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Pictures Of Flies


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Just a question on taking pictures of flies, I have a Canon Powershot S3IS but am not able to get a clear picture of any flies. Would like to get some opinions on how I might be able to get a nice clear picture.



Russ C

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I've got the S2IS. There's macro and super macro modes on it, and a description of how to set them in the user's manual. With macro you can take shots from about 30 cm away, and with super macro you can get pictures of stuff on the lens itself (though I wouldn't recommend letting anything touch the lens).

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I spent a bit of time changing the set up I use for SBSs and instead of the frame with cards I cut it down to a disc and can attach it to my bobbin rest with a small bulldog clip. The reverse is a pale colour which also acts as a sight board. The camera is a Fuji S9600 set on ultra macro with white balance compensation on manual mode (this changes to full auto if I tie flies in the glasshouse). As you can see the fly is almost touching the lens filter (UV) when taking the pictures, I still need to sort out some incidental lighting to eliminate shadows but it works fine as it is.




and this from a review of the Peak PPPM package I did for our forum showing the camera mount that Tupps and I designed to suit it.


Designed by a moron, executed by a chaos engineer -


The Peak Fly Vice Camera Mount!





This should now give me the repeatability that was lacking in all previous SBSs as I could not be arsed to use a tripod. This little device could be a promising little earner out there in fly tying world.


Believe it or not, when the camera is swung out to the side it does not even make the vice unstable.


Nice one, Tupps!


Patents applied for, world wide rights owned, trademark established, 2X2 at hand for miscreants!


Yes, that is a genuine 10 loonie note of the old school in the photo!

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