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Lost Gps

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About a month ago I lost my GPS coming down from a hike to Jumbo Glacier. I did look for it on the trail for awhile, but the area I might have lost it in was just too big, so see ya later, GPS. Nice knowing you. I sent a note to a hiking club for the East Kootenays and they sent out an email to their members, but no luck there either. I downloaded a nice hiking app onto my phone, and it works ok. But battery life is a big issue, and you have to pay attention to how big the map is you download in advance. So it worked OK, but I was resigned to the fact I would need to eventually by a new GPS.


Last night I got a phone call from Kimberly, BC. Seems that a couple of hikers (father and daughter) found my GPS a couple of weeks ago, and meant to call me but forgot until last night. GPS going in the mail today! Just reminds me that people are for the most part much better than we give them credit for. It would have been easy for them to keep the GPS (it's a really nice one!). Instead, they took the time to contact me, package it up and send it expecting nothing in return.


Can't wait to get it back. Unfortunately, it won't work at Uber's house, what with the EMP and all.



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