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Everything posted by cgyguy

  1. I may be mistaken, but seems to me that there was someone who drowned in a belly boat down by Carseland quite a few years ago. I recall that i was heading home from the river and an ambulance and police car went whizzing by heading to the river. This must have been 10 - 15 years ago.
  2. Junior - I copied this from the ColumbiaValleyPioneer.com. There are some contacts at the bottom of the page, not sure if that would help. I find the read interesting but also am skeptikal and a little cautious as well. Cheers
  3. Intersting article in the Columbia Valley Pioneer (Invermere BC) A few of us have reviewed the stocking lists for 31 lakes from Parsons to the White River and to our surprise found the Provincial government has allowed the Fisheries Society to stock predominately triploid (genetically modified) fish. Over 320,000 triploids were placed in the lakes with another 69,000 planned for this year. They are touted as sterile fish to help out our wild stocks — recent research indicates differently. Just as farmed fish escape, triploids in lakes do the same. Of the 31 lakes reviewed, 21 have outlets flowing into mainstream waters. These genetically modified fish are now able to enter our stream populations, competing for the same food and space as our wild stocks. Growing larger more quickly they consume more food, taking away from the resident population. Present research shows wild fish are experiencing new stresses with global warming, through warmer waters and changes within their habitat. In order to adapt they need time, and where triploids have escaped into these environments, wild stocks are further stressed. In our area two species of fish, the Westslope Cutthroat and the Bull Trout, are both blue-listed species (international endangered species rating), and a concern due to their numbers. “Ah so what, our redneck trout can hold their own”! Remember we have been told that triploids are sterile fish – well guess what, they’re not. The processes used to create triploids have a 98 per cent success rate, leaving 2 per cent able to breed. And no one is checking every triploid for sterility. So over the past five years 6,500 genetically modified fish capable of mating have mixed with our wild stocks, including the blue listed ones. But are more fish good? Researchers at Purdue University in the USA have come up with startling information. While the triploiding of fish makes them larger and thus more attractive in a reproducing population, their offspring were less likely to survive. Knowing this the Purdue team, using a computer modeling program, took a 60,000 wild fish population and placed 60 triploid fish capable of breeding into the population. They found that within 40 generations both the triploid cross and wild populations went extinct. The researchers stated in their report, “A population invaded by a few genetically modified individuals would be more and more transgenic [capable of transferring a gene], and as it did the population would get smaller and smaller.” The sad point is the entire stocking program for the rest of B.C. fresh waters is the same as ours and biologists are too busy to talk! If you are alarmed and want to share your thoughts here are a couple of names: B.C. Minister of Environment: Hon. Terry Lake, env.minister@gov.bc.ca Fisheries & Oceans Canada: Hon. Gail Shea, min@dfo-mpo.gc.ca
  4. Rule #69 If fishing with the wife, and fishing is slow, try your luck with a Bow Job......
  5. Tip #123 Always make sure to have your boat plugs with you before you go! Tip #124 If you have more than one pair of wading boots, make sure you don't take your two left boots and leave the right one at home!
  6. Fished the bow today from Police to MacKinnons. After I got my skates on, I scooted over to hidden hole number one and dropped a size 20 PMD just above the nose of a large brown feeding on the ice banks. As the wind stifled my hair and my moustache froze, i took a deep breath of Alberta's icy air and waited for the take......... then wham! I realized I was dreaming, and I was home in my bed with the blankets covering me. Thing is though, I stll had skates on......
  7. Sounds great - but how do you carry a 24 pack?
  8. LMAO and i thought it was the guys in the boat farting!
  9. c'mon kiss and make up!
  10. Sick. Just the other day I remember walking to an elementary school to vote at the gym at the back of the building, to pick a new mayor and trustees, alderman,etc. As I walked around the side of the school, I seen a group of say 20 kids all having fun and playing on the swings sets,etc, with their teacher nearby and watching them. All the kids were having a great time. As I walked past them, I realized how lucky I was to live in a country that is democratic and has a good quality of life. I was thankful that in this country, we are all eligible to vote as Canadian citiizens, and freedom of speech is a right. In other countries, this is not so true. There's countries that are leftwing, and whether you vote or not, they are so dirty that often votes are lost or not even collected. You can have the states with all of it's dirty politicians, but I am thankful and blessed we live in such a great ountry as Canada. Why go anywhere else. It is beautiful from one end to the other, and we don't even need to go through any border guards or whatsoever. Cheers
  11. Not sure why everyone is gettin up each other on a post like this one. C'mon guys (girls), it's only a post to genereate some thoughton the subject and NOT menat to start shack nasties (we only have another 6 months of winter) Back to the point, thanks to everyone that added their 2 bits worth on the subject, but maybe my post should have read: What is your idea of a good all round fisherperson in every sense of the word? And quit bein so negative!!!
  12. Just to be clear, When you say "tooting their horns". Does that include Airhorns?
  13. I have been fishing for over 40 years now, and consider myself to be an experienced fisherman. WHAT???? I'm not sure if age should be considered to be an "experienced" fishperson? Hey, yes, I have been fishing for over 40 years but not every day! I get out as often as I can, and catch a few fish along the way, but I would hardly consider myself to be experienced. Does catching more fish than everybody make you more experienced? I have often heard guys on the board say "I have been fishing for x amount of years and consider myself to be an experienced fisherman (aka Rick W). To the point, i believe that what make someone an experienced fisherperson is how much time on the Water you have, not how old you are!! Hey, it's friggin cold out there today, and I doubt I will see any of those with x amount of experience on the river today!? Unless....... ::ice fish::
  14. Hey- I started this original thread, but please do not take this the wrong way. It was in jest and a pot stirrer. Please enjoy counting all of your fish, and posting your numbers on the board! I am humbled by your numbers, and I expect for the most part, they are true.... I enjoyed all of your feedback and had LOTS of laughs reading them. Seems everyone has something to say on this one! Thanks for the chuckles!
  15. Fishfreak says: "I remember eating lunch while a guy was fishing a pool at the Liv. In half an hour, with multiple fly changes, he caught nothing. After I finished my lunch, I saw what was rising, and caught 5 in just a few minutes. That guy complained of a slow day on the Liv, while I had a great one. On one of the high mountain lakes, I caught 70+ fish in less than 2 hours, while people around me got a handful the whole day." Fishfreak - If I caught 70 fish in two hours, I'd quit or lose count, how did you manage to accurately catch 70 fish in a 120 minutes. Let's see.....120 divided by 70 = 1.71 minutes per fish. That is of course if you don't take time out to pee, change fly, or otherwise! WOW!!! I told you a thousand times to quit exaggerating!!!
  16. I have been on this board awhile now and have read many posts where guys are catching more fish in one day than I do all year! All I can say to those that make these statements is" Are you being really honest here?" I mean really, I can see guides having a day on the river like this, as they pretty much live on the water and there will be days when the fishing is PHENOMENAL as stated. However, I have a hard time believing that each night on the water brings dozens of fish regularly to those that regularly post. I have been flyfishing for many years and must be missing something, cause surely, my days on the river do not regularly produce high numbers of fish. Yes, some days are great, but I certainly do not turn those 3 - 5 dish days and times them by three, four, or even five at the end of the day! I do not mean to suggest that everyone who tells of big fish days are not being honest, only that there are a "few" fisherman that extend the truth. Come on folks, the fun is in the fishing, not always how many you can catch! I guess "fish count matters" with some of you, but please, be honest in your numbers, it really doesn't matter! I floated all day Saturday and passed many boats, and most of the people in the boats I passed were not faring well either. I just find it strange how someone can post huge numbers of fish caught, on the same day, same location, as we were. Maybe we missed you catching one of your 30 fish, who knows, but i highly doubt it. All I know is that the fisherpeople that we talked to, were out there, mostly fishless, but smiling, because it was a great day, fish or no fish. Truthfully!!!
  17. Didn't need to. I called the RAP line and an officer called me back right away. He said he was two minutes away, and he got there in less than that. He did find the fish, and had the SUV torn apart and all of their stuff (cooler with fish, fishing licences,etc) were all spread out on the vehicle. He gave me a wink as we headed down to the river with the the drift boat. They were definetely caught in the act!
  18. Goes to show how often I actually LOOK at my licence. However, point is, the number should be posted at these locations for ALL to use and see, not just fisherpeople.
  19. Was down at the Fish Creek Park boat launch and noticed some persons carrying a large bag (containing a nice sized brown) and placing it in their car. Afterwards they headed back down to the river to fish more. I was concerned that these people were poaching and wanted to at least have a warden come and check things out. I do not keep fish form the river and really never knew what the regs were around keeping fish. I could not find a RAPP sign anywhere. I had to call the Bow River Shuttles and got the number from them. The number is now saved in my phone, but my question is " Are there any RAP signs anywhere on the Bow?" Maybe I am blind, but would it not be a good idea to have these posted right on the information boards located at the put ins and take outs? I am sure this should help people who are not avid fisherman (dogwalkers, hikers,etc) but want to report someone who is potentially poaching? Having a posted number would have helped me at the time I wanted to report as well. I could not find a number anywhere down at Fish Creek Boat Launch. Anyone have ideas or comments on this?
  20. LMAO Good one. Nobody said poachers were smart.......
  21. Why do Pirates always say "RRRRRRRRRR""""? Because it wouldn't sound the same if they said "ffffffffffffffffffff"......
  22. I am thinking that Legacy is the old Jensons? If so, that would be about right give or take an hour. Not aware of any spots you could put in between Police and Legacy other than MacKinnons..
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