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Posts posted by headscan

  1. I have now learned that getting pictures developed in Cardston takes a frigging WEEK!!! ARRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!


    Also... I have learned that waiting for pictures to be developed, really sucks.

    What's this "developing" you speak of? I thought you just plugged the camera into your computer to transfer the pictures then printed them with your ink jet printer. Am I missing something here? <--poke--<

  2. Hi Rob,


    I own the Decho 12'2" 5wt and love it. The three lines I've used are an 8 wt Airflo 40+, Rio AFS 4/5, and Airflo 420 grain Compact Skagit. The AFS head with a 10' polyleader or 15' mono leader is my favourite line on it so far. The Compact Skagit works nicely as well with a 10' sink tip, though don't expect to be able to cast very large streamers with it. There isn't anything wrong with the 40+ on it, but the AFS is just so much nicer.


    As far as choosing between the Decho 4 and 5, I never tried the 4wt so I don't have any opinion on it. I chose the 5 wt because I thought it would handle skagit lines and some bigger streamers better, plus 12-13 foot rods seem to be my preference. I've caught trout between 12 and 20 inches on the 5 weight and they were all a lot of fun to fight. It never once felt like I could just yank them to shore. I talked to Wetduck earlier today and he said that he loved casting the 4 wt Decho. I believe he also owns the DC 5/6 so he might be able to give you a comparison between the two rods.


    One thing to keep in mind is that you may have trouble finding a Scandi head light enough for the 4 wt. I don't think Vision, Rio, SA or Loop make Scandi lines that light, so you may be stuck with a 7 wt Airflo 40+ or waiting for the new Delta Squeeze(?) line for it though I think that's more of a mid-belly line.



  3. To generate interest in Calgarians why not try having a meeting in Calgary? Or would that be too simple? I'm sure you'd have a huge turnout. Maybe the Fisheries universe doesn't extend into this side of the province? Maybe a good analogy would be if you want a cheerful rally for republicans you don't invite any democrats?

    Have to agree. Why Edmonton and Red Deer but not Calgary? I'm not a member of the "Calgary is the center of the universe" camp, but why leave out the largest population center in the province? Sure Edmonton is the provincial capital, but I doubt that Vancouver gets left out of similar roundtables in B.C. To me it would make the most sense to have these in Edmonton, Calgary, and Lethbridge. If they can't get Calgarians to show up and really value their opinions/input then maybe they need to bring a meeting to Calgary.

  4. I haven't overhead cast my single-handed rods in a couple of months now - all single-handed spey casting for me. I can pick up a three nymph rig with an indicator and get it where I want with hardly ever a tangle. (Now that I've said that I'm going to end up tangling my line every other cast on Saturday.) I don't think it's necessarily better than overhead casting a single-hand rod, it's just way easier on my wrist which is showing signs of carpal tunnel.


    Unfortunately you guys just missed one of Gordon's sessions, and yes he is one hell of a nice guy even though he uses pink golf clubs. I think Brian Niska also said that if the weather is nice enough when he's out here for the fly fishing expo that he might put on a clinic. If you can get a lesson from either Gord or Brian it'll be worth your while.


    Oh, and that other single-hand spey video was posted by me once before when I was learning and I was promptly informed it was crap. Check this one out instead...



  5. Dood's... don't pass this up. If your frustrated with the bow get out there and learn it. The tradition of a guide who's willing to show people HOW TO CATCH fish on their own on the Bow...... lives on. You can't go wrong.

    I'll echo this. Don't think that the day after you fish with Max you'll immediately start landing 30 monster trout a day on the Bow, but he'll give you some knowledge that would take a long time to figure out yourself. Pay attention and ask questions and you'll walk away with a wealth of knowledge.

  6. I think the most amazing part about that post is that there was a disagreement about the fish being rocked yet it remained incredibly civil on both sides (at least as of the last time I checked). Personally, I would've preferred if he hadn't posted the second pic. Just my opinion.


  7. I learned:

    - that I have a serious addiction that causes me to spend obscene amounts of money and there aren't any 12 step programs for it.

    - I prefer to carry both a single and double hand rod with me

    - I can single-hand spey cast much better than I overhead cast

    - there are times that I prefer to fish alone and others that I prefer to fish with friends

    - it isn't all about size/numbers of fish, but they sure make a good day of fishing even better

    - I'd rather spend a few bucks more on quality gear that will last a lifetime than less expensive gear that needs to be replaced every year or two

    - the one thing you leave in the trunk because you don't think you'll need it that day turns out to be the one thing you needed the most (rain coat, toque, extra rod, bug spray, etc.)

    - some people simply don't understand that low-holing is rude

    - it's easier to stop fishing for a couple of minutes when someone throws their dog's ball into your water than to remove a hook from an angry dog

    - even highly pressured spots still produce good fish (there's a reason some of those spots see so much pressure)

    - Bow river trout in high traffic areas are not nearly as easily spooked as most people seem to think, which I learned after nearly stepping on a couple at FC and SDP

    - the forum feature that lets you block certain users' posts is really handy

    - the forum also lets you make some really good new friends who are just as obsessed as you are

  8. My gear is better than your gear because I spent more money on it than you did. If you spent more than I did, then you're an idiot for spending that much on gear that's complete overkill for the Bow. I fish a 15' 9wt spey rod on Stauffer with a size 22 fly soaked in shrimp oil, an indicator, and split shot from a jetboat. I fight a 12" fish for at least half an hour, especially if I hooked it off a redd at the mouth of the Highwood in the spring, then I gill it so that I can lay it on the rocks for a picture. Oh, and if you don't fish only a single dry fly then not only are you not a real fly fisher but you must also beat puppies and kittens.


    Does that cover most of the big ones?

  9. I voted from Canada, which is funny to me. It's also VERY funny to me that Canada voted 89% Obama and 11% McCain, and yet just elected a minority conservative gov. Wish I could see Alberta's numbers. Seems you want a Conservative in Canada and not so much in the US. Interesting.

    That web poll would be equivalent to the popular vote. The Cons (oops, did I accidentally leave out part of their party name?) only received about 37% of the popular vote in the last election.


    There are also a lot of other factors that could effect a poll like that. For instance, I just voted on it twice...

  10. I feel all these high end reels are more reel than anyone needs these days anyways.

    I agree 100%. For me it's also a case of preferring to have something I don't really need rather than not having something when I need it. I know I can easily take any of my Nautilus reels to Cuba or wherever and they will stand up to the salt plus the drag will reign in a bonefish, tarpon, etc.

  11. I fly for work a lot and have seen people in various airports in the US and Canada carrying on rod tubes of different lengths without any problems. In August I flew from Calgary to Vancouver and back on Air Canada with a 4 pc 12'6" rod without any problems. It easily fit in the overhead bin of an Airbus 380. In the Denver airport I was talking to a guy who was on his way to Sask with about five or six rod tubes as carry on. The trick was he used duct tape to tape them together so they counted as a single carry-on.


    If you want to check the rods, go to a hardware store and buy some thick PVC tubing that plumbers use for pipe. You should be able to fit two or more rods and the thicker PVC is pretty sturdy. There are other options that will cost you some money like custom made travel cases (http://www.redshedflyshop.com/RODTRANSPORT.html bottom of the page) Sage and Fishpond both make "fishing" luggage, or you could just FedEx your rods and reels to your destination ahead of time.

  12. You'd probably need a digital scale accurate to something like 1/100th of a gram to weigh smaller flies. Sorting your boxes by weight isn't a bad idea so you can easily tell what's what. I tie my nymphs with brass or tungsten beads, so I keep the brass ones separate from the tungsten. I use one of these C & F boxes for most of my nymphs and keep the brass on the right and tungsten on the left.

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