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adc last won the day on September 25 2017

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About adc

  • Birthday 07/22/1949

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    Lethbridge, Alberta

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  1. Clive, by "jailing the perps" I think Mr. Anderson was referring to all past Conservative governments......Your goose explanation makes sense, but I'm sure that if Shannon Phillips had been around 20 years ago she'd not have allowed them to play in the mud.....
  2. Thanks for coordinating and communicating, Gary......Will see you at the bench someday......
  3. I met Jeff at Bullshead in 2006. Clive and I were there in early spring, I was new to FFC, and Clive says "hey, there's Beedhead, say hello"......From that point on I hardly ever fished Bullshad without meeting Jeff......He always had a story for you, always had a smile, and in my recollection he always had a Carling Black in his cooler......He was a great angler, respectful of his fellow anglers, the fish and the surroundings.....Last fall he was in his glory in his tin boat ( he always disdained boats until he got that one!!...) and he fished near Clive and I one day and outfished us about three to one.......Our shouts of F*** You Jeff didn't bother him at all!!..... His long phone calls were legendary and while I didn't know it at the time, I was lucky to be on the other end of a few of them.....Last year, late spring, one of those calls was about how frustrated he was with the fish leaving the lake over the spillway.....He spent many hours getting all the wheels in motion to do a fish rescue......Amazingly he was responsible, with help from many from this Board in saving over 300 trout for the benefit of all who love to fish this lake...... He loved his kids and his girlfriend Nicole and always talked about how proud he was of his daughters and his girlfriend and how they shared his passion for flyfishing......He was one of a kind and will be missed by his family, all who knew him and many that didn't.......The flyfishing fraternity has indeed lost a true Friend.......
  4. One of our TU members attended and presented our letter of opposition. He said there were a couple hundred people there. It was poorly organized and everyone wanted to have their say but nothing was accomplished. A typical town hall type meeting with a typical outcome. Will have to follow it for more on any results........
  5. At Monday’s Council meeting, the date of the Public Hearing was set for Thursday, August 21st at 7:00 PM. We, and you, will have the opportunity to present our arguments and voice our concerns at this Public Hearing. The location of the Public Hearing has not yet been determined. A concerned landowner is keeping us inthe loop on this.....The "proposal for development" is the same but they are trying to get the land re-zoned first....
  6. Oldman River Chapter of Trout Unlimited will be making a written submission addressing our concerns. There are far more negatives than positives, not just from the standpoint of the fishery but for the preservation of environment and wildlife as well. I seriously doubt this project will move ahead but anyone who wishes should let your concerns be know.n....
  7. The biologists already have the mandate to find 2 more per region under the Quality Lakes proposal which occured from Roundtable discussions several years ago..........So far I'm not sure any new Quality Lakes have been identified......In our region, Lethbridge area, our bio. has a list of possibles but so far has been unable to get any agreement to implement Quality Regs on any of them.......... Anyway, Smitty, I agree with you that making and wholesale changes will NOT happen......
  8. I think the Roudtables are by invitation........Usually to fish clubs/groups/organizations with one or two reps per........The whole Rountable thing was implemented so the gov't could say they were "listening" to the grassroots..........May be time for a change there as well............ Back to the Quality thing.........Good ideas you have and I would support.........However, you can see that before you're out of the gate you have serious opposition/concerns by some...........It is a very difficult issue in a province with a shortage of water...........No harm trying though---that's how Muir, Bullshead, Police came into being...........Perfect, no, but a small step for the growing number of anglers who would like a chance to catch larger fish and feel they should have a more proportionate share of stocked lakes regulated to achieve that end..........
  9. Great gift weedy............Now we'll only have to stop 3 times between here and Bullshead.........
  10. Yup...........Doomed!!....... .......And I'm not lending you any Balanced Leeches, either........
  11. Me too..........We've all heard it before............Think he may be closing in on senility.......
  12. Good job Guys........I think the gov't folks are pretty onside with creating more Quality Fisheries........Now is a good time to continue the fight for more, for sure............As BT says, let's get another half dozen trout lakes in the QF regs while the momentum is there...............
  13. I have read Dave's comments and agree with much he has said........However, a couple of points: 1) The ONLY reason for StreamWatch is the dismal state of enforcement by SRD......We badly need to lobby government to protect our F&W resources......NO ad hoc, volunteer program can do this........And while having some resources out on our most vulnerable drainages might help identify problems, without the ability to ticket offenders what good would they really do?.......Hence the involvement of government and yes, it's a double edged sword....... 2) I know that the SRD officers who had one will very much miss having the support of a S W officer this summer.......Maybe that "void" can be used as a catalyst to get the politicians to do something...... 3) Through ACA and with the stroke of the Ministers pen, a $5 check off on all fishing and hunting licenses could fund ALL that SW was trying to do and more.......And if anglers and hunters knew this check-off would be used only for enforcement (government could call it education if they like) there would not be any complaints........ALL outdoors men and women know we need to better protect our resource.......We all need to help government see that.... Finally, good for FFC and all of you for wanting to continue to support a cause.......No problem supporting PHW but the need for enforcement on our streams continues and I hope members will write the minister SRD, the premier or their MLA and let them know how we feel.......
  14. I'm sorry to tell you that there will be NO Stream Watch in 2012......Due to changes in the reporting structure of SRD and on the advice of our SRD coordinator for the SW program the decision has been made to suspend Stream Watch for at least the 2012 season........I want to thank FlyFish Calgary and all of it,s members who supported the program over the past years.......You can be proud to have helped your fishery in Southern Alberta.......Going forward please continue to press for more enforcement to protect our fish and wildlife resources.......... Al......
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