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Cleaning Up


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Hi gang!


I have been noticing lately (since the snow/ice has melted) that a lot of garbage has started to surface in and around the river. From now on I am going to be bringing a small garbage bag with me and am going to be picking up (at least) 10 pieces every time I get out (either before I start chucking or afterwards). I would encourage you all to do the same.


Question for all of you that smoke (no judgments) but do you throw your butts on the ground or take them with you? How would you want it to be brought up (or would you want to be reminded) if someone saw you throw your butt on the ground? Is there a polite way to bring it up with out getting punched out?!






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hey dude check out teh special events..there was a bowriver cleanup lastyear...i believe wongrs of pacres did a little wright up on it..im sure there will be another this eyar...i smoek and at tiems pack out my butts and otehr times i dotn...cant really tell ya why..when im fishing the smaller creeks and streams i pack everything out......you could try tlaking too people and whatnot on teh river..theres others out there that do too...just remebr you will get lots of positive feedback from most....but dotn let teh negative ones put ya down too much

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hey dude check out teh special events..there was a bowriver cleanup lastyear...i believe wongrs of pacres did a little wright up on it..im sure there will be another this eyar...i smoek and at tiems pack out my butts and otehr times i dotn...cant really tell ya why..when im fishing the smaller creeks and streams i pack everything out......you could try tlaking too people and whatnot on teh river..theres others out there that do too...just remebr you will get lots of positive feedback from most....but dotn let teh negative ones put ya down too much


Hey Maxwell,


Thanks for the feed back. Of course my suggestion was in lieu of the annual clean up and is something we can do every time we get out in order to get a head start (not that we'll ever be able to get a hold of it - ever! :( But we can try :)





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A little while ago I cleaned up some trash at Policemans then the last time I went there was a sign posted on the fence thanking the person for cleaning up the mess. So I really don't know if it was me or not but I thought it was nice that the land owner first lets us use that area and second took the time to thank the people for keeping it clean when he could have just said screw it and closed it all off.

Another time I got caught cleaning on the Highwood and the land owner said I could you his land to access the river for as long as he owned it. So that was very cool plus his daughter is hot ;)

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A little while ago I cleaned up some trash at Policemans then the last time I went there was a sign posted on the fence thanking the person for cleaning up the mess. So I really don't know if it was me or not but I thought it was nice that the land owner first lets us use that area and second took the time to thank the people for keeping it clean when he could have just said screw it and closed it all off.

Another time I got caught cleaning on the Highwood and the land owner said I could you his land to access the river for as long as he owned it. So that was very cool plus his daughter is hot ;)


AWESOME story and yes paying "it" forward, acts of good karma and being a good "steward" towards our natural resources can often result in many rewards (but should be the reward in itself)!!





P.S. So... did you get the daughter's phone #?! lol ;)

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I always pack my garbage, & usually someone elses too. I figure if you can pack something in, you can pack it out. Something I've also passed onto my daughter. We've ,sadly, even had contests to see who can pick up the most. Even my butts when I smoked, I think I still have my old pocket ashtray around somewhere.

Annual clean ups are a good way to take care of all the garbage laying around. But people packing out their own garbage would be better.

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Dear Penthouse

It was the summer of 94 and the day was a very hot +34 and I was fishing my favorite stream in Western Alberta. I was done fishing for the day and was making it back accross a farmers field when I see the farmers daughter riding her horse towards me with her long brown hair flowing in the wind and her large amble goods bouncing with every stride of the horse. She rode up to me and said " hey sexy how was the fishing?" and I told her the fishing was very good and I asked her if she wanted to see my large Trout? :blink::blink::lol: I was married at the time so the story ends here LOL :P

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Guest lookinforwalter

Will do the same as we need to pick up after those people who seem to think the fish are biting on salt and vinegar chip bags as well as eport a mild. If anyone has picked up any have smoked doobies i didnt mean to and may i please have them back.

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Dear Penthouse

It was the summer of 94 and the day was a very hot +34 and I was fishing my favorite stream in Western Alberta. I was done fishing for the day and was making it back accross a farmers field when I see the farmers daughter riding her horse towards me with her long brown hair flowing in the wind and her large amble goods bouncing with every stride of the horse. She rode up to me and said " hey sexy how was the fishing?" and I told her the fishing was very good and I asked her if she wanted to see my large Trout? :blink::blink::lol: I was married at the time so the story ends here LOL :P


Maybe you should have taught her how to hold your rod properly :lol: :lol:

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