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Everything posted by Blake

  1. Cool thread and great pics! Wow!
  2. NIce pics. What kind of camera are you using for the underwater shots?
  3. Yep. The machined holes are different now and the drag knob looks different. But the drag system is still exactly the same.... <--poke--<
  4. X2 (Still fish a few large arbor reels tho). Also, I used to work at a shop a few years back (ok, 11 or 12 years back ) and the lamson rep came in to do a product meeting with the guys. He had a litespeed reel set up for a right hand retrieve and every time one of the guys would pull the line out to check out the drag, the plastic "gland cap" holding the clutch and conical drag in place would unscrew. I don't know if it was because it was a demo reel that was constantly taken apart, a problem with that specific reel or a design problem. But I knew then and there I would never own a lamson reel.
  5. I've never agreed with cutting the line. Leaving a hook in a fish's throat would only compound the problem and insure the fish's demise. If you don't believe me, pierce your uvula or tonsils, then try to swallow afterwards with that painful hunk of metal blocking your throat. The only time I've seen fish hooked deeply enough to even think about cutting the line was when the angler was using bait and leaving the rod in a holder. So unless you plan on keeping the fish you catch, don't use bait, and hang on to your rod (which is never bad advice anyway ) ....
  6. I picked up a 5 weight 12 foot spey rod to start using on the Bow not too long ago. I'm hoping to gain some proficiency with the smaller rod then move up to an 8 or 9 weight for steelhead. At least that's the plan anyway... Between work and runoff I haven't been able to use it yet but I can't wait to get on the river and try it out.
  7. Most Canadians wouldn't have a problem with being referred to as a canuck. At least I don't. Canucks fan is another story. Euww. I just threw up in my mouth a little...
  8. There are no aliens or ufo's. It was swamp gas or possibly light reflecting off of Venus. Now if you could just look this way please...
  9. Nice vid! Love the camera work!
  10. Went into Fish Tales to have another look at a sage 4200 and ended up walking out with one for my four weight. So I guess I'm ok with the spool retention system after all Geez how did that even happen?
  11. I've really enjoyed the content so far and it seems like a great site. Nice job from a site newbie!
  12. For fit, finish, workmanship and most importantly the warranty. And given your choices, I don't think you can beat the sage 4200. Just not sure I'm in love with the way the spool attaches with that o-ring system.
  13. Anyone happen to find a green springbrook fly box full of elk hair caddis, caddis pupae and caddis emergers? It would be a km-ish South of 22x on the West side at the bend and has, wait for it...., caddis written on the outside. I may have gotten a wee bit swept up in a hatch and snouts poking out of the water and misplaced it/lost it/dropped it in the river. Whoops. I was just playing around with my vest as I waited patiently (ok, not so patiently) for run-off to end and realized it was gone. Meh, I'm sure with the low water and slow flow this time of year it's safely resting at waters edge right where I left it...
  14. That Keith Stone is one Smooooth fly
  15. Maybe it was the CO's call on the barb. I've heard some will hand out a ticket if there's enough of the barb left to catch a piece of 8x. While others are quite a bit more liberal in their streamside rulings. Also, it does seem like it's common practice for most law enforcement not to fine for every offence they find someone committing. IE: speeding ticket yes, warning for the cracked windshield. Doesn't make it sit any better tho... Bunch of trout stealin, poachin :$*%&:!!!
  16. I'm the guy in the yellow hat. Tenth row far left
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