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Dog Park Etiquette Inquiry

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Yesterday Deb was at the neighborhood dog park with our 6 y/o Airedale - Kalim. After one lap around I he was bitten quite severely by another dog (from what Deb told me it was unprovoked). Anyway, she was able to get the name and phone number of the other dog's owner (other dog's owner mentioned something about having some kind of issues with there other dog, not the one that bit Kalim). My inquiry is... The vet bill was $800 (Kalim required a few layers of sutures and a drain)!! What is the protocol as far as having the other owner pay for that bill?! Is it as simple as calling the owner up and telling them the amount?! Is contacting Animal Control a viable option if nothing becomes of it?!





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Yesterday Deb was at the neighborhood dog park with our 6 y/o Airedale - Kalim. After one lap around I he was bitten quite severely by another dog (from what Deb told me it was unprovoked). Anyway, she was able to get the name and phone number of the other dog's owner (other dog's owner mentioned something about having some kind of issues with there other dog, not the one that bit Kalim). My inquiry is... The vet bill was $800 (Kalim required a few layers of sutures and a drain)!! What is the protocol as far as having the other owner pay for that bill?! Is it as simple as calling the owner up and telling them the amount?! Is contacting Animal Control a viable option if nothing becomes of it?!






I would think if you called them they would cover the bill, any normal person would pay it. After all, as you said it was unprovoked so it's not your wifes fault or your dogs fault. Don't be suprised if they seem shocked at the amount of the bill, but I'm sure they will pay it in the end. However, if they don't pay it or decide to fight it go straight to animal control and the police. As a pet owner you take on the responsability of your animal and are required to pay for they're actions. Did anyone else see this happen?

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Never run into the situation myself, but if I were in your shoes I'd expect the other dog's owner to pay for 100% of the vet bill and any follow-ups like for having the stitches removed. Were both dogs off leash at the time? Might be worth asking your vet what the best course of action is since they probably deal with these situations frequently.

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The way you ask the question leads me to believe your dog may not have been an innocent victim? If it was an unprovoked attack from another dog it is obvious what the course of action is.


It may not be common knowledge but lots of dogs die every year from attacks at loacl dog parks. I would never take my dog there as you are victim to the lowest common denominator of dog owner. Dogs are supposed to be under direct control even off leash; certainly not the case at these parks.


I wish Kalum a speedy recovery.





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I was not there (I was fishing on the river), but know there was a ball involved and the other dog was quite posessive of... Kalim is not an agressive dog at all, but likes to play...


Anyway, we will contact the owner and ask how they would like to handle the situation and go from there... We are willing to pay for the emergency consult ($130) as it was on a long weekend and knew there would be a premium to take K in...


The vet really didn't have much to say about the situation, except to mentioned that we could take the other owner to court...




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I am an adamndt believer in owner responsibility when it comes to training out aggressive behaviour such as possesiveness - if this is what happens the owner of the other dog is responsible in my book - if a dog can't be verbally commanded to release anything from a toy to a bowl of food to strange dog than that dog has not been trained to a level that is acceptable for open area interaction - if a dog demonstrates that behaviour towards other dogs there is a potential the dog could react the same way to a child, nuff said.


They should pay your bill.

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Okay That's a good point but it sounds like one dog was defensive and one aggressive by what I read


BTW the Off-leash park in Canmore is awesome - I take my dog there alot and rarely see any other dogs - I would hope that dog owners have enough sense to be able to readily identify the multitude of behavioural indicators that precede a alpha-beta establishment process if they are allowing their dog off leash anywhere let alone a dog park. maybe I expect too much LOL









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I am an adamndt believer in owner responsibility when it comes to training out aggressive behaviour such as possesiveness - if this is what happens the owner of the other dog is responsible in my book - if a dog can't be verbally commanded to release anything from a toy to a bowl of food to strange dog than that dog has not been trained to a level that is acceptable for open area interaction - if a dog demonstrates that behaviour towards other dogs there is a potential the dog could react the same way to a child, nuff said.


They should pay your bill.


100% nail on the head right bang on. The owner of that dog should be happy you're making the phone call to collect and not pursuing more aggressive action. I say he forks over 100% of the bill - long weekend premium or not. His dog's behaviour is 100% of the reason your dog was injured and you have that vet bill. Dog owners like this need a smack upside the head in a big way. I've spent the better part of 2 years diligently training my dog so that I'm confident he'll interact with other dogs and people in the manner expected. I'd be damned if some other dog and dog owner would get away with something like that - and you should be too. The owner is as much at fault as the dog. Don't back down and don't feel guilty - go for it all.


Speedy recovery to your pup.

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So the latest update...


After 1st contact, she is willing to pay half (but wanted to talk to her boyfriend tonight)!! Not sure what will become of it at this stage...


I think if they do force us to go the bylaw route or small claimes court, they would be SOL as they are in fact responsible for their dogs actions, period!!


After doing a little reading, and where this particular bite is (supposedly indicates aggression as if the dogs were "playing" the nip or bite is usually around the neck/face - this bite is on Kalim's side)!



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So the latest update...


After 1st contact, she is willing to pay half (but wanted to talk to her boyfriend tonight)!! Not sure what will become of it at this stage...


I think if they do force us to go the bylaw route or small claimes court, they would be SOL as they are in fact responsible for their dogs actions, period!!


After doing a little reading, and where this particular bite is (supposedly indicates aggression as if the dogs were "playing" the nip or bite is usually around the neck/face - this bite is on Kalim's side)!




I'm kinda surprised they even agreed to pay half - not saying they shouldn't, but unless your wife got witnesses, their story would likley change if it got to court and I'd be surprised if you would win if it came down to a "he said she said" (or in this case "she said, she said").


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So the latest update...


After 1st contact, she is willing to pay half (but wanted to talk to her boyfriend tonight)!! Not sure what will become of it at this stage...


I think if they do force us to go the bylaw route or small claimes court, they would be SOL as they are in fact responsible for their dogs actions, period!!


After doing a little reading, and where this particular bite is (supposedly indicates aggression as if the dogs were "playing" the nip or bite is usually around the neck/face - this bite is on Kalim's side)!




I wouldn't accept half. If someone runs a stop sign and smashes into your truck they have to pay to get it fixed not just half of the repairs. I have to agree with pipestoneflyguy on this, her dog her fault, even if your dog defended himself.

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their story would likley change if it got to court and I'd be surprised if you would win if it came down to a "he said she said" (or in this case "she said, she said").


I agree. Take the money, run and learn from the experience. I'm sure they will. No matter how well you train your dog, it has its own mind and things happen in the blink of an eye. Maybe take the money and report it afterward so its on record because If she doesn't muzzle her dog from now on and another dog gets hurt, then appropirate action based on past behaviour will have to be taken. But they have to have it on record first.

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I agree. Take the money, run and learn from the experience. I'm sure they will. No matter how well you train your dog, it has its own mind and things happen in the blink of an eye. Maybe take the money and report it afterward so its on record because If she doesn't muzzle her dog from now on and another dog gets hurt, then appropirate action based on past behaviour will have to be taken. But they have to have it on record first.


I definitely understand what Hydropsyche and rehsifylf are saying here. In a just world you would definitely be entitled to all of it, but if it becomes a huge issue it really just comes down to whether or not all the extra time and effort is worth the other half of the bill to you. It's stupid in situations like this, but you've gotta do whatever you feel is best by you.

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Hey, this same thing happened to my sister, her dog escaped and attacked another dog resulting in an $800 vet bill, which they paid for and after many failed attempts had to get rid of the dog (sent it to a farm, they loved it, it just wasn't a happy city dog). Unfortunatly it was a GREAT dog and the most gentle beast, but when it escaped it just acted different. anyways, I would think most people would accept the bill because it was there dog who did the attacking, and also just from a legal standpoint, when they gave you their name and number they basically admited their dog had done what it did (otherwise why would they have given you their info) so it would be open and closed case in court.

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Yup! But vets are like dentists (in this province) as they set their own fees (no fee schedule) - it's a license to print money!! As with dentists, try to ask for a list to see what each individual clinics charges for services... Good luck with that! They don't make it easy to shop around! CBC Marketplace did a spot a few years ago on how they totally over charge on prescriptions (over 300% on stuff you can get at a regular pharmacy)!


Obviously it depends on the size of the dog, as well (Kalim takes two units of anesthetic), also this event happened on a long weekend (you pay a premium for services on a long weekend, even on a regular weekend)...


But yeah, it's steep!!





$800???? wow, that's spendy for some stitches and a drain, considering you can have your dog's junk removed under anesthesia and have all shots and medication for under $400!
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Being a dog owner myself I agree that the other owner should cover the full cost of the bill. We all know as dog owners that vet bills are always more than we expect so in my opinion if they don't agree to the full amount then I would contact animal control and small claims. It's the principal of the thing. Ya know.....

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Hey, this same thing happened to my sister, her dog escaped and attacked another dog resulting in an $800 vet bill, which they paid for and after many failed attempts had to get rid of the dog (sent it to a farm, they loved it, it just wasn't a happy city dog). Unfortunatly it was a GREAT dog and the most gentle beast, but when it escaped it just acted different. anyways, I would think most people would accept the bill because it was there dog who did the attacking, and also just from a legal standpoint, when they gave you their name and number they basically admited their dog had done what it did (otherwise why would they have given you their info) so it would be open and closed case in court.


Are you a lawyer? Because I'm pretty sure there's a judge or two who would say that taking your dog to an off-leash park has inherant risks. Ever filed a Statement of Claim? That's $150 right there.


Uberfly, there's at least three sides to every story. I suggest you take 50% if that's all they're offering, and be grateful. Some people can be much more difficult.



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Here's the latest update.


We heard from the other dog owner yesterday and they say the are going to pay the full amount! So hopefully that works out ad they follow through.


Thanks for all of your positive thoughts! Kalim has perked up over the last serveral days, but is still having trouble navigating with a lampshade on his head! LoL! He gets his drain out this afternoon so that should be a lot more comfortable for him...



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Here's the latest update.


We heard from the other dog owner yesterday and they say the are going to pay the full amount! So hopefully that works out ad they follow through.


Thanks for all of your positive thoughts! Kalim has perked up over the last serveral days, but is still having trouble navigating with a lampshade on his head! LoL! He gets his drain out this afternoon so that should be a lot more comfortable for him...




Sweet. Take it and run!

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Here's the latest update.


We heard from the other dog owner yesterday and they say the are going to pay the full amount! So hopefully that works out ad they follow through.


Thanks for all of your positive thoughts! Kalim has perked up over the last serveral days, but is still having trouble navigating with a lampshade on his head! LoL! He gets his drain out this afternoon so that should be a lot more comfortable for him...




Hay that is great to hear, and good to hear the owners are being responsible..


Peter remember there are no bad dogs just bad owners/breeders etc......


Sounds like Kalim has got a good pair of owners..


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Thanks Tim!




Hay that is great to hear, and good to hear the owners are being responsible..


Peter remember there are no bad dogs just bad owners/breeders etc......


Sounds like Kalim has got a good pair of owners..


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Yeah of course Ray!! Dah!! <--poke--< Sorry!


I spoke to Tim (from the Hat) at the same time I spoke with you at Rick's place!!


I owe you a beer Ray!!








Check out my Profile just for kicks and giggles!!!!!

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