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Posts posted by headscan

  1. I was aware of the BlueSky and Feather-Craft ones but not the others. I'm just trying to figure out if it's something worth playing with or not. Since I'd have to order them online it doesn't make much sense to order just one or two, but at the price I don't want to order a bunch to find out they don't work as well as (or no better than) polyleaders. Maybe if there's enough interest here a few of us could go in on a group buy to make it worthwhile. Either that or with any luck someone will have some at the show.

  2. Ok, I understand the differences in construction between furled leaders and polyleaders. I've also seen mentions of both having the ability to turn flies over nicely. It seems that polyleaders are more widespread in both use and availability, though. Is there a reason for this? I can't find any direct comparisons between the two or where one might be better than the other based on the situation. Does anyone have a significant amount of experience using both? I have some polyleaders on the way, but I've never seen any furled leaders locally.




  3. Lots of good reviews of these lines on Speypages as well. That's exactly why I picked them up for both my spey and switch rods. Plus the fact that Beulah tells you exactly which Elixir line matches each of their rods takes a lot of the guesswork out. I think that getting properly outfitted for two-handed casting is far more intimidating for the beginner than with single-hand outfits. If Beulah starts making reels matched to their lines and rods they'll make a killing with spey neophytes.

  4. I really enjoy the new version of the SA GPX line - it shoots well and can still give a delicate presentation with smaller flies. Have a spool of Sharkskin but haven't had an opportunity to cast it yet. Durability has a lot to do with how you use it. Cold weather, dragging it on rocks, standing on it, etc. will all take a toll. That being said, I'm hard on my line and the GPX has held up well.

  5. I only know NFL nicknames...

    "Mean" Joe Greene

    Walter "Sweetness" Payton

    "Broadway Joe" Namath

    Elroy "Crazylegs" Hirsch

    Ed "Too Tall" Jones

    Jevon "The Freak" Kearse

    Reggie White, "The Minister of Defense"

    Deion "Prime Time" Sanders

    "Night Train" Dick Lane

    Daryl "Moose" Johnston

    "The Nigerian Nightmare" Christian Okoye

    "Slingin' Sammy" Baugh

    George "Papa Bear" Halas


    The NFL has great nicknames for plays as well:

    The Immaculate Reception

    Music City Miracle

    The Catch

    The Play

    The Holy Roller

    The Fumble-Rooski

  6. I agree with Al that it's first and foremost a rod that matches my casting style. When I first started out I had a rod that didn't because it was all I could afford at the time. This caused me nothing but frustration and a mild case of Tourette syndrome. After finding a rod that was a better match I realized that my casting wasn't as bad as I thought. Good bang for the buck is another essential factor. I've found that fly rods are a lot like stereo equipment - the difference between most $100 and $300 rods is enormous, but the difference between many $300 and $500 rods is marginal. YMMV.

  7. Even if you aren't fishing streamers, what about when you catch a bruiser and you're trying to control the run while you're getting it on your reel? I use finger pressure for that.


    And if it does that to your hand, its got to be harder on the guides. I don't buy SA's answer. Sandpaper has less surface contact area then plain paper.


    I don't think you can really compare sandpaper (grit) to plain paper...


    Sharkskin is a new concept. Some people will buy it and others won't, which is why some people still fish split cane rods rather than graphite. Only time will tell if the line has any long term effects on your guides. I'm willing to test it ;)

  8. I would think the guides will wear the texture off the line long before the line wears the guides. I have heard that if you're going to be using Sharkskin for streamers you should wear a glove or tape your fingers otherwise you'll end up with some nice burns from stripping the line back in.


    One thing about this line that I haven't seen mentioned very often is that it's extremely supple - almost soft. My GPX line stays on the spool easily when I take it off the reel. I had to put a rubber band over the Sharkskin spool when it isn't on the reel or else it starts unraveling. Very little (if any) memory on this line.

  9. the gimmick could work, just think, a few more angles to reflect light off of.


    I'd think that those faceted tungsten beads would do a better job of that.


    If I was headed to the shop to pick up some beads and saw these, I might be tempted to try them if they were the same price as regular tungsten beads. Otherwise I think you hit the nail on the head - gimmick.

  10. Hey,


    I have not read the article, do they argue against the use of egg patterns?


    The article is called "Three-Minute Eggs" and it just shows how to tie some really quick and easy egg patterns. The author touches briefly on the ethics but doesn't really take a stance other than to say he won't use them when fish are positioned around their redds.

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