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This Guy Makes A Good Point, Doesn't He?

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Actually I don't think he makes a good point at all. You can insert any alarmist catastrophe scenario into his matrix and you will arrive at the same conclusion each time. Go ahead and try it. Insert alarmist catastrophes like 'giant killer tomatoes' or 'werewolves' or 'inlaws who won't leave after the holidays'. His decision-making paradigm always reaches the same conclusion. That is, we should spend money to correct the problem no matter how ludicrous or remote the problem seems. By his logic it is ALWAYS smarter to spend money on a problem that turns out to be false rather than risk the catastrophic results of inaction (giant killer tomatoes will eat us all).

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Jeremy. That is a killer "touché".


I was going to say "...if GCC is man made and if CO2 (.0054% of the atmosphere) alone is the major contributor and if mankind's measly contribution amounts to more then a spit in the ocean, then this guy makes sense." but I think you summed it up better.


Think of it this way, if everyone thought like this guy (ie: just do it, just in case), can you imagine how easily manipulated the populace would be (or should I say more easily)?

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