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Posts posted by regdunlop

  1. I use a chevy venture right now, and it gets the job done but i am thinking next summer might look into one of these

    Mitsubishi Delica



    I just bought a Delica this week. It is being shipped to Calgary in the next few days. Can't wait to pimp it out for camping! If anyone is interested I can put you in touch with a guy in Vancouver that imports them and does a great job getting them serivced and complianced.

  2. 3 & 6 were what I started with and honestly they should cover most situations (pike and bigger bulls aside). But then I started buliding (er assembling) rods :blink: and now I have:

    6'6" 2wt

    8'6" 3wt (two of them actually)

    9'0" 4wt (6 piece)

    9'0' 5wt

    9'0" 6wt

    And the collection is always growing.

    Stupid stupid habit. DO NOT start building your own rods!!!!!!!

  3. I have sirius and it's great. Awesome for road trips and when I'm booting around / camping on the backroads. I have no problem with having to paying for it. My only problem is that when I signed up they had all the NHL games, and then this year XM got the NHL contract :angry:. That pissed me off quite a bit. And they tried to make up for it by having a daily 2 hour hockey night in canada talk show on weekdays. Pretty weak in my opinion.

  4. Fished there a couple of times last summer. On the way in from Sunshine camp at Og Lake and try there. There may be some ice still. Cerulean is good and reasonably shelterd from the SW wind. Enjoy the bugs!


    Thanks David, I will try og lake for sure.


    Troutlover, I will definately let you know how it goes before your trip in August.

  5. Thanks for the comments everyone. We are going in from the Sunshine side. I've gone part way from the Bryant creek side and I agree it's pretty boring.

    Unfortunately we are stuck with going in early July, but I've done 14 day canoe trips northern Ontario in May, and also in barren lands NWT / Nunavut so we know how to deal with the bugs :blink: . It definately would be better to go in August though I'm sure.


    Thanks again for the recommendations. This is why I love this website. So much great info!

  6. I'll answer that...Just read the reply above a little closer. :wacko: Yup 100 bucks...Phoned maptown as well...The guy said that disc is about the best bang for your buck.

    Thanx for the Info RegDunlop.



    Yep, 100 bucks for all the maps covering the area in 1:250 000 as well as 1:50 000. It would cost thousands to try to buy them all in paper format! Definately best bang for your buck.

  7. If you have $100 burning a hole in your pocket I suggest you get the digital topos down at maptown. One DVD covers all of SW alberta and SE BC. If you have a GPS that you can connect to your computer it will track your movement on the topos in real time. Great for driving up and down fire roads looking for places to climb in and out of canyons. You can also use them to set waypoints on your GPS before heading out for the day. The online topos are great, but of no help when you are out in the bush!

  8. Fishtales is your best bet. Ask for Wayne. Super knowledgeable and helpful when getting started. I would recommend the building course that Wayne teaches at the shop too. And I agree with the previous posts about Dan Craft. My first build was a dan craft...man is that thing sweet!

  9. Gary,

    I fished the Crow today and noticed what looked like some track maintenance going on. Two engines and about 6 odd looking railcars going really slow on the tracks in both directions. This was the only rail traffic of the day as far as I could tell. Do you know if this is in response to the minor derail from last week?

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