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Star Wars, Talkin Bout Star Wars

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oh my GOD, my ears are bleeding. what was THAT anyway?


trumpets should be for big band, brass/swing and jazz. NOT star wars. or at least not that version



was that a miss america wannabe pagent circa 1982? what is with the duck walk/dance? all she can do is play the chorus.


AAHHHHHH. my ear drums...


the empire does not keep you busy enough! i'll have to mention that to Mike M.

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You have all now experienced what Mike and I live every night for 30 minutes after dinner time. Except he (youngest, 13) only knows O Canada and not well at that. Oh ya...and doesn't wear any silver dangly things either.


Keerist that was painful....someone has got to be worried that's out on the public domain. :blink:

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