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Does anyone have a recommendation for a good drift boat life jacket. When I'm on the oars with a life jacket my thumbs always rub the lifejacket and get sore. So I usually don't wear one in the summer but the thought of a 500 dollar ticket has me looking and avoiding the river on hot days when the boat cops are out. I looked at few and they all seem too thick. The inflatable fly vest look thin enough until I fill up the pocks.


any thoughts


That looks pretty good. I'll have to find one in town and try it on.


The 500 fine seem pretty cheap when compared to letting my wife go shopping when I go fishing. Thank goodness the bank card stop working on her last night.


Earlier this year I picked up an inflatable life vest from Russel's Sports. It is comfortable to wear and does not hinder movement in any way. I think my cost was somewhere around $150 or so.

I believe Kyle is right in that you really only need to have a life jacket in the boat with you but my thoughts are why not wear it. I imagine if you tipped over, there are a lot of other things you would be reaching for and quite possibly never be able to grab your loose life jacket as it floated away from you. I will never go floating anywhere without mine on.

Keep your eyes open for sales. I think that new Bass Pro Sports at Balzac should be opening soon.




In the city limits you have to be wearing a life jacket. It's a bylaw. Outside of the city it has to be withitn a meter of where you are sitting. That's the federal law.


Honestly I'm not safety first person. If I was I would wear a life jacket wading. Over the years I've gotten myself in way more trouble wading then floating. When floating I do wear my lifejacket when flow rates are over 200 on the bow and when I have to worry about hypothermia. I weigh the risks and decide. This inflatable life jacket looks like one that I would wear wading.


Who hasn't got swept way while wading? It's certain a shock when it happens. Good thing it's not too hard to swim holding a fly rod.

  bigbrown said:

The city has no legislation over you if you're in the water. Waterways are under federal legislation, not provincial or bylaw.



That's what I thought but I wasn't going to argue with the cop. It was cutting into my fishing time. The cop said said it has been a 500 fine dollar since 1974. I wanted to call BS but didn't.


Yeah it's city ordinance, but I'm not sure if the Federal one supersedes the city one... Any lawyer, cop, CO, bylaw officer on the board want to clear it up?!




  crazy said:
That's what I thought but I wasn't going to argue with the cop. It was cutting into my fishing time. The cop said said it has been a 500 fine dollar since 1974. I wanted to call BS but didn't.

Being a Bylaw of the City of Calgary

to require the use of Life Jackets or

Personal Floatation Devices by persons

boating within the boundaries of the

City of Calgary.

(Amended by Bylaw Number 17M79)

WHEREAS the Council may pursuant to Section 17 of the Municipal Government

Act pass Bylaws which are not contrary to any Statute of the Province of Alberta for the

peace, order and good Government of the municipality and for promoting, among other

things, the safety and welfare thereof;

AND WHEREAS pursuant to Section 169 of the Municipal Government Act

aforesaid which provides that subject to every other Act a Council has control and

management of, among other things, rivers, streams, watercourses and other bodies of

water within the municipality including the air space above and the ground below;

AND WHEREAS the Small Vessel Regulations, SOR/69-97 established under the

Canada Shipping Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1970, Chapter S-9 in the provisions

of Part II, REQUIREMENTS FOR PLEASURE CRAFT, by Section 16 thereof except craft

propelled by oars or paddles from the application of Part II aforesaid;

AND WHEREAS it is expedient to provide for the safety of persons to which the said

Regulations do not apply on all natural or man-made rivers, streams, brooks, canals, lakes,

reservoirs or other waterways or watercourses which are contained within the boundaries

of the City of Calgary;

(B/L 17M79, 1979 May 22)




1. This Bylaw may be cited as the "Water Safety Bylaw".


2. In this Bylaw:

(a) "approved" means approved by either the Department of Transport or by the

City or by the Calgary Police Force as the context requires;


Page 2 of Bylaw Number 9084

(B) "City" means the City of Calgary, a Municipal Corporation of the Province of

Alberta or the area contained within the boundaries of the City as the context


© "Federal Regulations" means any Regulations established by the Government

of Canada or a Department thereof under the Canada Shipping Act;

(d) "vessel" means a device of any kind designed for or used as a means of

water transportation, including a raft, boat or canoe to which the Federal

Regulations do not apply and including any inflatable rubber or canvas

device capable of sustaining a person afloat in the water.


3. (1) Unless he is wearing and continues while he is on or in the water an

approved Personal Floatation Device or Life Jacket no person shall:

(a) Enter or remain in;

(B) Get on or remain on;

© Hold on to;

a vessel in or on any portion of the waters of any natural or man-made rivers,

streams, brooks, canals, lakes, reservoirs or other waterways or

watercourses which are contained within the boundaries of the City.

(2) The Personal Floatation Device or Life Jacket must be in a condition capable

of adequately sustaining the person in the water without effort or motion of

any kind of the person wearing it at the time the person is in or on or holding

on to a vessel in or on the water described in Section (1).

(B/L 17M79, 1979 May 22)


4. A person convicted of a contravention of this Bylaw by a Court of competent

jurisdiction is liable to a fine of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) and costs in default

of the payment of any fine and costs imposed hereunder to reasonable

imprisonment with or without hard labour for a period not exceeding Thirty (30) Days

or until the fine and costs including costs of committal are sooner paid.



It looks like section 169 gives the City the right to the management of waterways. Hard to believe


I agree floating in the city on hot day is a bad idea and I try to avoid it because of the beer drinking rafters and dogs. Sometimes the weather, scheduling and getting the fever lead to floating the Bow on hot weather days.... lol.........a bad day fishing.....

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