

4) New location. Not much left.

5) Another location. Nearly gone.

6) Done. Perhaps the head and most of the thorax are not too nutritious or tasty. The damsel released the insect and one of the expired insect's legs caught on the damsel's leg and hung there.


Oh BTW..the insect struggled most of the time and was still alive (or at least protesting) until the very end. Hardly lions-eating-gazelles stuff, but still fun. Well ... maybe not if you are dinner. ;)













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Thanks. Fun stuff.


TM ... adc and I were yakking about that last week....


Week of Oct 20 ??? ...we've a couple of lake trips lined up in the next while and then there is Turkey Day with assorted family responsibilities...I'll check with Al...I am hooped on Oct 14-16....Will advise. Thanks. Clive

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"but didnt ya put this up a month or so ago?"




YES! Forgot!! Time for the home. Read my new signatures!!


I had posted them on a photography board and a wildlife board two months ago but forget they had be previously posted here. So I have a bit of an excuse ... but also have a red face.


Now..where are my keys?





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