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Chironomid (2/10)



  1. look on ebay for cobras..good deals to be had..
  2. i am from the islands mon and am kinda and expert as being exposed to it from a early age.. hot sauce is the ketchup of the jamacia...I have at least 14 different kinds in my home right now and i can tell you to stay away from the kimic sauces(rear fear, death,insanity etc) the only thing they are doing is making it as hot as possible and the think that taste good...nooda.. Bajan and Nada and anything from a island brand is good.. stay away from stuff made in san antiono.....A friend when to belize and came back with grapefruit and tangerine habenro sauce both good and taste on fish...there is a great guy in the flea market on ogden rd.. lots of choice and a good price and he knows his stuff..jon
  3. Hi i need about 150 feet of 4 foot chainlink fence installed. i was wondering if anyone knows a good deal fence guy that does a good job? i also live in ogden and live on bedrock and not a landfill house so it cost me $10 bucks more a hole i was told by a couple of contractors, does this sound fair?bjj
  4. Howdy, down from the stampede there a nice pool, even caught a few nice ones all early morning, not rafternoon..but be careful around there in the morning the creatures of the night roam them bushes.
  5. Buy the one that looks nice and is cool like i did, then buy the one that works nice and is right for you...
  6. Hi there, I think that chris is a friend of mine from work a longtime ago... does his last name ryme with Telus... and if so is he on the board....
  7. I found the "holy grail" of fresh fruit markets...It's DJ fresh fruit market on 42ave and 11st se...there prices are wonderful and it's a fairly big market with fresh and new produce all the time...7 varietys of plum last time i was there... i luv plums...lots of locally grown stuff(western canada) and there is a famous burger bus in the same parking lot that has great bus fries and burgers.. allways lines up at lunch.. only downfall is the close for 4 months.....
  8. looks like a liquor and cheeseburger party gone wrong......or a stag in the bush....
  9. dozen of each please with instructions for a dumb guy.......
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