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Everything posted by Austin

  1. Hey everyone i went up to Running Rain Lake today at 7:30 got their at about 9:30 and started throwing some caddis on top and had no luck for 20 minutes. Then some of my buddys saw some cutthroats in the water clear as day looking for food after that long winter and i got over their and started throwing some caddis on top when my hook got stuck in one of the pine tree's and broke off with my hook and a foot of my leader went with it. So that's when i decided to throw a indicator with a split shot and a chronomid on then that's when 4 cuttthroats started checking out the chronomid for a a minute or so then left. They came back 2 minutes later and the biggest one out of all of them which was 12 or 13 inches took it and decided he wanted to fight. I got him in and got the hook out and took a couple pictures that i was not able to get on here but at the end of the day i caught 6 cutthroats and left the lake as a really happy man. All of the cutthroats where a decent size around 10 , 11 inches and it's espicially a good place to go to hangout catch some fish and relax , i must have saw about 25 in the water clear as day till 2:00 then that's when we decided to head out. Tight lines , Austin
  2. Never fished it dude im only 14 so i haven't been able to get out and fish right now the rivers suck right now do to run off and all the snow but i will get out soon. The evenings is when it's good though from 7:00 till dark is the best fishing. I have caught alot in the evening where ever i go. I haven't caught a fish since june but you just have to find them. Austin, Tight lines
  3. Where is this at ?
  4. I was wondering what the best net is. And how much it costs ? And if you can replace your netting for your net ? And if you can replace it how much it costs ? Because i have one that has rips in it and there starting to get bigger as i fish and land fish in it.
  5. It's over for the Sharks. And Vancouver is going to kill either Tampa Bay or Boston in the finals for the cup but probably the bears will come into the finals and the Canucks will take there bears down for the cup.
  6. That's sick i remember me catching my first fish and it was a pike im only 14 so i still remember. But i didn't do it fly fishing like he did nice work buddy.
  7. Try Sibbald it has small fish and some big ones they stock it quite a lot and a lot of kids go there for some fun fishing. You catch them with in 2 minutes. Try it
  8. Yea they are pretty fun little toys. I was thinking of buying one but you will use them and then it will just sit there. Ya but i saw them at wholesale sports some guy was sitting there casting it in the fly shop. He said it was 40 bucks.
  9. Poison them. Go get poison stuff from home depot or rona and places like that. Or take the weed waker or lawn mower and that should kill them buggers
  10. Take a hose and drowned it. Or go to home depot or something and get poison for insects or weeds and pour it on the hill and it should kill them with in 2 minutes then take a shovel and shovel the hill out of your yard that will do the job. AND KILL THE QUEEN ANT !
  11. Hey i was wondering how you get a pic of you or anything under your name when you reply to a topic ? When you reply to a topic and in the top left hand corner where your name is how do you get a pic below it of you or a fish or something you want ?
  12. Nice fish. Where in Mexico did you go to fish ?
  13. Wholesale sports or bass pro shops ?
  14. Habs suck go Canucks. Cheer for a team that will actually have a chance at the cup.
  15. So have i but i just want the snow to leave already it's April not December
  16. I don't know about you guys but this weather in Calgary sucks all we get is snow snow and more snow and there has not been much nice weather here yet and we need some.Hopefully we have a long summer this year to fish or else i will for sure be mad. Who here Agrees with me if you do reply and tell me your feelings about Calgary's weather. Thanks
  17. Dang that's the easiest fishing i have seen in my life.
  18. I love WFN but unfortunetly i don't have it anymore. And yes i have lost fish before jumping out of the air. Good technique
  19. Nice work man Im with you there we should be helping and saving our mountain streams. People need to recognize that
  20. I have three questions about fly jackets and waders Is anybody's fly jacket bulky on them when they fish with it on ? And does it match your waders ? And does it have to match with your waders ?
  21. Probably about 100 bucks to 300 bucks not sure though.
  22. Nice fish man, beautiful rainbows
  23. Yea i have never sharpened my hooks and they seem to do just fine but i should probably look into getting them sharpened soon. I have actually never thought of sharpening my hooks for some reason.
  24. Anybody got any tips on tying flies or making them or where to get your material ? And does it cost less to make your own flies or buy them ? And how much does it usually cost to get your material ?
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