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Sage 99 Series


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Sounds interesting. Anyone cast one yet?


"A day of multi-bug rigs, wind-resistant indicators and the requisite high-stick rod position can be enough to make your arm fall off before lunch. But the fact is, there simply isn’t a more reliable, effective technique for finding big fish. Which is why we created the 99.


Built with the same advanced G5 Technology as our Z-Axis rods, the most obvious nymph-specific feature of the 99 is its namesake 9-foot, 9-inch length, which makes short work of long, drag-free drifts. But that’s just the beginning. The 99’s unique taper loads lower on the blank to generate open loops, helping avoid tangles with multiple fly and indicator rigs. At the same time, a stiffer tip section handles heavy payload delivery but retains the sensitivity needed to detect subtle takes.


The 99s also feature slightly oversized guides specifically placed to make stack mending, shake-out and line feeding easier. Put it all together and you have a light, perfectly balanced rod that casts like a 9-footer but fishes like a 10. High-Stickers rejoice!"



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I have had one in my hands but I wasn't able to cast it. I am hoping to have one shortly and i will make it availible to you guys if you want to meet on the river. As a comparison I have been fishing the Sage Z-axis 6100 6wt 10' the last weeks or so. I hope to be able to bring both out and do a side by side comparison.

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I have had one in my hands but I wasn't able to cast it. I am hoping to have one shortly and i will make it availible to you guys if you want to meet on the river. As a comparison I have been fishing the Sage Z-axis 6100 6wt 10' the last weeks or so. I hope to be able to bring both out and do a side by side comparison.


I'm in for that!


What are the chances if we get a group buy going to get a better price?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I fished today with a 6wt 99 courtesy of Country Pleasures. Really weird to cast at first. No matter how hard we tried we couldn't make it cast a tight loop on an overhead cast. Even with lots of double hauling we couldn't tangle up the nymph rig. At first we had a 6wt Orvis Wonderline on it for overhead casting, but after a while we put a 40+ on it. I feel the 40+ is a terrible overhead casting line, but when we single hand spey cast it the thing launched some serious bombs. Like cast further than you could fish it distance. I think we were launching it as far as some guys do with a two-handed rod. The extra length made it easy to mend line and high stick, but without being so long that it was unruly or too heavy. We also got into a few fish with it and it never felt like a broom stick. Can't wait to pick one up when they ship in November.

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I fished today with a 6wt 99 courtesy of Country Pleasures. Really weird to cast at first. No matter how hard we tried we couldn't make it cast a tight loop on an overhead cast. Even with lots of double hauling we couldn't tangle up the nymph rig. At first we had a 6wt Orvis Wonderline on it for overhead casting, but after a while we put a 40+ on it. I feel the 40+ is a terrible overhead casting line, but when we single hand spey cast it the thing launched some serious bombs. Like cast further than you could fish it distance. I think we were launching it as far as some guys do with a two-handed rod. The extra length made it easy to mend line and high stick, but without being so long that it was unruly or too heavy. We also got into a few fish with it and it never felt like a broom stick. Can't wait to pick one up when they ship in November.


Single hand spey casting with a nymph rig; now that is talent!


Just let me cast it and I will show you that the 99 will still tangle with a nymph rig.

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