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Posts posted by Gaffer

  1. Mike, Are you going to build a stitch & glue or a framed boat?


    I dont think you will find a nicer boat than those built by Montana Boat Builders. If you are building a S&G I think their skiff would be idea for the Bow. They also sell plans which is a HUGE help.



  2. Rod storage for 10' rods, oversize cup holders. Umbrella stand ;)


    I am also not a fan of bench seats in the front & back of the boat. I prefer a post mounted seat to allow more foot room. Big feet plus wading boots makes for a tight fit.


    If you want to borrow Roger Fletcher's book let me know. It has some plans in the book for a couple of different boats. http://www.riverstouch.com/



  3. I'll have to remember to call them that, its a good name for em. It's been working well for me some days but I am ditching the rubber legs and going to go back to tying white biots on the side. Rubber legs are always getting stuck around the hook bend anyway...Not to mention I find the biots give a real professional look.




    Never used turkey quill but looking at the pic it looks like it has the same properties as pheasant tail. Is there a big difference when comparing the 2?


    I have used pheasant tail as well for the shell back also, since I did not have any turkey quills in black. Same effect. I dont know that it matters as much what you use. I've tried swiss straw, midge flex, & foam.




  4. This one I tied just looking at a pic of a boatmen swarm I took the other day. Now looking at the pic I know I need to add a second biot to really make the wing casing really come out. Real easy tie too, just some weighted wire, hares dubbing and a goose biot




    You can also use a piece of turkey quill in a colour of your choosing in place of the biot. A mottled oak colour makes a nice match for the pattern on the boat man.


    Kinda like this




    I've been adding a shell back of clear UV epoxy on top of the quill like this (not my pic)








  5. That is not bad for a beginners kit. I usually tell people to stay away from kits, namely those sold in places like crappy tire etc.


    At ~$25 it seems to be a good selection of items if you are not sure if you want to make a big investment in materials.



  6. Was playing golf one day, there are houses on the golf course, on 18 there was a backyard party going at a house just left of the green. All of a suudden we here "hey, if you sink that putt I'll show you my tits" you've never seen 4 guys grind over puts like that before lol, nobody sunk their putt :$*%&:. So we shook hands and walk off the green, got in our carts and as we drove past the party 4 girls ran down to the fence and one of them ripped off her shirt and let the big dogs eat! We came to the conclusion that we were going to seee them anyways regardless of the putt not going in lol! So here it is, if your going to casually float the bow and trash the place while your at it, you could at least give the boys a show on your by :D


    Dear Penthouse Forum....




  7. I used to have a chest pack and like bhurt, found it hurt my back as it pulled on my neck. I also didnt like having in in front of me because it made it harder to see my feet if I was walking in a trick spot.


    I since changed to the Simms Headwater waist pack. It can be worn as a waist pack, but the strap is long enough to be worn as a sling pack with waist belt, chest pack, or just a waist belt. Simms Headwater Pack


    It is thick and padded enough to provide some back support which I like. Simms has a couple of different packs that do the same.



  8. Thanks i'll take a read.


    So how does one get a nymph or emerger or nymph to stay just under the surface. Sorry this site is just a lot faster than me struggling via google to find the right answers. Do you need a specific leader?


    There are a couple of ways to fish emergers. I use an fly matching the adult of the emergers, or a larger highly bouyant fly that you can see. Tie the emerger to the bend of the top fly with a fine flouro section of line so it sinks below the top fly.


    Use the top fly like an indicator. When it goes under, hit it.


    You can also cast an indicator with your emerger flies below it.




  9. My take on this,Current is going to pull your rig out of the zone so weighted stuff gets in there and will stay a little longer i find anyway.


    As well, natural food items are not connected to a fly line that has drag, bouyancy etc. to take the fly out of the feeding zone. A natural food item will likely churn around in any current, get driven up and down through the pool and not dragged downstream.


    I also think that for many of us have the urge to pull out of a deep pool too early, especially when nymphing.


    Repitition & weight is the key to getting your gear down into plung pools. Repeat casting to find out the upstream location that will drag your flies to the bottom of the target pool is the key.



  10. I have had bad luck with fishing & technology lately.


    In May I fell in the river & my Torch was in my bag, next to the ziplocs and got wet. It worked after being dried out, but was still a little wonky.


    Last week we were picking up my buddies boat and I opened the back door to get the hitch ball and his iPad jumped to its death on the concrete. It was in the case, but the case was open and it landed open, facedown. End result, smashed screen. Talk about a bad way to start the day.


    In my last job I could get away with saying I was in the field, benefits of being a biologist. My employer even bought me new waders for the field work. I'm not sure it will fly in my new job. I cant see any reason for a business anyalyst to be standing in a river.


    I always bring my phone with me, but rarely have it on. How else could my wife call/text me to tell me I said I would be home 3-4 hours ago?



  11. Did they say anything about brokerage fees? Cause that might kill you right there, i will not ship UPS international as they always kill me with brokerage


    the options were USPS and FedEx, no UPS which is good. I have taken it in the brown from UPS before, although it has been better lately. I think they have done away with $50 fee to collect $5.00 in duty.


    I'll update this thread when it gets here as to what

    y experience was.




  12. I just ordered some simms water bottles from them yesterday. They do ship to Canada.


    3 aluminum bottles to Calgary was $7.35 via USPS. If I wanted FedEx it would have been $14.50.


    They do post the deal until it is gone, but often the same deal will come up on a couple of days.




  13. What did the combo cost you Andrew? Does it meet expectations?


    I did not buy the reel, although I am thinking about it if I keep the rod. As for the price, I got it through a friend, but retail it about $250 I think.


    The rod is a little lighter in the tip than I am used to, but I am sure it will make a great dry fly / streamer rod. I nymphed with it for a while the other day and I have to say that it is not really suited to that. It would need a little more lifting power for that application.


    Rods are a matter of personal preference. I really want to like it, but if I were buying this as my only rod I would look to another rod.


    If I decide not to keep the rod it will be in the classified section here.






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