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Everything posted by yak

  1. the hawaiin islands can be extremely dangerous places to visit due to native unrest towards non islanders. you may want to try mexico
  2. gaurantee your old man asked the same question when you were a pup
  3. Sun, your stats still dont support your argument ( about how this violence is all over the country and not in isolated areas). This violence is isolated to northern border towns. It would be like warning people away from fishing in Montana because the gang violence in LA and Miami could spill over. Ive been to Mexico 20 times and never needed the Police ( cant say the same for my trips to the US) so i cant comment on your obsession with corrupt mexican police officers.I do know that for every report i read about crooked mexican police there are 10 such incidents about corrupt american cops. As for the balcony jumpers see my first post about the drunken yahoos who treat locals like whores. If you truly feel you are safer in disney world than cancun then I wont be able to convince you otherwise. best to just stay home an not take chances
  4. 2010 mexicos 3 highest murder rate cities (based on instances per 100,000 people) 1-Ciudad (border town) 133/100,000 2-Nuevo Laredo ( border town) 95/100,000 3-Tijuana (border town) 38.5/100,000 Mexico City is 4th on that list at about 8 murders per year per 100,000 people. This is roughly the same as Witchita kansas . Again, 80 percent of the violence is in isolated areas of a very big country. Check the murder rates per 100,000 in American cities and see where the real violence is. New orleans is about 65/100,000. Then theres new york,philly,st louis,detroit,washington,baltimore,newark,oakland,cinncinatti and on and on and on. This doesnt include all the other wonderful crimes americans commit against tourists and each other at rates that totally dwarf any city in mexico.I am planning on taking my family to florida next year(disney world). Thats a trip im worried about. ps. 10th wedding anny in nov. so not gonna have time to fish
  5. Check the stats on violent crime in mexico (yes i said stats as opposed to sky is falling opinion). There were far more mruders per capita 5-10 years ago than there were in the last few years. By your logic one should stay away from Montana because the gang violence in LA and Miami is about to spill over. This is about drugs and gangs. All the violence is in specific areas and targets specific people (last time i checked ,canucks in speedos werent on the hit list). Yes people still get victimized in tourist areas ( theft,assault,etc) but like any where else ( calgary included) if you are smart, and dont put yourself in a bad situation you will be fine ( heading to mayan riv. in November )
  6. sigh.......................this is all border town incidents(along with a hurricane warning) in the northern and western non tourist areas. 75% of the murders in mexico are gang/drug related and dont involve tourists ( as opposed to all the collateral damage done by gang members in american cities). Its ironic a country like the states posts these warnings. Its the american appetite for illegal drugs and the american willingness to sell any/all of their various automatic weoponry to the various cartells that breeds and supports this whole problem. Again,its not like they are shooting up cancun or mazatlan.Its more dangerous to walk downtown in Calgary than along the streets of 99% of mexico tourist towns. It seems that the tourists that get hurt at resort areas( the ones that fall off of balconies) always turn out to be totally drunken yahoos that figure any mexcian woman in a night club or on the streets after dark must be a hooker.In my experience ,if you treat the country and the people with respect you wont have any problems
  7. Thanks very much for all the input . I will contact Sage today and let you all know how it all works out in the end ( Im hoping when I send it the guy at the other end is in a great mood and they decide to upgrade me and send a Z ). Again, really appreciate the help.
  8. Noud, just a remider to pack all your flies in your luggage and not your carry on ( especially on the way home). A couple of horror stories about people loosing all their flies at customs ( i guess you can potentially hijack a jet with a size 18 parachute adams).
  9. decided to spend saturday on the highwood and had a tramatic experience. Standing there gearing up for a great day on the water and watched the last 8 inches of the tip of my 5 wt. XP fall off while Im lining it . Must have beena hairline fracture from the previuos outing. Has anyone dealt with Sage regarding warranty replacement. I dont believe i ever sent in the warranty card ( this has never been an issue with the other companies I have dealt with like Islander and Ross) so hopefully not an issue. Any info regarding who and how to send it to sage is much appreciated yak
  10. I understand that not all pitt bull owners are skinhead gang memebers, but what kind of punishment to you dole out to the owner when a pitty mauls and kills a kid(or an adult for that matter)? Happens all the time with pits and mastiffs(2 incidents reported by CNN just last week in the states involving kids being killed). Other breeds may bite but they dont generally dont press an attack after the first bite.Pitts and mastiffs have been bred to kill, and generally once they hit red zone, the end result is usually pretty harsh. Even the best owner cant garantee that something that is parts of the dogs natural breeding is 100% under control. I believe they have been banned in one of the eastern provinces ( ontario?)
  11. "going to a dog park and expecting not to be bothered by dogs is like going to a elementary school yard during recess with your pants down and expecting not to be arrested. it just aint going to happen and to expect otherwise is idiocy" LS, I know we have had difference of opinions in the past but that analogy just about made me choke on my doughnut . Thx for starting my day with a good laugh. Yak
  12. I didnt mean to intimate it was intentional and I understand these guys really picked a bad place to look for risers but if it had been me and i saw 2 flyguys stalking risers, i would have held my dog in check or moved away. Obviously the average dog owner( see non fisherman) wouldnt have thought twice about tossing their ball right into the area these guys were in, but I thought it curiuos that you didnt go out of your way to give them some space(heck if it had been me, i would have been more interested in what they were stalking than tossing the tenny for the 50th time). I have had the same thing happen many times on the river ( outside the offleash area) and it can get a little frustrating when the dog owners are not only oblivious to the anglers but actually seem to go out of there way to spook fish. Not much a guy can do but smile and move on when this happens.Again, the way they handled themselves was extremely immature and uncalled for( especially considering where they chose to fish).
  13. Obviuosly their response was way over the line ( and wasnt deserved), but my question is why did you toss the ball out into an area when you knew your dog would end up right in the area these guys were fishing? Yes they should expect this type of behavior from the average dog owner (especially in this area) but i would have thought that you, as a fellow flyfisherman, would have shown them more consideration. You knew they were stalking risers but made sure your dog disrupted them anyways.Again, i understand this area is for off leash ( i too use it) but if it was me , I would have kept my dog in check or moved 20 or 30 feet further away from them before tossing the tenny. I realize these guys picked a bad place to fish, but with all the complaints on this board about the various yahoos on the river ( jet boaters,drunken floaters,poorly guided drift boats, etc) it seems odd that as a fellow angler,you didnt give these guys a break.
  14. could also just be guys compensating for having a flush bank account and no budget .Why drive/push an Echo if you can afford a decked out 4x4.
  15. Count me as WGAF that you dont GAF (man your line on pro hockey is getting old and boring). On topic, i think tanguay will have a very good year. last time he was here Iggy lit it up ( until iron mike killed that ). Always like the effort Oli gave us. At his new salary i dont think this is a bad move either
  16. you found the price you wanted at MEMEX yet wasted a ton of time farting around with Future Shop just because ? Im not sure what your definition of a computer geek is but this has to at least put you in the ball park
  17. women have the same philosophy with shoes. My wife came with about 80 pairs when we tied the knot
  18. My biggest fear is that when I die my wife is gonna sell all my equipment for what I told her I paid for it ( i think she would have a minor stroke if she knew what it all really cost ). ps. If i could only have 2 rods I would go with a 7 and a 4 weight. The 7 is not only good for the heavy 3 nymph rigs on the bow, its also a great rod for pike and could even be used for steel heading . While a 3 weight seems like a good idea, if you spend anytime on the crow you will appreciate having something with a little more backbone when the wind picks up while still having a rod lite enough to play on the smaller streams.IMO, ideally what a guy really needs is a 7, a 5 and a 3(what i personally have in my arsenal). Then you are set for anything in alberta.
  19. I agree you can only drive one at a time however you need space to park the other 14. If you keep them all in your garage/driveway,then no problem. If you need to monopolize on all the public parking on the block to park your fleet then not so good (especially for your neighbors). I think the issue being debated here isnt so much about eco friendly as neighbor friendly. I recently moved to a culdesac that has limited street parking and have a neighbor that has 4 vehicles (2 kids that drive). Hes an excellent neighbor (as are all the folks in my cul desac), and recognizes he has more vehicles than the average household.He always ensures all his vehicles are either parked in his own garage/driveway or moves them out onto the main street (thereby leaving the few open public spaces in the cul de sac available for guests/visitors). After the hassle I had with the people in the last culdesac I lived in ( I moved from one cul de sac to another because I have 2 small kids and like the safety factor of the reduced traffic) I am appreciative of how far a little co-operation can go. ps. Do you still have the nova SS? Had one as a kid and had a ton of fun with it
  20. uh oh. this isnt gonna be good
  21. Perhaps just another quack, but i watched an interesting special on the predictions of Nostradamus. Based on the Mayan calender he predicted 2012 would be a very very bad year globally. perhaps his prediction is starting to come to fruition a little early
  22. The only thing i did was offer a possible explanantion as to your neighbors actions based on my own similiar experience. The only thing I called you is a perfect angel(you inferred the rest on your own) . I found it amusing that you could lecture someone on being a good neighbor and then in the same post go on to tell us all how you purposely went out of your way to piss off your own neighbor( I know, I know, she deserved all the petty behavior because she acted the same way). I was merely pointing out how funny human nature can be and had no intent to make personal attacks ( as i explained in my "flippant" apology) After I tried to apologize , I went on to share a story in response to your dirt bike post (again hoping to let bygones be bygones). You were the one trolling for a reponse with your ending remark to me on your last post ("and yak, I did notice but chose not to acknowledge"). Again, IMO,sometimes the view from the high horse can obscure any self analysis . If you feel the need to tell the teacher on me then have it at but perhaps before you do you should reread your own string of backhanded insults at members of this board ( "perhaps i need to dumb this down", "Im surpised it took so long for someone to clue in", etc). ps. thx for your introspect on my wording and comprehension. As you would never insult anyone on this board ,I will take it as the constructive criticism Im sure it was meant to be .
  23. You can bet if these idiots had killed someone, the city would have been hit with a monster lawsuit over this.
  24. agree they were dummies , but what about the moron driver who left the keys in and an empty bus running while he ran in to Mickey Ds for a leak.
  25. LOL, you didnt disappoint and acted exactly as expected(even though my apology was sincere and I hoped for better. c'est la vie) . Obviously I was out of line for not agreeing with how you handled your neighbor ( going out of your way to piss her off with your second vehicle). I have seen the light and now realize that you handled it like a mature adult and have every right to lecture others on being "that guy" .
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