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Posts posted by headscan

  1. right on Max and Headscan,thx....


    speaking of loops has anyone ever heard of using larva lace to make loops,secured with a drop of glue

    i had a guy tell me about this and to be honest he's never streered me wrong but i haven't had a chance to try it he told me that loop to loop he couldn't pull them apart

    You mean using larva lace to secure the loop? Never tried it. I use 10lb Maxima Chameleon. Two nail knots, 5 or 6 wraps each about a nail knot's width apart with a bit of UV knot sense over it so it slides through the guides better. Never had one fail yet, but you need to redo your loop every so often because the line will crack eventually just behind the back most nail knot.

  2. its hard soo say about the running line dude im using teh airflow 30lb floating.. havnt had any problems.. didnt like slick shooter.. found it was sinking a touch and gave too much line resistance.... maybe 20 lb would be a good answer or try teh sharkskin stuff...

    Yeah, I am using the 20lb orange stuff. I think my Decho might have more flex in the tip than your Goran if it's anything like my Goran 6126. The Goran has tons of back bone so that probably makes a difference.

  3. Max: It's not a problem with reefing it hard enough. If I miss the set I'm decorating the trees behind me. I think the Airflo running line is just heavy because of the high diameter so it takes a while to lift off the water. I'm not leaving much slack on the water at all. Usually just throw a good mend then start stripping slack throughout the drift. I agree with the fact that they're probably not made to float as high since they're made for swinging. I wonder if the Sharkskin running line might not solve this.


    RusteHookz: If you pick up a polyleader the first thing you'll want to do is cut the mono off the front of it and make your own loop using the polyleader itself (fold back, nail knot). I've had that mono fail on a hookset before and it isn't a fun feeling.

  4. I've been using spey casts with my single hand rod for all my nymph fishing in the spring/summer/fall since most of the fish I hit at that time of year are within 20 feet or so. I figure that since spey casts work so well with the single hander on a 2-3 nymph rig with an indy that the long rod would work just as well.


    I've been using the Decho 5122 with a RIO AFS head as well. I really love that line for everything and will even throw smaller streamers with it no problem. Normally I'll use a 10' polyleader with it, but for nymphing I cut a 5' floating polyleader, attach about 5' or 6' of 10lb Maxima to my first fly, and whatever to my second fly another foot or so down. I rarely fish more than two nymphs since I find it increases chances of tangles exponentially. I initially tried a leader on the end of the AFS, but I found it didn't turn over quite as well. The main problem I'm having is that it's difficult to set the hook quickly with a lot of line on the water. Might try going to a lighter running line to see if that has anything to do with it.

  5. It's a topic that's only spoken of in whispers and most people who do it will deny it. If you're opposed to it don't read any more, close your eyes, hit the back button on your browser, and just pretend you never saw this topic because I don't feel like debating it. I know there are people out there using their spey rods with an indy for dead drifting nymphs at this time of year. So my question is, what kind of setup are you using for it? Line type, leader lengths, which casts work best, etc.?



  6. I bought a pair of Patagonia Heavyweight Mountaineering socks and they helped a lot. Wool, polypro, Capilene, anything that wicks moisture and avoid cotton. Flyfishfairwx is right about boots being too tight and cutting off circulation. Make sure to keep your core warm too. If your core gets cold, then your body starts reacting by reducing blood circulation to your extremities.

  7. Check out this article and this one for good descriptions of the different line types available.


    I prefer a Scandi line for most of my fishing and only use a Skagit when I'm tossing really big uglies or need a fast sinking tip to get down deep in a hurry. I like a mono running line in the summer and the Airflo running line in colder weather because it doesn't coil like mono. Haven't had the need to chop any of my heads to match a specific rod. All of this is personal preference so expect someone else to post the exact opposite. This stuff also depends on where you're planning on fishing and for what.

  8. before I type this - don't get me wrong I am against this so called "management plan"


    What if a plan that worked good for the ram river... catch and release... was strongly opposed by a bunch of people in Montana while it was being implemented, and they created a petition? What would we all have said about that...


    we should be careful about treading to strongly on another provinces wishes, there is a strong possibility that there are issue we are not fully grasping...


    again don't get me wrong I am just presenting the other side - I don't think there are any issues that we are missing here - it is a crap plan, period I am just sayin'

    I think a couple of things were already mentioned earlier - they're lumping all non-BC Canadians in with non-Canadians and steelhead are federally protected so a percentage of our federal tax dollars go into the fishery. Plus, catch and release is a conservation measure and the Skeena AMP is about crowding so I don't think the example works too well. There are a couple of good threads on FlyBC and SpeyPages about the AMP that do a much better job at explaining it all. And from what I can tell, most on FlyBC (residents) are opposed to it as well.

  9. Antispyware won't really help much if it was a trojan and running more than one at a time can cause more problems in terms of stability. Sounds like a trojan that could've been installed through a bad banner ad or as a drive-by download from some website you visited. Make sure after your reinstall that you run Windows update and install all the security patches. Keep going back to the update site until it tells you there aren't any more patches available. Make sure to keep your antivirus up to date and also use a full security suite that includes a firewall, browser protection, anti-phishing, etc.

  10. what about a spot on your profile to post your pictures (fish,flies,gear,scenery etc)....like a personal gallery

    That could take a lot of disk space and suck up bandwidth. Plus the mods would have to police the pics to make sure there isn't any inappropriate content like pr0n or copyrighted pics. You could always just post those pics on a photobucket account and put the link in your profile or sig instead.

  11. Just got back from the CIL hole and wanted to give everyone a warning, especially if you fish there alone like I was. Two wild dogs followed about five feet behind me for a good way. One was a black shepherd and the other was some kind of American bulldog mix - both sizable dogs. No collars on either one, but I'm guessing they were abandoned fairly recently. These dogs are probably going to be getting pretty hungry and they aren't fast enough to take down a deer (which they were trying to do before they spotted me). I'm sure they didn't attack me only because I didn't show any fear and was carrying a 12' rod, but they were definitely sizing me up. Anyway, just be careful if you're heading out that way alone.

  12. I usually end up switching between my skagit and scandi heads on the same rod. Each time I take a head off and hand wind it I'm introducing twist into the line, which can be a pain the next time I take it out to use it again. Anyone have any tips or tricks to get rid of this or not to put twist into the line in the first place? I usually let the line dangle in the current to take it out, but it can be difficult to deal with when putting the head through the loop on my running line as well.

  13. No, it's just that the internet can be a place of misinformation, and the fact that the video says

    "sultan river" means nothing. Another perfect case of misinformation. It's the Highwood.

    And since the Highwood is a trib of the Bow might as well not bother fishing it either. Never know what kind of ripple effect one of those slides might have. I'd just avoid any flowing water north of Carseland for the next few years to be on the safe side.

  14. I have the Beulah 5/6 and it works fine for two-handed casts but would be tiring to use for single hand overhead casting. The matching Elixir line works pretty nicely on it and it will toss a decent trout-sized streamer easily. What are you planning on using it for? If it's only trout on the Bow then I'd stick to the 4/5 or 5/6. Honestly, if you're looking to do a fair amount of overhead casting with it you'll be better off getting a single hand rod and just spey casting it when you don't have room behind you. My primary nymphing rod is a 9'6" 7 wt that I single-hand spey cast and the only time I overhead cast is when I'm fishing dries.

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