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Posts posted by jgib01

  1. Love where your thoughts are going with this... increase revenue and subsequently up the number of Conservation Officers out there.


    From the GOA website:

    *** The Government of Alberta is currently in a hiring restraint. As a result, we will be suspending or cancelling recruitment to many of our positions. Available opportunities will continue to be posted on our website.
    Thank you for your interest in employment with the Government of Alberta. ***


    There appears to be one CO recruitment posting up right now, but with the above caveat, the likelihood of an expanding Natural Resources workforce is pretty guarded. Even if this increased revenue were proposed to offset the cost, I think it would be a tough sell to convince the powers that be that we need more officers right now rather than fewer.

  2. My first setup was a 6wt with plans to get a 4 next (which was officially added on Dec 25th). Meanwhile I picked up a "used" 5wt from a friend, which had never seen the water; probably won't fish it much, as I primarily bought it for a backup. Next up, I need an 8 for slough sharks, and thanks to the fellas here now have a 2wt fiberglass on my shopping list too. After those two are added, then probably another 6wt in a 10', primarily for stillwater. Hence my meme post on superbowl day.


    All that said, it is tough for me as a novice to tell the difference between an 8.5 and a 9'. Maybe a 9 is a little easier to mend, but even that's a stretch for me to say at this point. I went to an 8.5' for my 4 wt... was shooting for an 8' I think, but the deal on the 8.5' was too good to pass up. Thinking my 4wt will be used primarily on the Crow & Castle, wanted something better suited to some of the tighter spots I'll be fishing there.


  3. I've had Starchoice (Shaw Direct), Shaw, Bell, and Telus over the last 10 years. I don't find one any appreciably better or worse in terms of quality of the TV itself. Currently with Telus Optik, mainly because I have been able to consistently get the best bundling deals from them for the last couple of years. Optik hardware seems to be a little cheaper as well (I always buy hardware vs renting or signing on for long contracts). Bell seems to be the most expensive programming, especially after any initial signup deals run out; was always a no-go in trying to negotiate ongoing deals of any significance with them.

    When talking to CSRs, I'd suggest you make it abundantly clear that you are considering all your options for providers. You might have some leverage with your current provider to negotiate a good deal on a package once they know you are moving; I always ask to speak with the retentions dept. right off the hop. Not sure about your neighborhood in Okotoks, but I know here in Lethbridge, Shaw had a thing going with the builders in our subdivision where they were offering pretty awesome package deals for the first 6 months, with no contract to sign. Might want to ask your builder if they know of anything similar.

    All that said, dont know anything about ACN.


    Edit: just noticed today that London Drugs has the Telus PVRs on sale for $50.

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  4. I've been looking around at fins lately, as I hope to do some float tubing this spring once the ice is off, and came across these Outcast Power Kick Fins, available from Cabelas's and a few other shops right now. They look like a bit of a rip-off of the design of Force Fins, but for much fewer $'s... about half as much actually. As I have no experience with floating, wonder if anyone else would venture an opinion based on the look of them. Or better yet, if someone has sen them in person! Too early for reviews I guess, as I haven't come across any on the net.

  5. A huge thanks to Murray for showing my son how to tie his very first fly today. I think my boy did an excellent job, and is now officially ahead of me by 1 in the tying count. Also appreciate Murray's efforts to teach me how to whip finish... my boy is better student than I.


    Was nice to get to meet a couple of the forum members face to face. I whispered to my son as we approached the booth, "there's the SilverDoctor; he's famous." Lornce overheard, and said, "not famous but maybe infamous" :bow: Great job to all the volunteers... there were many happy kids as a result of your effort, time and skills. (Edit to add a pic!)



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  6. I will be attending only the one day. Sadly, I work both the Friday and the Saturday, so I will be in on the Sunday.


    Will have to talk to the kids to see if they would rather be in church thinking about fishing, or at the fishing expo thinking about God ;-)


    As Norman Maclean said, sometimes there's "no clear line between religion and fly fishing." Me and my son will be attending Expo on the Sunday as well. Not sure I can convince my daughter though, even if it means skipping church.

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  7. I bought my first pair of wading boots at Canadian Tire, on sale for under $50. They were actually a nice lightweight boot, with decent ankle support and fairly good upper construction. They offered pretty good traction with a soft rubber sole, but that same soft sole unfortunately didn't stand up all that well. I gave them away to a buddy when I bought my first "real" pair of boots in October after deciding I'm in this thing for the long haul. In hindsight, I maybe should have kept them to wear as an occasional wet-wader. Combined with the MEC neoprene sock that Pete (Überfly) put me on to, I think they would have worked well that way.

  8. As I've done a fair bit of online reading this past half year about fly rod manufacturing, the emergence of lifetime warranties, and rising costs of rods, it's hard not to conclude that consumers need to be careful what they ask for. Seems like the inclusion of "no fault/ no questions asked" warranty on rods has substantially driven up their prices ( http://www.fieldandstream.com/blogs/flytalk/2013/09/rethinking-fly-rod-warranties ). Though the North American rod-buying public has come to demand lifetime warranty, I wonder if it was an optional add-on to the price, just how many folks would actually bite? I'd bet too that a limited warranty with an included extra tip (at a lower cost to the buyer) versus the higher priced unconditional lifetime warranty, would in fact sell substantially better.


    That all said, I wish you well in dealing with Loop. I've yet to break a rod tip (in my whole 3'ish months of fly fishing), though it is surely only a matter of time. When I do, I'm sure that I will be thankful that my Orvis' and Winston have unconditional warranties ;)

  9. I was briefly using an old Canon G9 this year, before I took a swim and ended up with a big waterspot on the internals of the lens. I have an Android Moto phone that I carry with me (mainly for GPS) that takes mediocre photos. I'm hoping to pick up a decent waterproof point & shoot (maybe boxing day?). I love the idea of an DSLR for photo quality but not crazy about size factor, and just can't see my clumsiness disappearing any time soon either.

  10. Thanks for the info everyone. Think I might try the bifocal approach, at least for fishing. Neither my close nor distant vision are horrible... just a slight correction for both has crept up in the last 2 years. I had laser surgery done several years ago, so once the distance vision stabilizes again I might get a touchup, and then something like the polarized Guidelines or Sunclouds would be the way to go.

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  11. It was inevitable I suppose... In my mid 40s now and told by my eye doc that I could benefit from progressive lenses. When I was speaking with the optometrist's assistant about glasses afterward, and mentioned that I started fly fishing this year, she suggested I consider traditional bi-focals versus progressives. She said that for fly fishing (very close and very distant being paramount), progressives are not necessary, and might even be a hinderance (especially with peripheral vision). She said for office work, and when in the public eye progressives would do nicely, but not on the water. Any older eyes like mine care to comment?

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