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Posts posted by regdunlop

  1. Just got back last night from an 11 day trip. We fished 12 different streams. Caught fish in every one of them. Didn't see another person fishing the entire time. Camped on the river every night. Here's a sampling of pics.





  2. Metallica on their "Heavy S#&t" tour in the mid 90's at the old Molson Park in Barrie Ontario. I somehow got a job being a runner for them during the day and had a back stage pass during the whole thing. I could literally go anywhere I wanted. I remember watching Kirk hammer out the rifs during "One" from about 10 feet away. Got to hang out with the band afterwards. I didn't have anything for them to sign autographs on so I went to their dressing room and ripped the "Metallica" sign off the door and had them sign that. It will be tough to beat that concert for me!

  3. All GREAT pics, but hands down Reg's of the fish taking the fly in the lake is the BEST. In fact, one of the best I've seen anywhere.


    Thanks for the nice words bloom. It was a lucky shot ;)

    Great photos everyone. Keep them coming!

  4. Wow, great picture Reg. Would you mind if I keep a copy for myself. Strictly for me, I won't post it or share it. I might use it for a background or screensaver, but that's it.


    MTB, you can keep a copy for sure. PM sent.

  5. till you get mercury posioning


    Yeah, hopefully karma will get these guys! It's a bit like the illegal harvesting of shark fins for shark fin soup. I've heard that the toxins in the fins get concentrated many times over in the making of the soup, so the very people who are driving the market are probably killing themselves in the process. Go watch the movie Shark Water if you want to get really mad and depressed!

  6. Real happy thread here! :o

    There is a carcass just like that deer in the Livingston as well right now. I keep catching trout from the pool its in though so it doesn't bother me that much!

    And here is a picture of another carcass on the Bow near Canmore that I found in the spring.

    Elk maybe?



    Wow! Using an ATV responsibly on designated trails is one thing. But I honestly don't see the enjoyment in ripping around in your 4x4 truck knowing that you are going to get stuck and then having to winch and work your butt off getting the thing out of the mud. Then I am sure these guys have to go home and spend money and time fixing whatever they broke while driving around and destroying the land. Weird if you ask me.


    But if you ask one of those guys, they might think spending hours tying feathers to a hook and then hiking for hours to catch a 10in cutt is weird too.

  8. hey just wondering if anybody has done some back country hiking into rarely fished waters? i was thinking about picking up some topo maps and maybe trying to find some stuff, let me know if anyone has done this before or would be interested in maybe finding some untapped waters. thanks


    I'd be up for finding some back country waters as well. Some good maps are put out by GemTrek (the yellow and blue ones). Maps are topographic and fairly waterproof, with all official trails depicted. they have maps to cover most of the rocky mountains. Mountain Equipment CO-OP has them. I find that these used with the backcountry mapbooks give me all the info I need to go "hunting" for cutty streams. PM me if you want to head out sometime, I'm always looking for someone to go with.

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