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Posts posted by toolman

  1. HAVE'IN FUN YET...! iAM


    TIP#99 Don't hide a banana in the boat, thay say.




    because of bad luck fish'in .


    I love bananas 1 a day


    Yeah flyfishy, I think we're all have'in a bit of fun... You can come fish'in with me anytime, buddy...


    Rule #99 No bananas allowed in the boat...

  2. Not all that often, but it depends on what you are swinging. I sometimes get a few if I'm swinging stoneflys or occassionally on a leeches, buggers, blood worms. I recall catching a few really big whitefish, swinging stones on a sink tip, down at Burnco in late March, a few years ago.

  3. Leaders/polyleaders typically run from 1x too 1.5x rod length depending on the size of fly, presentation, conditions ect.

    You can use both 10' or 14' polyleaders plus tippet, or tapered leaders in mono/fluro. Tapered mono leaders or floating PL's, can run up to 1.5x rod length, even a bit longer at times. At the shorter end of the spectrum, if you are using super fast sinking polyleaders and larger/heavier flys, a 10' PL with 3'-4' of tippet will give you more turn over power.

  4. Thanks a lot Greg, this old dude is looking forward to the new season fishing with you. Had a blast last year, remember this day fishing with you and Duchie. You had some monster browns that day.


    That was a great day Lornce. As shown in the vid, you had some pretty spectacular Rainbows to hand. It was epic on the dryfly that afternoon as well. Dutchie almost had the biggest brown of the day, but that rookie lost it at the net... :$*%&:

    Then he blamed me for not netting it properly. :lol: :lol:

  5. I'm thinking of getting an 8wt, 13ft rod to take to Skeena country.

    Skagit head and sinktips ?

    Then some kind of running line...slick shooter, SA shootiing, Airflo ridge running line?


    Am I on the right track?


    Great set up and as Mark mentioned, tapered running lines have a few uses, including nymphing or to lengthen an existing head, add extra grains ect., but not very useful for swing fishing with Skagit heads, in my experience.

  6. I once tied one in hot pink.....just to prove to myself that color makes little to no difference with dry flies (in rivers).


    I would have to agree somewhat, that body color seems to be of less importance with Caddis dry's than most anglers realize. Size, profile and presentation are much more important factors.


  7. Hey Gordon, well, the Expo was ok this year and it was great to chat with old friends and such, but ...

    it wasn't like the old days when there were Scotsman wearing Kilts and reeking of the Highlands finest, entertaining us for the weekend. :lol:

  8. I would really like to get my hanks on a Loop Evotec there Toolman, especially the the 12 or 13'6 8wt!! Good to hear that you like the big 14 footer. Have you tried any double handers from Vision? I would like to get my hands on one of those as well....as you know one can never have too many spey rods!!


    I spent a bit of time with the Evotec 8136 that a friend of mine is using and it is unique. I liked it better for Underhand casting with a Scandi head than for Skagit use. I also forgot to include my Opti 8124 and the Guideline LeCie 13'7" 7/8 to my list of fav's for 2010. I also test casted a couple of the Metal detector rods this year as well, the 400 Switch and the 510 with matching Skagit heads, which were decent. Other notable mentions would be a Burkenhiemer 13"7" 8/9 (pretty sure this was the rod size), and GLoomis NRX 9130, but I did not spend enough time casting these sticks to give a proper evaluation with different line systems, but I liked them both. Have not had a chance to cast any of the Vision rods yet, but there may be an opportunity at the Fly Expo if Courtney brings a few along.

  9. Had the opportunity to cast many different rods in 2010. Mostly all of them were nice to cast, (with a couple of exceptions) and a few were very, very nice, yet different from the other. Here are a few of my fav's.

    A very unique rod that I cast recently, is the Loop Epic 9140 Med/Fast, which is now labeled as the Evotec series. The Epic, which I believe was only released for a short period of time, in Europe, has a hex shaped top grip and an adjustable reel seat like the Opti Power Spey. We lined it with a 480 grain Compac Scandi and fast sink Polyleader. Very crip, light, responsive rod that can shoot a country mile. I hope the current Evotech 9140 MF has the same awesome mojo as the Epic.

    Recently, I lined up my Scott McKenzie DTX 8130, with a 540 Compac Skagit w/11'-T-14 tip to see how this rod would throw the junk. It responded to the task with authority. Very smooth, light in hand, powerfull and effortless.

    Other 2010 favorites, well I'm still lovin' my Loop Goran Andersen 6120 and Guideline LeCie 9126, but I would also include the Sage TCX 7126, Meiser MKS 13'6" 7/8, Meiser 7130 S-Series and Guideline LXPe Switch rod series.

    What were your favorites of 2010?

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