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About troutguy

  • Birthday 08/14/1962

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  • Location
    Airdrie, Alberta

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Baetis Nymph

Baetis Nymph (3/10)



  1. I can't imagine a shop making it without guiding, lessons etc. That means more employees, insurance, advertising etc. This really was really just kind of a pipe dream and just wanted all of the members input. I have no business plan or cost analysis etc. This idea would certainly not put me on a trout stream near as much as I have been this season, that I know. There in lies a huge question.
  2. Thanks to all. I knew the members would have some great feedback and that's what i rec'd. My wife has no knowledge of this post and so she would be the first and biggest hurdle if ever i was to move fwd. Sage's is thinkin the right way, with a pop up idea without huge $$$ commitment. I was thinkin perhaps the northerners coming south to fish the Bow and the cutty streams might be a big part of customer base especially with no decent fly shop in Red Deer, that I know of. But what the heck does a flyshop rely on from this point of the year til April. Bullshit and coffee? Perhaps make a little "shine" outback to sell under the counter to warm people's cockles over the winter!!!!!!!! Thank again y'awll.
  3. Unemployed landman residing in Airdrie wondering if a flyshop would fly in this bedroom city? Somewhere along highway for easy access? Unfortunately I have zero retail business experience, so probably answered my own question. Perhaps some kinda partnership? Appreciate all of your input and advice.
  4. can anybody take me to some new cutty streams. I'll pay for gas and beer and sign confidentiality clause.
  5. I think they were jammin to "rock" (s) Great shots.
  6. Just wondering if anyone had the same good fortune as I did last year (although short-lived) with the skwala hatch. I hit some of my favorite brown trout streams early last season and had some of my best days of the year. I am hoping we have a repeat for this year. just thought I would put it out there as opening day is getting close.
  7. Thanks Trailhead, great info. I doubt I'm up for it, but you have helped quench my curiosity.
  8. I believe folks have commented on this subject before but my memory fails me, as the remarks are from quite awhile ago. Kinda remember something like take at least 2 spare tires and be very aware that if you choose to travel in deep, that you will be in major grizzly country. I believe this road goes up Michel greek and hooks up with the Flathead Valley Road. I think it is the Corben road to begin with. I betcha if ya have the nerve and time ya might find some pretty nice cutyy and bullie water. Then I remembered, itz BC and god only knows what kind of licensing/cost cluster ---k a guy would have to go through to be legal. Any whoo, just daydreaming of cutty fishing. Would appreciate any comments from experienced crazies who have tried it.
  9. Thanks for the info. Just have a hankerin to chase some browns before the water gets real stiff, but do not want to hassle them. Just as I do not like getting hassled when i am trying to get a" little". Maybe one more kick at the can for a bottom huggin cutty.
  10. Just wonderin when the browns in central Alberta usually finish their spawning?
  11. I also love every Fekin thing about flyfishing. Wonderful photos man, keep on clickin!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Have not seen these before, but I bought some new simms neoprene wading socks and they are great. Finally some one made a neoprene sock thick enough to fit in wading boots for a nice fit while wet wading. Peace,Trout and Rock and Roll
  13. Awesome photos man. Luv the lightning strike in the storm cloud pic. Don't luv the damage to 2 vehicles and home in Airdrie due to this monster. Keep posting really enjoy the shots man!!!!!
  14. I really appreciate the shots. They r fab. Espeacially when I don't care to take them, it"s so nice to see others have the passion and skill and equipment and the patience etc. Keep them coming.
  15. Very nice. How did you get that nice collar on your pet bear?
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