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Posts posted by jgib01

  1. Nice work!!!


    Zip up those vest pockets though!!! Asking for trouble!!!


    (Speaking from experience!!)


    Thanks, and duly noted! Good thing there's no zipper on my waders, or something might have been visible there too :whistle:

  2. That looks pretty awesome! Had we been in tents, we likely woulda packed it in too. Managed a couple hours fishing yesterday. Caught one beautiful bow, to redeem the weekend. Incredible stonefly hatch on the lower Oldman below the dam last night. Twas very cool overnight (and previous too); furnace in our trailer saw more run time this weekend than previous 3 summers combined I think.

  3. I would vote NDP again in a heart beat. People need to understand that MLAs are backed up by a highly experienced public service. Saying that you can't be an MLA without having been one before is circular and absurd. MLAs also don't do a lot of the actual nitty gritty work. There was a time before the 44 year dynasty when the PC party led by Peter Lougheed (widely considered the greatest Albertan Premier) had little to no experience and ended a 36 year dynasty themselves. People are concerned that Albertans are going to be represented by a wide cross section of our society? I think that's how democracy is supposed to work. I was definitely more concerned when I was being represented by an entitled hegemony of 60 year old white dudes.


    Also, I'm going to leave this little bit of statistics here: http://www.progressive-economics.ca/2011/04/29/fiscal-record-of-canadian-political-parties/


    Thanks for that link. Certainly very surprising numbers for me to see, especially given the comments abound on the net regarding the past record of NDP governments across Canada. I think this info needs to be shared more widely, if for no other reason than to give pause to some of the "chicken little" thinking out there.

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  4. Thanks for the thoughts everyone. Ventured back onto "the other side" of the fishing section at my local store last night, and picked up some good old Berkley leaders. Been a while since I ventured into those parts... sorta felt like putting on an old comfy pair of shoes actually :) As I walked past the Len Thompsons, had to resist the urge to buy a couple of red n' whites & five of diamonds though... my old tackle box has a few of each still in their package.

  5. Curious what others' thoughts are on leaders for pike. I have seen where some folks make their own (knot 2 kinky, etc.), saw an old thread here with a TFO branded one (do they even still make it, as I haven't noticed it in retail stores?), and have used the Rio Toothy Critter myself. On that last note, I had a 15lb Rio one fail on me last night. Wire broke with the fish at my feet as I was reaching for my forceps & smartphone up on the bank. Made the release less complicated, but lost my $5 fly in the process, and sure that's not so good for the fish :blush: I'd like to not have a repeat of that any time soon.

  6. Nice to have a few recommendations of where to start, as the choices can be overwhelming. How the rod feels to you is just as important as any bits of advice or thousands of reviews you could read online. Advantage of buying from a fly shop vs big box store is that you can try out the outfit at a fly shop. I personally love the Orvis stuff, so would second Cutbow's recommends. There's lots of great stuff out there that won't break the bank but will be decent quality (unlike the bank-breaking outfits bigfry has sarcastically[?] suggested... yes my BIIIX is groovy, but is clearly not what hooke is looking for). Surprised no one has mentioned TFO yet, as it has a real following with the Calgary crowd; reportedly good stuff and as the warehouse is there you can walk in to get repairs done locally and quickly. My standard advice as someone who recently walked the path you are on right now... wherever you land on a rod, upgrade to the best line your wallet will allow. My first outfit was a middle of the road Orvis setup, but instead of Access line I went with the Hydros and have never regretted it. My 12 y.o. son's big box outfit was treated to an upgrade to a decent Airflo line we found on sale this winter, with significant improvement noted even by him with very little experience.

  7. Great... now I wanna buy a pontoon. ;) The Outcast hoist looks pretty slick. I'm sure you could DIY one, but knowing me, I'd probably screw something up in the process and end up spending $50 on materials anyway for something that works only half as well. I'm going to keep my eyes open for this, as I'm sure given the trajectory I'm on that I'll put it to good use eventually. Looks like it will do 150lbs, so would even work for the Porta Bote I have on my wishlist.

  8. If you are around the Oldman/Livingston area.....drop by the "Cutty Hut"!!


    I've yet to visit the infamous Cutty Hut myself, but hope to get to the upper Oldman a few times this year. I hear it is something every member here has to do before your post count will be allowed to surpass 100.

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  9. Welcome to a fellow Lethbian. Looks like you are newer to the forum than I, but I am way newer to the sport, having just started last summer. If you haven't stumbled on them yet, you may also want to check out the Chinook Waters Fly Fishing Club on Facebook. They brought a couple films here last year (IF4 & F3T) , and do some other good stuff (beer & flies during the winter for example).

  10. If fishing in Alberta, use a tungsten bead headed fly instead of a split shot/swivel for weight. Then drop your favorite fly off of that. BC guy's don't have this option.


    That makes good sense. If you are fishing stillwater with beadheads, you wouldn't necessarily need to throw any additional weight on. My frame of reference was the bit of nymphing I did on moving waters last year, where I found even with beadheads I had to add splitshot to get the fly down quickly enough. Stillwater offers that opportunity to be a little more patient... I can't wait!


    Question though for any takers... would having some extra weight on when using beadheads keep the fly lower in the water column when stripping? I would envision that the heavier your junk is, the less it would respond by moving upward when you strip. Then again, maybe I need to retake high school physics.

  11. Just re-reading the tail end of this thread, danhunt's post in particular, and was reminded of something Phil Rowley said at his talk at the Expo, which I probably won't do full justice explaining. He said that when fishing deep, if you are finding that you are getting hits and no hook-ups, the fish may actually be on your splitshot/weight... try moving your indicator down your leader to fish a little higher in the water column to see if that does the trick. Also may be a clue as to the colour they are after :) I thought it was a simplistically brilliant piece of advice.

  12. Buy invoice reports from Car Cost Canada. $40 is huge value to know most of the background on the pricing. I used it on the last 3 vehicles.

    I've used CarCost a couple of times, and found it was a very helpful tool to get to a bottom line price quickly (I hate negoitiating... just tell me what your best deal is and I will decide from there if I want to do business with you or not!). One thing I did after registering the second time round, I removed my email address from the personal info screen. Otherwise you will find that every report you request is met with email from dealerships (and from some of them, several for the next few weeks). Guess you could just hit the delete button on these email, but I have a tendancy to read most of the email that makes it through spam filters and hits my inbox.


    When we were looking for my wife's vehicle a couple of years ago, we found that our local Subaru was not prepared to move much on their price. Same thing with Honda.

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  13. No camping at Lee that I'm aware of either, but that said there is plenty of camping in and around the Crowsnest Pass. The closest campground to Lee is probably Lundbreck Falls, which has gotta be less than 10 minutes from there (and is on the Crow, so more fishing opportunities). Lee has a day use area at the north end, and lots of private residences around the rest of the lake. Would probably get some good use out of your pontoon, as it is near impossible to do anything from shore there, at least for a novice like me.

  14. You can also view the regulations online if you don't want to download the pdf. http://www.albertaregulations.ca/fishingregs/


    Thanks. Thought that was still the 2014 version yesterday, but it is definitely the 2015 ones there too... showing the new zero pike limits for some of our waters down here.



    Don't forget, your Albert Fishing Licenses run out this month too.


    You can purchase them online (easiest) here: http://www.albertarelm.com/


    When I looked last night at RELM, I didn't see an option to buy the 2015 license yet, but maybe it is there and I just missed it. I'm going to be on a family holiday from April 1-12, so won't need mine til after then anyway. Maybe I'll have my housesitter do it while I'm away so it is here waiting for me in case I want to toss a line late in the day on the 12th ;) Wonder how much of an impact the online option has had on retailers sales of licenses? I'm sure it wasn't a big money maker for them anyway, but bet they've lost some sales of other stuff by virtue of people not walking through their proverbial brick & mortar doors to get the license. Guilty as charged, as I got mine online last year, and will probably do so again this year.

  15. I think they have 2 yr warranty on their stuff... I was more than a little past that period. Though, I understand that repair costs even out of warranty are pretty reasonable. Because they broke just around the time my perfectly-lasered, 40-something eyes started to wander, I never did pursue fixing them. With my slight prescription again, regular lenses just don't cut it on the waters real well these days. Injury to insult, presbyopia is setting in so it is now getting harder to tie too. I shoulda started this gig 20 years ago (speaking of older, discontinued models)!

  16. No personal experience here. FWIW, Yellowstone Angler has ranked it as the best 6wt there is. And say what you will about YA shootouts, as someone who has "consumed" all things fly fishing since my addiction started last summer, they do some of the most comprehensive shootouts out there in the land of interweb.


    I think if I magically acquired One, my 6wt Access would hit the buy n sell pages faster than you can say "fer sale".

  17. I think all Maui Jims are polarized. I'd be all over this if I could get by with non-Rx lenses these days. Had some MJs a few years back and loved them. After 5+ years of pretty hard use as pretty much the only sunglasses I ever wore, one of the arms finally broke off.

  18. The Mountain Brook Blanks came in, nice rods, will be nice to fish. Started the first build. Marked the spine and glued up the butt section.


    I see what you're trying to do here... first you & Murray get me into tying at the Expo, and now you're enticing me into rod-building. You lot are relentless ;)

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