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Could Anything Else Happen To The Japanese?

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I can't stop watching the coverage of the tragedies in Japan. In what was so long ago it seems like a previous life, I ran nuclear power plants for the Navy. Plants not all that dissimilar from the ones that are releasing radiation right now. I don't have the slightest idea how all this is going to play out, I can only hope that they get this under control. But as an ex-operator, my heart goes out to all the people who are quite literally risking their lives to try to stabilize the situation. And all of that with the Japanese operators having to deal with the loss of their homes, possibly missing family, and just the trauma of everything that has gone on their. One can hardly imagine.



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yeah it's a tragic situation....makes you realize your own problems are (at least mine) not really a big deal when viewed in the context of the disaster in japan.....


i wouldn't want to be anywhere near that fault line (or whatever it's called).....nz to china to japan....where's the next spot?

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Everything seems to be cascading out of control- one problem after another and they just can't catchup. The Power Co certainly doesn't seem to deserve the loyalty, dedication and courage of it's front line workers. Older and retired workers are be asked to help as they will maybe die of old age before the cancer caused by radiation kills them--unbelievable. Their courage defies description.


Regards Mike

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