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Posts posted by headscan

  1. Wow, the OptiStream is a fantastic line. It probably wasn't the best day to test the line for spey casting with all the wind, but it still performed well. I'm sure if my spey casting ability was better I wouldn't have had any problems. I was still able to shoot a rod length of line on a double spey when the wind died down. I also found it was kind of strange spey casting with a one-handed rod right after using a two hander. Probably the difference in rod and line weight.


    Overhead casting was easily better than my Sharkskin line. My hauls are usually mediocre, but I was able to shoot around 20 feet of line on a double haul. As Greg pointed out to me it's probably because you can really feel the line load the rod so it's easier to time the haul. Even picking the line up, single back cast and throw I was able to launch a decent cast. The best part is that even with the distance I was able to get with the line the presentation was delicate enough that I'd feel comfortable casting a size 18 dry to rising fish. I was casting the 4 weight line on a 4 weight Loop OptiStream rod. Very nice casting rod. These definitely won't be my last Loop purchases.


    I didn't have a chance to try the Multi line. Hopefully next weekend...

  2. What's that wallet worth? You guys have it at TF?


    I think I saw it there a couple weeks ago. Was around $50 or so if I remember right. From the look of it though the tips were made for Rio's VersiTip lines. They were pretty long to use on, say, an Elixir line. The Elixir probably wouldn't fit through the welded loop on the tips anyways. If you go check it out you might want to bring your line with you to check.


    Unless you guys are actually talking about the Rio VersiLeaders, in which case never mind...

  3. So I've spooled a Loop OptiStream and Multi line ready to go for tomorrow. Looking at these lines you can see they're more like a smaller version of a spey line than a regular fly line. The head on the lines are fairly pronounced compared to the rest of it. Next to them my Sharkskin line looks like it doesn't have a taper at all...

  4. I thought about this as well after we talked about it yesterday. I noticed the references are mostly on the Loop website, so could it be that it's just a poor translation of "Scandi" casting from Swedish to English? If not, I agree that it seems odd to use a single-handed rod to underhand cast unless you have a fighting butt that you use as a bottom grip. But where would that leave you if you didn't have a fighting butt?

  5. If they already have the line spooled on a reel I don't see why they wouldn't. Some shops might be reluctant to start spooling a bunch of different lines for you to test though since once they knot it to the backing the line can't really be sold as new if you don't take it. Is there one particular line you're looking at or a bunch of them? If it's just one or two you could try calling some of the shops around town to ask if you can test them.

  6. folks keep in mind that the head length has EVERYTHING to do with the length of the rod with your fishing position taken into account. If you are wading deep the vertical distance from your tip to anchor is less than if you are mostly fishing from the bank. Of course you can compensate with your cast(ie high lift before firing) but if you want the best possible match it is important to give this some thought. For most fishing with 9' rods the Loop opt stream is ideal. For longer rods and bank anglking the stillwater versiuon works great. As mentioned, the multi is a nice compromise.


    the following links are official loop websites(world/usa/Canada) rather than that of a specific us retailer(who I believe is no longer a current Loop dealer).






    So is my understanding correct that most (if not all) Loop single-handed rods were designed and built with single-handed spey casting in mind?

  7. Not my favorite line by any means, but if you look on a well known auction site with .co.uk, you will see at times hundreds of Airflow 40 plus lines going for nothing, i dont know where they are all coming from, but you can understand why none of the store want them, you could'nt buy them trade for that price.



    I've heard so many negative things about Airflo lines that I don't think I'll be touching one any time soon...


    So I think the bigger question needs to be what sort of casting do you want to do? I thought about it and thats why I like my double taper its cheap and it seems very versatile to me...... But I really really would like to cast the snowbee ed for distance and the loop opti stream for smaller river tighter casting situations......


    I'd probably use it for single/double speys and switch casts as well as overhead casting. The idea is that I'd probably use it for overhead casting unless conditions called for a spey cast. I think I'm going to end up going with a Loop Multi since it seems to offer the most versatility for what I want to do with it.

  8. I was looking at the Rio Gold line and noticed in the description they say it has a long back taper that makes it good for single-handed spey casting. I imagine that other companies like Loop probably also make lines that are designed for this as well. Does anyone have experience with these types of lines? Do they sacrifice overhead casting ability? Any recommendations? I'd be looking for a line like this to put on a single-handed 5 weight Sage FLI.

  9. The Bow is big enough for a spey rod - show me where there's a spey river vs. single-handed rod size chart. It's fun and presents you with more options. You can cover more water with a single cast. I haven't found the rods to be much of a hassle to carry, but then I carry them in the tubes until I get to where I'm going. You don't need a spey rod on the Bow, but then you don't need a fly rod either. Isn't fly fishing in general an expensive indulgence in a pointless activity (think about it from a non-fly fisher's point of view)?


    Why not just show up the spey weekend and try it? If you can't make it I'm sure someone else would let you give it a try on one of their rods.


    Everyone knows spey casting and fly fishing in general don't really look cool - that's what smoking is for ;)

  10. I was throwing a streamer on my Beulah 6/7 with the Elixir line for a little while today and found it was pretty effortless as well. Granted, I didn't have T14 on there, but casting it wasn't noticeably different than a nymph. Can't wait to try some skagit lines, but I'm going to wait until my casting is a bit better than it is now.

  11. Got out with the Windcutter Versitip on my Snowbee 8/9 for the first time today. Took me a little while to find the right load point, but once I did all I could say was wow. Even this morning when it was cooler and I had some of the line laying in the snow I didn't experience any coiling. Thanks for all the advice.

  12. How old were these vehicles? Did they have engine immobilizers?


    I just bought a new vehicle and just assumed that with an immobilizer I didn't need to worry about an alarm or any other deterrents. Do I have a false sense of security?


    And Birchy...if you think this is bad you should try Vancouver. I had my trucke broken into three times in the 18 months I lived there. The only thing stolen was my radio but they did damage the lock such that I had to get in through the passenger seat.


    I do hope they recover your Blazer and belongings. And if they nab the thieves I hope they throw the book at 'em.


    Tight lines,



    If they want your car bad enough it doesn't matter if you have an immobilizer or alarm. There was a ring of car thieves not long ago that had a connection inside a dealership. They'd scope out the vehicle they wanted, write down the VIN, then get the guy at the dealership to order a key/fob for them. A rolling code scanner will bypass a car alarm within a minute or two. And really, when was the last time you gave a car alarm going off a second glance? Granted, if I was a car thief with access to that sort of thing I'd only be after big money vehicles, but you never know.

  13. Call O'Connor's down on 1st Street SW and see if they still sell Merkur double edged razor blades. They were about $6 for a pack of 10 last time I bought some and they're much higher quality than the ones you find at grocery and drug stores. Since I shave with them I usually buy 10 packs at a time so it's been a while since I bought some there.

  14. Consider the coating on the lines before you make your purchase...the Delta (Air Flo ) coatings don't like the cold weather at all...the Windcutter is better for the COLLLDDDD



    Yeah, I remember Colin mentioning that. I know I've heard that in warm weather the two lines are quite comparable, but given the long Calgary winters I'm leaning towards the Windcutter.

  15. I've noticed no difference at all between the two (I own both in several weights). I do prefer the multi tips as it gives me more instant options. I've even cut on of my Windcutters one piece onto a 3 piece with loop to loop connections. Wanted to do some fine tuning to the grain weight and add the opportunity of custom tips.


    Thanks SilverDoctor, that's exactly what I was looking to hear. I was considering getting a Windcutter or Delta but would prefer the versatility of having multiple tips. At the same time since I'm still a novice with the double-handed rod I didn't want to buy a line that would be more difficult to cast.

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