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Posts posted by regdunlop

  1. That's pretty cool. What software is that?

    Thanks. It was done using Photoshop CS with a pretty slow process of framing, sizing, and rotating each image then transferring to the black background. Google "action central" for some cool framing actions that can be done with photoshop.

  2. I have a question about these types of flys im new fly fishing. So how would you fish this fly?

    Do a search on this site for an article on chironomid fishing techniques by MissinTheBow. Great info. Other info can be found if you Google Phil Rowley and / or Brian Chan, they have excellent articles on stillwater fishing techniques.

  3. The Oldman right at the 22 bridge is good. And the highwood has been getting lots of threads on this forum. Do a search and you will find lots of info. I would say head into the forest reserve but it is closed right now due to fire danger. Lots of rain today, if we are lucky it will open up again soon. Keep checking before your trip.

    Tight lines.

  4. You captured some excellent colours. What camera do you use?



    Some are with my digital SLR (Canon 10D)

    Some are with my Fuji Finpix F30 (great little camera until I dropped it on the trip) :angry:

    And the rest are with a P&S Sanyo I think.

  5. So you had to Bring Cash. Did you have a camper or Wigwam?


    Ha! Nice try :lol:

    To answer your question though we use an old converted Suburban for a "camper". It's not pretty but it gets the job done.

    We call it the Trout Slayer:



  6. Are you keeping the where part a secret?


    Ha! Yes, the where part is a secret. Sorry but I would get my a$% kicked if I told everyone the locations. But I will tell you that as an Albertan it cost me 21 bucks a day to get into those fish. Plus a GPS, linked with topos on my laptop, some serious hand over fist climbing up and down canyon walls, and some dangerous crossings up to our nipples. Oh, and the beer is more expensive there :lol: But it was worth every penny, and every minute!

  7. Thanks for the comments guys. This trip proved to me that I don't need to spend tons of money on vacations outside of the country. We truly live in the best place in the world. Here's some more pics for those that are interested.











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