Hello forum members.
This is my first cast into the Fly Fish Calgary forum pool so I hope it’s a good one…
I’ve been sitting on my duff for too long and a couple fishing trips this summer to some sweet mountain streams awoke me from my dormancy.
Why, I asked myself, do you not go out more often when you enjoy this sport so much? Well, I told my self, that’s going to change and I have resolved to venture back to the waters of the many fine streams, rivers and lakes this province and country have to offer.
Time has now come for me to again assault the Bow River. Too long have the fish of this waterway been free from the scourge of my splashing about and my poetic cursing of the fish gods. Soon they will feel my wrath.
So too will this forum have to suffer from my incessant inquiries into even the most basic of techniques. Your patience will be worn thin from my warped sense of humour, bad grammar and my seemingly god given gift of thread killing.
But I don’t care because I am going fishing again.
I have just spent an obscene amount of money on a rod and reel for use on the Bow and Crows nest Rivers because I am obviously compensating for something… (skill) So come this spring when you see some fool on the river with brand new gear making a compleat fool of himself but sporting a scat eating grin … come say hi but watch out for errant casts because I catch everything but fish on the Bow River
Thanks to the folks at Fish Tales for helping out with my gear selection.
I look forward to contributing to this forum, dusting off my old fly tying kit and sharing Flies and Lies with all of you. Some of you I recognize from other forums like AO (Timo) and CGP(Baddawg)
How long till spring?