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Willshire59 last won the day on August 20 2013

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Baetis Nymph

Baetis Nymph (3/10)



  1. was using a green one on saturday under a hopper had a few take it. Its wroth a try
  2. I would check with fish tales and see if they have a open spot. Might be hard to find a trip on such short notice. The guides should be booked up cause this missed 20 some days from the flood but always wroth a phone call and a try. Ask for terry Johnson at fish tales he's a really good guide.
  3. i hope you all so have tried some sj worms they are a killer on the bow. I have had luck every year on a elk hair caddis size 12 hocked a 20 inch rainbow last saturday and all so have had luck on a size 20 adams as well.
  4. for nymphing triple rig nymphs. I use a nine foot 3x leader and then usually tie on 8 to ten inches of 8 pound test onto it. Then I tie either a swivel from that and start my rig from there, or if im going three big nymphs I start right from the 8 lb. I tie eye to eye with about 10 to 12 inches in between flys. If i want to use a smaller nymph I tie 6 inches after the swivel tie the first small nymph there then another pc of 8 lb 20 inches from the swivel and the second bigger fly there. Then end with a worm or a streamer on the end. Thats how i nymph and the other set up I use a lot is hopper dropper.
  5. Was there today nice shop fair prices think I will be back to this one.
  6. oh and your two hours to the turn off at may croft and thats from the north end of calgary.
  7. fished the oldman gap area on saturday ants where working fantastic had 20 some fish come up to say hello hocked any where from 12 to 14 of them. It was a great day river is in great shape.
  8. I have gone with terry johnson from fish tales twice and my parents have gone with him as well. Very good guide been guiding the bow for 17 years this season. Im plan on going again with him next year. Will do whatever it takes to get you to catch fish. I went with him this season a month after the big flood and we where hopper dropping all day and on the look out for rising fish. If he saw one he pulled over and where casting to it. HAd a good day fish count considering the flood that happened. Next year will be a great year for fishing. Always good after a major flood. Hope this helps a little
  9. I havent had any white fish since the flood have floated half a dozen times all trout.
  10. Its like the guides feel they have paying clients that they take priority and everyone else doesn't matter. Some of the guides are so bad on the water but some are great. I have taken trips with fish tales before and there guides are great. I wont name the shop that the guide was being a ass hole.
  11. Its not just bc guides that act bad on the river. I was floating two weeks ago from 22x to mac and coming to the island just after wouldn't it be nice. I was rowing and was on the left bank getting set up to fish the hole at the end of the island. There is a guide on the end of the island tying on his clients flys NOT even fishing just standing on shore. And this guide has the nerve to yell out thats crowding you know. I was more shocked he said that I didnt know what to do. Sorry to hear about your story Mayfly.
  12. total garbage I floated it yesterday from 22 to mac. As soon as we hit the high wood we fished until the first high bank cause it was still fishable till then and after that we rowed out to mac. It sucks. A lot of new holes from the flood in the lower section and cant fish them right now.
  13. Dynasty Auto Glass I have had good luck with. Alot of the guys from my shop use them great price came and got the jeep and within two hours the jeep was back at my shop with the new one installed.
  14. The fishing hole has a water proof contact cement that I have used couple of times and it works great. Just give everything a light sand and apply contact cement to both surfaces and let dry and stick to each other.. When I stuck them toghter I then clamped it over night was good to go and that was last season.
  15. 22x is open and so is police mans flats. Not a lot of parking at police but usable is what I hear.
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