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About KevinC

  • Birthday 01/01/1979

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  • Location
    On the edge

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Chironomid (2/10)



  1. Iceshanty.com is another great icefishing resource. Check out the Alberta forum.
  2. Got to the bottom of it, they are having issues with Chrome and Safari. They do have a work around, tickets obtained!
  3. It would be interesting to know why the City is trumping the Federal ruling. We were not allowed to have powerboats for rescue (as per OHS) on the river for several past and ongoing bridge projects being completed over the bow and elbow rivers. The only way we could have a power boat was to pay CPS $900 an hour. The company which I am no longer with was not willing to push the issue, basically putting in other measures and hoping they were effective enough to prevent someone from falling in.
  4. Trying to buy tickets to the IF4 but the website does not let me complete the checkout process. My info is up to date and correct on both Ticket River and Paypal so I am a little confused. Anyone else having any issue with this?
  5. Work and family commitments have kept me away so far, but tomorrow wild horses wont keep me away!
  6. I changed mine out this past summer. Used electrical tape to join the two ends before pulling the new one through. i picked up a rope from CT which had a flemish eye built in. This makes it a nice connection for attaching to the anchor or a shackle when using a pulley.
  7. Its great that there are those of us that are willing to call these poachers in, but we should never put ourselves in danger to do it. Curious how long he was recording before he was assulted. What kind of language was also exchanged?
  8. She bought a WIN card and a license 4 years ago when we first came to AB. Win card never showed up and she never thought of following up about it. She needed a license for a company sponsered event this past spring and they didnt even have a record of the WIN card we had purchased a few years earlier. So of course we bought another one in May, and it is still a no show. Correct me if I am wrong but I am pretty sure WIN cards stay valid for 5 years even if you dont buy a license every year.
  9. At least you got yours. My gf had to buy a second one, after the first one never showed and they had no record of her buying it. Second one bought in May, still hasnt showed.
  10. It seems to be a much better layout in the mobile version as well.
  11. Although some of this I am sure is just venting, but it is good to read as I am planning a drift boat purchase and will always do my best to respect others on the river. Some of it seems like it should be common sense however in my line of work i have learned this does not exist. Anyone looking for an apprentice?
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