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Everything posted by Timo

  1. More lucrative to collect discarded beer and pop cans along the ditches me thinks.
  2. I can't wait to take out my new Sage TCX it will increase my line speed, accuracy,distance and hook setting and is almost impervious to breakage. You guys are missing the point! Lol this video makes me want to return it. I am not even going to mention my reel... and no I do not speak with an accent but my drag can stop a small truck going 20 mph. Cleary I need help lol and this video has made me realise this fact.
  3. Not in order 1. Start fishing the Bow more 2. Go for Bonefish on the fly 3. Start tying again...(where is my vice?) 4. Update all of my gear (3/4 of the way there) 5. Take way more fishing photos 6. Meet more great and knowledgeable fisherman 7. Catch a bigger Bull Trout 8. Continue learning 9. Catch Steelhead on the fly 10.Quit posting about all of this and get out doing it. Cheers Oh yeah 1 more... Lose weight
  4. Ole Faithful I was just reminiscing on my old reliable fly rod and reel that one day may need replacement. It is a 4pc Orvis Rocky Mountain 8 ‘3” 4 weight that I bought in 1990 -92. My memory fails me here on the exact year. It was for me quite the step up from the cheap starter rod set up I began with. I bought it with an Orvis Madison reel at Country Pleasures in Willow Park from Jim McLennan. For me and my budget at that time it was quite the stretch and I was the proud papa of this new fancy rod that came in an aluminum tube and had a 25 year guarantee. This rod and reel set up has been with me through thick and thin. When it comes out of its tube and sock I hold it next to my cheek and mutter oh Billy, Billy just like Ted Knight does to his putter in Caddyshack. It has been with me to Rainy Ridge on at least 4 occasions successfully presenting my flies to Golden trout. It has sojourned to BC for bass Walked along with me in Wiaprous fishing brook trout from the beaver dams and tiny creeks. Vermillion lakes and Bourgeau have fallen to its charms Many areas of water from Beaver Mines to Rainy ridge have seen its presence. The same goes to all the fine foothill streams and ponds. It has broken once and been repaired by Orvis. Recently this summer it caught the Rocky Mountain Gutthroat. (My name for a fish caught in a special way) See Pics. I guess the reason I am posting this is that I have purchased another rod and reel set up and I feel guilty that Ole Faithful will have to sit in the truck more as I play with a new set up, and my post count is pathetically low so I will post just about anything to get rid of my newbie status. Anyhow here are a few recent pictures. If you have any Ole Faithful rod stories why not share them. This stick has been with me for almost 25 years! Heck the (lifetime) guarantee is almost up. Posing for pictures Wear and tear The Rocky Mountain Gutthroat Thanks for putting up with my reminiscing.
  5. That is some nice footage there to be sure. Nice find! That reminds me I should check my lotto tickets because if I win… Southern Hemisphere here I come. Crap I did not win. It looks like it is back to youtube with me.
  6. Thanks for posting that. It's always great to see your fishing adventures! Cheers Tim
  7. That's easy... secure fly rod to a bush on the bank. Run along the bank past the area where your steel head lies. Run into river like a mad Samsquatch chasing your steelhead back into open waters, retrieve rod and reel in. It works for me ... honest
  8. I agree ban the new guy... Hey wait a sec that's me. Boris good to hear from you!
  9. Hello forum members. This is my first cast into the Fly Fish Calgary forum pool so I hope it’s a good one… I’ve been sitting on my duff for too long and a couple fishing trips this summer to some sweet mountain streams awoke me from my dormancy. Why, I asked myself, do you not go out more often when you enjoy this sport so much? Well, I told my self, that’s going to change and I have resolved to venture back to the waters of the many fine streams, rivers and lakes this province and country have to offer. Time has now come for me to again assault the Bow River. Too long have the fish of this waterway been free from the scourge of my splashing about and my poetic cursing of the fish gods. Soon they will feel my wrath. So too will this forum have to suffer from my incessant inquiries into even the most basic of techniques. Your patience will be worn thin from my warped sense of humour, bad grammar and my seemingly god given gift of thread killing. But I don’t care because I am going fishing again. I have just spent an obscene amount of money on a rod and reel for use on the Bow and Crows nest Rivers because I am obviously compensating for something… (skill) So come this spring when you see some fool on the river with brand new gear making a compleat fool of himself but sporting a scat eating grin … come say hi but watch out for errant casts because I catch everything but fish on the Bow River Thanks to the folks at Fish Tales for helping out with my gear selection. I look forward to contributing to this forum, dusting off my old fly tying kit and sharing Flies and Lies with all of you. Some of you I recognize from other forums like AO (Timo) and CGP(Baddawg) Cheers Tim How long till spring?
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