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Hello all, As my desire to fish is culled by the sub minus temperatures i find myself back editing on the computer once again. This short was filmed in September, as my good buddy Trouttrek came up from south of the border to be a part of the Humblefisherman series. We didn't catch huge fish this day, but the lighting was good and the fish were pretty. I learned alot from fishing with Trouttrek as his methods were different than mine but just as effective, look him up on youtube he's been all over the place. He's taking me out for some 5 pound goldens next year! It Felt good to edit on my new computer system which should allow me to produce the remaining video's from 2008 before spring rolls around. Most of our films are recorded in HD but this is the first time i have been able to upload in Hd format. I find the quality much better but not as smooth as i would like. This may be my internet connection or it might not. To view in Hd just click the hd box near the bottom right corner of the preview monitor. As it states at the end of the video, it is dedicated to my old dog Sparrow, she passed away a month after this film was made. I have a new pup now. She too is a red tri color aussie, but this ones from the South Ram Outfitters up by Caroline. There are still two pups available from the litter if anyone is interested. Message me for details.Fly fishing in Lost Lemon country was named after the Story of the Lost Lemon Mine. A legendary Alberta Tale of a prospector finding a large deposit of gold on the eastern slopes of Southern Alberta. A Stoney Chief cursed the location of this gold as it lead to the demise of Mr. Lemons prospecting partner Blackjack. There are many theories as to it's location. I for one think it's in the upper Oldman. Thats all folks, i hope you all enjoy, Fly Fishing in Lost Lemon Country http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=yQyhaRlMPas The Humblefisherman
Didn't see a bull all day, those trees were stacked with big cutts and a hefty rainbow, the rainbow was too smart for me. We indended to fish another section but it was closed because of yogi. Strand was making me crack up all day, it was hard for me to keep it under 10 mins cause of all the fish we caught. Glad you guy's enjoyed, thanks for watchin, and there should be another one along shortly.
Hello fellow fly fishers, The snow has gathered in apon us and forced us off the water. Winter is here. A blessing to some and a curse to others. I have been busy in the edit bay putting the touches on the 2008 season of The Humblefisherman series. I fondly reflect back to fall, as the trees were changing reminding us to get out before the end. It was one of these fall day's that we recorded Falling for Cutthroat Trout. The fish were keen to bite and we were able to hook up on a multitude of rigs in the headwaters of our favorite creek. Hope you enjoy, The Humblefisherman Remember to watch it in high quality mode http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMqMZ2sOesE
New Humblefisherman Vid
humblefisherman replied to humblefisherman's topic in General Chat - Fishing Related
It's funny, i fished today on the Bow with Turnbull, we were talking lots about it. I trust his judgment just as much as anyone else. He told me about seeing one on a heli adventure. He doesn't think it's a wolverine either. I love all the photo's that had helped to try to figure this out. I look at that photo of the marmot... the tail fits, the color fits, but the size doesn't, the face doesn't, the behavior doesn't. As far as Wolverine, the face fits, the claws fit, and the behavior fits but the color doesn't, the movement doesn't in the first clip but does it does in the second. The face, the river dive, and the general behavior forces me to exclude the marmot, but i also think i have to exclude Wolverine based on everything else that has been submitted. so... i'm confused. I was looking at Fishers, the face of this thing was very similar but had light patches, fishers are also alot more weasle like smaller, and head up tree's when startled. I'm sure it's not a fisher either. So i will now close saying, I must remove the "wolverine encounter part" from the title thanks to my "support" group. I will be content to refer to it in the future as a semi aggressive, waterlovin, trailblazing, fisherfaced, marmotskinned bushstalking treehoppin Wolverine like creature from below the Quadra Falls. Thank everyone for helping me figure this all out. -
New Humblefisherman Vid
humblefisherman replied to humblefisherman's topic in General Chat - Fishing Related
Good digging dude!!! good pics and Marmot movie. It was filmed on July 18th. After looking at your research you even have me doubting it haha. I just went back and took a close look at the hd version and there are some pretty sizable claws on it. My buddy Turnbull is conviced on Marmot as well so your in good company. I saw the face so you'll have a hard time bringing me to the Marmot side but Id settle for "dog faced Marmot". haha -
New Humblefisherman Vid
humblefisherman replied to humblefisherman's topic in General Chat - Fishing Related
Hey Jeffro, It is an unusual color, it's fine if you think it's a marmot based on what you've seen, and you wouldn't be the only one thats for sure, There is no foot in your mouth as far as i'm concerned. Troy was convinced on Badger (having seen the teeth and head as well) lol sheltie. He did some digging of his own came back saying he has no doubt it was a wolverine. Too me, seeing it multiple times multiple angles, but never seeing a wolverine in real life. thought maybe a big fisher, maybe a young wolverine. Found out that there are grey phase wolverines, so... I'm sticking to young grey Wolverine. But... that being said. I don't know everything. -
New Humblefisherman Vid
humblefisherman replied to humblefisherman's topic in General Chat - Fishing Related
Actually... i find this all very cool. The creature in question was seen by myself, my Camera man Cory, as well as Troy. All experienced Backcountry guy's. All seeing it from a short distance and multiple angles identify it is a Wolverine. So actually Taco it looks a hellofalota like a Marmot but he didn't get it. It Is a Wolverine. I guess i owe you guy's the full story, The first sighting was in the forest, in order to make the movie flow i used a clip of our very non video'd first brief encounter with the animal in question. The clip where i ask Troy what he thought it was ,he say's Sheltie. lol. i had to use it as it was a classic. haha. The stripes on the face, the size and the tail gave it a sheltie look. This first encounter was at about the 7 km point i watched it running through the forest and jump up and over a large downed pine and head up a small valley. We discussed it a bit , it was very fast and elusive but i knew even then what i had just laid my eye's on, all i kept thinking about was the amazing bushy tail. We walked another 3 kms and i realized that i left my stick behind. I went the 10 mins back to get it and when i turned around it was standing in the middle of the trail. Straight on it looked kind of imposing like the one in the picture. Its tail was high in the air and arched in a half moon position. It was greyish with red undertone, and it had the teeth of a dog. I yelled at it three times to get it to move. When it started running away from me and straight towards the guy's i began running after it. I let out one final yell as it rounded the corner to a surprised Cory and Troy in the middle of filming a clip. I was still 200 feet back. Troy watched it as it ran by, stepping on Cory's foot as it burned up the Trail. I caught up in time to see it cross the river upsteam. I was impressed with footage cory had gotten but was a little surprised at how low it looked in that section. why had I asked all of you what you thought it was? when i showed the footage to a few friends of mine, I got alot of answers. A few Wolverine, the next said fisher, the next said Badger, the next Marmot, the next Marten so on. These are all guy's who know their stuff, but I got a wide array of answers, i figured i throw it out to you guy's to see what would happen. Same thing... Very interesting. Kinda makes you wonder about some of that bigfoot footage hmmm. Thanks for watching everyone, and taking part in the series and my experiment. I'm working on a new movie right now. And thanks for all the comments about my dog, she was a great friend to many, and a best friend of mine. I will keep her memories strong through the video's. I'll post the next one in a few weeks, there are total of 43 so far, watch them all at http://www.youtube.com/humblefisherman -
New Humblefisherman Vid
humblefisherman replied to humblefisherman's topic in General Chat - Fishing Related
Normally i would say no... but in this case it was attched to the root so... yes. I'm being sacastic of course, and it is a good point you make. Warning RANT Warning There are some people take offence to me eating the flowers, berries, mushrooms and bugs that I come across. I don't recieve alot of hate mail but i do get some. It all comes from a place of wanting to protect the environment (which is a great thing), so i commend you for your comment.. If you had ever met or fished with me (one4adventure) you would know my intentions come from the same place. That being said, part of what i do behind the scenes is extensive scientific research into what is edible and what is not. I also take photographs and notes so that i hopefully I'll only have to do it once. I have studied the traditional native uses of many of the herbs and flowers found on the front range for the last 12 years. It has taught me that much of what you'll find in modern books is incorrect or even false. The old native teachings are buried in folklore and stories, but still need some level of verification. This information is important because as many of you know, much of our protected lands are slated for clear-cut under the faithful watch of our current government. Including the area you just witnessed in the film. The earth is in danger not from the ones who graze responsibly, but the ones who claim ownership and prosper from the sale of what it contains. Year after year i watch my favorite valley's cleared, not only destroying the natural diversity within that plot, but displacing the creatures that live there. I wish more people would eat a flower or two and experience it's medicinal properties. With this connection they may just feel a little more inclined to protect the place where that flower lives. -
New Humblefisherman Vid
humblefisherman replied to humblefisherman's topic in General Chat - Fishing Related
Thanks toolman Really neat little creature. It's funny how it reacted toward me. It walked out of the bushes to stand right in the center of the trail facing me with no fear, then did a little head bob grin/snarl at me after i yelled "scat" at him the first time. WTF i say's to myself. I also think he watched and waited till i was split from the other two before he came out to challenge me. Everything it did was very deliberate until i was able to spook him with a big WHOOOOO!!! Then he ran with blinding speed. It actually stepped on our camera mans foot when it turned the corner where Cory (camera man) was filming Troy fishing in the river! You can hear me yell just before it comes into view. Very lucky to be rolling when it all went down.. Better chance of filming Bigfoot lol. -
New Humblefisherman Vid
humblefisherman replied to humblefisherman's topic in General Chat - Fishing Related
Wow! Fischer is a beauty man, I do like the shepherds. He looks really strong! -
New Humblefisherman Vid
humblefisherman replied to humblefisherman's topic in General Chat - Fishing Related
Thanks man! we film on many diffent camera's. The main cam is a high def sony.The underwater is done on a w30 pentax, just bought the new one w60, but still favor the old one for some reason. Our B camera is a pimped old school hitachi prosumer dvd cartidge cam. -
New Humblefisherman Vid
humblefisherman replied to humblefisherman's topic in General Chat - Fishing Related
I guess it is possible, Although It did have quite a few non Marmot like qualities for one, all three of us would weigh it in at 30 to 35 pounds. which is 3 times larger than any Marmot in Alberta It had a huge fluffy tail and a face like a badger. It also ran like the wind and dove face first into the water, like an otter. Any of the Marmots i have seen live in the alpines in little communities among rock burrows. Could be a different type of Marmot maybe. I have been told by a few people that it could be a marmot, i have also been told by as many that it is a young wolverine. From the photo's i've seen of wolverines they seem to have darker fur and are a little taller. The faced looked the same tho. The tail was also the same. But the fur looked to greyish for a wolverine. Does anyone know if there a grey phase of a wolverine? -
New Humblefisherman Vid
humblefisherman replied to humblefisherman's topic in General Chat - Fishing Related
It was one of the few day's where i decided to leave her at home, But on that note... Thanks for watching and the compliment, but I have a bit of bad news for you all. Sparrow is gone. She went down very suddenly on Oct 6, She was my best friend and cannot be replaced. I will be posting a few movies with her in it, but i have put those ones off so i don't have to edit with my guts in my throat. She had been slowing bit by bit year by year and made her 10th b-day just weeks before. She was strong till the end as we hiked a solid 20 km+ trip 2 days before she passed. A large tumor put pressure on her liver which caused it to fail. She went out a warrior. Dogs are great but it sure tugs the hearts strings when they pass. I'm sure in time i will watch the videos of her with a smile, but at this point it's a pretty hard thing to do. Any suggestions for a new breed of fishin dog? -
It was mid summer when we decided to make a trip into the quadra falls. I had forgotten my walking stick while taking a few flower pics and was confronted on the trail on my way back. This beautiful nasty little creature met me midway and blocked my way on the trail, (showed me some teeth). After yelling at him a few times and swinging my stick i had to let out a "Rick Flair" to get him to back off. As he took off around the corner he stepped right on Camera man Cory's foot. Lucky for us Cory was filming Troy at the time at we got a bit of footage as he ran away. I was stunned at the speed of the thing. Thought at first it might be a marmot because of the color but it was very different than any marmot i had ever seen, much bigger, larger tail, had a mask, and the way it was acting. We are leaning towards a small wolverine. Amazing experience to say the least. We continued on to explore the falls and catch a few unique cutts. Any opinions as to what it was??? On a side note: It wasn't working in High quality mode for some reason, you may have to watch it in normal mode till i can get things figured out Many more to come, hope you enjoy.
Potential Alberta Record Bull Trout
humblefisherman replied to humblefisherman's topic in General Chat - Fishing Related
Thanks outcasts, your words are kind and it is obvious that you, like many others on this forum understand what it means to hold the life of such a creature in high regard. Kudos to you friend, and all the others from the board that appreciates how truely lucky we are to live in such a perfect place for fly fishing (and want to keep it that way!). I can't think of a sport that gives back more to it's participants. thanks to all of you for your support as the Humblefisherman series will continue to showcase our western waters for many years to come. I plan on putting out 1 movie each week this winter, so subscribe to our channel through youtube (it's free) and you will be notified via email the second it becomes available online. Be sure to click the tab that say's watch in high quality. Get caught up and watch all 42 movies at: http://ca.youtube.com/humblefisherman see you on the water! The Humblefisherman -
Potential Alberta Record Bull Trout
humblefisherman replied to humblefisherman's topic in General Chat - Fishing Related
haha, thanks! that net has seen a good many fish but none as large as that. Most of the time it is fine, on this large fish i'll have to agree... it was a piece of sheit. But i think I'll keep it for it's sentimental/superstitious value. As far as the calculation, it is a rough estimate using a similar calculator as the one above that was specific to Bull trout anatomy. It said 22.42 pounds but it is only an estimate. All i "really" know is that it was the biggest bull i have ever caught. -
Potential Alberta Record Bull Trout
humblefisherman replied to humblefisherman's topic in General Chat - Fishing Related
thanks everyone it was a high point in my life forsure. To answer your question Lynn. I was just glad that somebody was there with me to experience it with me (hold the camera lol). No "record" is worth the life of an old fish like that. I caught the fish, i know i caught it. I have a picture and some vid, i get to share with all of you. To me that is a great thing. We also know that the old beast is still out there in better shape than it would of been if i had hung it on a scale which is very hard on a big fish like that. i guess my opinion is Record Shmekard. -
Potential Alberta Record Bull Trout
humblefisherman posted a topic in General Chat - Fishing Related
Four years ago i had my rod snapped about an inch up from the cork by the biggest Bull i had ever seen, this bull had some distictive markings/scars. I have returned to that same peice of water for the last 3 years over the same two week window hoping to see him pull through. No luck. As mature Bull trout spawn only every few years and less as they get older the old boy pulled in 5 day's late and 4 years later. It was him, unfortunatley my camera man was in B.C. on another project. My buddy trev was with me but all i had was my little pentax optio camera and my 6 wt for cutts. it would have to do... The massive fish took a glow bead double bunny i had tied for just this occasion. Right in the kype, i held him in the main pool for awhile but then he took off downstream like a torpedo. Tried many times in vain to net him with my little homemade sling, but eventually he came to hand. I just sat there and stared at it, stunned. The length and girth measurment estimate it around 22 pounds which would make it a new alberta record. No tape measure pics lol i measured it with peices of tippett. 35 3/4 inches long 21.5 inch girth. since they don't issue records without the proper documentation it will have to be recorded as my own personal victory. i thought i would share it with my peeps from the board . It will only be on youtube for a short while so watch it while you can. Many more movies on their way. 22 in fact. Could be awhile tho, I only edit when the mountain rivers close and the mountain lakes freeze over. we are still a month away hope you enjoy!!! the Humblefisherman -
Best Fish Of The Year
humblefisherman replied to Pythagoras's topic in General Chat - Fishing Related
lol i was scared of it and so was my dog. He dodged me on two fast water landing attempts, then I tried to get my buddy to net it with that tiny homade net of mine (nightmare) haha he was scared of it. But we got him! After a few pics and some vid he took off and we watched him swim up the fastest water with ease. i was dumbfounded by the whole event as my face shows it in that one pic. He had this one giant tooth in his mouth. Like a tusk. I wonder if that is normal in these very old bull trout. -
Best Fish Of The Year
humblefisherman replied to Pythagoras's topic in General Chat - Fishing Related
It would have to be this old toad i managed to land last week. This was the oldest biggest Bull i have ever seen. We estimate him to be a tad over 20 pounds and had the face of an ugly old man. Took me down a huge stretch of white water and when i finally got close to him my jaw dropped. I imagine a fish this size would have to reside in the Bow most of the year. -
Hello fishing friends, In between guiding, fishing, filming and work , i have managed to get a little editing done. As many of you know in 2005 many of the private ponds along such rivers as the sheep, highwood, and oldman were blown out. This added many new influx fish to our favorite rivers. We noticed some of these large fish cruising the main rivers as well as entering this particular trib to spawn. The last rainbow in this vid was a true monster, my largest river rainbow to date, and a joy to catch. Anyway, hope you all enjoy this lastest edition to the Humblefisherman series.
New Video From The Humblefisherman
humblefisherman replied to humblefisherman's topic in General Chat - Fishing Related
Thanks everyone for all your compliments to the film, the great people on this forum have alway's been very supportive! The real props should go out to our Camera man Cory. He got some amazing shots, and has come along way since his first movie with us " The Impossible Canyon". I was sooo stoked to see that he captured the giant leap of that rainbow. Stay tuned as they should be popping out with some regularity now that the season is underway. The Humblefisherman -
Hello friends and fly fishers, "In search of Triploid Rainbow" This our latest in the series just filmed this past weekend in B.C. A beautiful lake with some giant fish. I wanted to see what these "Triploid" trout were all about. More and more lakes are being stocked with triploids because of their fast growth rate and non reproductive qualities. I've heard as the water warms, lactic build up can tend to immobilize or kill these beasts in mid fight. The ones i caught fought hard and recovered quickly. Anyway i had a blast working on this episode of the Humblefisherman series, and i hope you all enjoy it. look near the bottom right corner of the viewing window for an icon that say's "watch in high quality" looks way better that way. http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCeC7dH6pQY Like to hear what some of you think about the modification of trout from a natural reproductive state into triploidation. Made that last word up Interesting subject, does anyone know if they are stocking these things in Alberta? The Humblefisherman
When i was 14, i was camping/ biking with my aunt, uncle, and younger cousin out by willow creek. We rode around the first day, and were camping mid week there wasn't another group with in 20 km's of us. That night we heard loud screaming coming from the trees just beyond our camp it sounded like some lady was in trouble. It got louder and louder until there was thrashing in the bush right at the edge of camp. It continued until the wee hours of the morning, the next day we were all pretty spooked, and we took a look around where we heard the noise coming from. I shouldn't say noise, it was like a woman screaming at the top of her lungs. There wasn't much to be seen other than a few snapped branches. The next night at dusk we decided to catch a few mice that had come to nibble on our cooking grill for a mouse race, when the screaming and thrashing started again. This time it was very very close. All of a sudden a large dead tree was pushed over and crashed, landing mere feet from where we were standing next to the fire. My uncle hopped into his truck and pointed the headlights into the tree's where the noise was coming from. My perception of everything changed when I caught a glimpse of something running through the tree's that was big, black, and bipedal. After thing cooled down a bit we were trying decide if we were going to leave. We decided to stay and went to bed early feeling somewhat safer inside our tent trailer. In the middle of the night i was woken up to chaos. The end of the tent trailer that was housing my aunt and Uncle was flipped up vertical and they were dumped on the floor recieving minor injuries. My uncle thought it was me playing a joke until the side me and my little cousin were on was on was flipped too, landing us on top of them. We stayed on the floor awhile not wanting to go outside but eventually did to fix the trailer, all the while feeling like something was watching us. The next morning we looked at the end of the trailer, it had scuff marks where something had grabeed the trailer with two hands. This time, we left. I travel into very remote places each summer with my passion for fly fishing. I also spent a summer talking to natives and loggers on the Sunshine coast in B.C.. I have come to the understanding that Bigfoot is 100% real. No question, it frequents the frontrange of the rockies and there has been a whack of sighting up and down the foresty truck roads just west of town.